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What do you guys think about this amateur declaration by the frustrated thugs in Mog

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Resolution by members of the Parliament in Mogadishu


Reference to our resolution which dated on 15 November and the resolution issuied from our counterpart in Jowhar on 26 November 2005, which aimed to open direct negotiations between Transitional Federal Instititions .


Recongnizing the dire need of our people and our country to a functioning government that can provide necessary services and Security protection to its citizens;


After debating and deliberating on the issue, 102 members of the Parliament in Mogadishu have convened their regular session at Sahafi Hotel, Mogadishu, on November 29th 2005, and resolve by majority vote of 95 members for the following:-


§ To undertake in direct negotiations process, in one location, for the resolution of all diffirences between the Transitional Federal Insititutions (TFIs). (other technical aspects of the negotiations, members of the committees, its modulaties will be determined, along with the other part (TFI-Jowhar)


§ To undertake the Negotiations with them in Mogadihsu as it is the captial city and as it indicated in the transitional charter, and it is suitalbe for every one according to us, if our brothers in Jowhar agree with us, otherwise to hold the negotiations in Kismayo City. (we recommend them to choice one of the suitable city to them Mogadihsu or Kismayo, in order to save the initiative and to bringging togher the Transitional Federal Instititions (TFIs).


§ To launch the negotiations between the TFI on 25th of December.


§ To invite the international community (UN, USA, EU, LAS etc), to serve an observing role if the two parities mutually agreed upon.


§ To form a special committee to supervise transparently the financial requirment of the negotiations, which consist from (Mogadishu + Jowhar + third party) the members will be determined, along with the other part (TFI-Jowhar).


Finally the members of the Parliament in Mogadishu:


§ Call upon the president H. E. Abdilahi Yusuf and all other members of the Parliament, to embrace this initiative with honesty and in good faith for the goodness of our people and our country.


§ Call upon Somali people in ever where to support this initiative, for the good will of our people and our country.


§ Call upon the Internartional Community to continue their support to the political process of Somalia by providing necessary political, financial and technical support, so to achieve effective and fuctioning Somali Government.

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Utterly and totally incompetence.


Let them suffer! No talks with thugs unless they remove the illegal roadblocks.


§ Call upon the president H. E. Abdilahi Yusuf and all other members of the Parliament, to
embrace this initiative
and in
good faith
for the
of our
people and our country

Yeah, "embrace this initiative with honesty and in good faith for the goodness of our people and our country."

Laughable thugs

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