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Battles rage - War broke out: This time its Eritrea v Djibouti

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Originally posted by Kashafa:

quote: one nation attacking another nation provocatively is reckless and scary to say the least, we'll wait and see what the UN has to say about this open aggression...


Sweet Irony. War Rag'gu qaar-kees caqli-gaabana .

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Dagaal Ka Dhex Qarxay Djibouti Iyo Eratrea Waraysi



Madaxweynaha Djibouti Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle oo ka hadlay dagaalka dhexmaraya waddankiisa iyo Eritrea ayaa sheegay inay dhawr jeer u digeen oo ay joogi waayeen.


Wararka ka imanaya waddanka Djibouti ayaa sheegaya in saddex askari la dilay, 20 kalena la dhaawacay, kadib markii uu dagaal culus xuduuda ku dhexmaray ciidamada Djibouti iyo ciidamada Eratrea.

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Djibouti could be taken in a day,Eritrea fought with Yemen, Ethiopia and now Djibouti.


Somalis should be there to help their brothers :D

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The little dictator has crossed the line once again, when will the good people of Ereteria get rid of this warmonger. Djibouti has major power allies and has well trianed and well equipped army so Ereteria can not much except few skirmishes at the border.

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All those "liberators" clowns who cower under Afewraki and their supporters must be shaking their heads today.


This little man just attacked a peacefull country for no reason and was smacked down.


Aferwarki and his clan Jihadi's are in lymbo.

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Kashafa is killing TFG-dabadhilifs, amxaaro la-ckeys on SOL bidix iyo midig, galab iyo habeen with well chosen words. Sometimes, when I read his reponses to poorly expressed, intellectually empty rants, that have become the trademark of the da-dhilif supporters, I can't help but feel sorry for the dab-odhlif bunch who portray the behaviour of a mentally retarded baboon.


Kashafa, bro, your likes (Isseh, Xiin, Xoogsade et al) would do somalia/somalis good if you contributed to the article sections of wardheere, Hiiran and Awdalnews network. Don't waste your time on arguing with tribal bigots who support the murders of children and women.

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Loool...they are crying about Eritrea's little border skirmishes when we have the biggest warmonger in our own capital.

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