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Who is against the Blue flag?

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All of the following provinces support the blue flag.

Bay, Bakol, Gedo

Jubada Hoose, Jubbada Dhexe

Shabeelada hoose, Shabeelada dhexe

Sool, Sanaag, Cayn, Awdal

Bari, Mudug, Nugaal, Galguduud

Hiiraan, Banaadir, etc etc


Yaa diidan?


Waqooyi galbeed, 1/2 Togdheer


Qabiil ahaan Somalidu waxay u qaybsantaa 4.5.


the block, the block and the block and the 0.5 fully see the Blue flag as their flag.


The majority of the constituents of the block agree with the blue flag. There is only one clan in this block who has an issue. And even among this clan, there are signs a sizeable number will be fine to be under the blue flag.


Markaa wadanka dhan ma jilib cadhooday ayaa loo jarjaraa?


[ July 19, 2010, 07:07 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:


Markaa wadanka dhan ma jilib cadhooday ayaa loo jarjaraa?



waa su'aal ka da weyn Odka.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

All of the following provinces support the blue flag.

Bay, Bakol, Gedo

Jubada Hoose, Jubbada Dhexe

Shabeelada hoose, Shabeelada dhexe

Sool, Sanaag, Cayn, Awdal

Bari, Mudug, Nugaal, Galguduud

Hiiraan, Banaadir, etc etc


Yaa diidan?

Waxaa diidan: Somaliland & Al Shabaab.

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^^Waa su'aal da waynoo madaxaa daalinaysee miyaa.


If the situation in Somalia continues the way its now danbaa loo kalatagi!

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dalkoodii oo dhan ba burburay , shacabkoodi ma qaxayaa markasey calan ka sheekeynayan , wa ayaan darro war calankan aad sheegeysid alshabaab baba xaraan ka dhigtay

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Adigaan taariikhda akhriyine, civil war meel kasta wuu ka dhacaa. Somalia way soo laaban doontaa, much stronger.


Laakin run hadii laga hadlo, 97% of Somali's like the blue flag. Hal reer unbaa diidan. That is a fact. I know it is not an easy one to take for some.


Showqi, Alshabab waa runtaa waa dad liita. Laakiin xitaa kuwaa ayaa madax u ah? :D:D

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Bay, Bakol, Gedo

Jubada Hoose, Jubbada Dhexe

Shabeelada hoose, Shabeelada dhexe

Sool, Sanaag, Cayn, Awdal

Bari, Mudug, Nugaal, Galguduud

Hiiraan, Banaadir, etc etc

I dont wanna burst your bubble awoowe but your reality of unionism in Somalia regions is exegarrated and far fetched at best for some regions in the North.


Awdal i would predict would not mind Somalia rule atleast as far as the older people as concerned since their case for seperation is not built upon clan aggrievances and their stake it is also realized as miniscule and historically unimportant to fight for.

But as far as the recent elections which occured the voting registrations and casting overwhelmingly came from the younger backgrounds of the people in the region, this is an example of the excessive brainwashing they have received.

The long period of rule by the neighbouring clan created a new realization of seperation and difference and apprehended their own existance in the role of the old Somali republic and created a new one to fight for. So their reality is different and sadly is not what it should be.

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Bay , Bakool, Jubbada Hoose, Gedo = Al shabab


Sanaag - minus dhahar areas, Togdheer, Waqooyi Galbeed, Awdal, Saxiil, Sool - all for Somaliland

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:



Adigaan taariikhda akhriyine, civil war meel kasta wuu ka dhacaa. Somalia way soo laaban doontaa, much stronger.


Laakin run hadii laga hadlo, 97% of Somali's like the blue flag. Hal reer unbaa diidan. That is a fact. I know it is not an easy one to take for some.


Showqi, Alshabab waa runtaa waa dad liita. Laakiin xitaa kuwaa ayaa madax u ah?

sxb calanka bluega hadaad adigu ka so ceshaneysid alshabaab then do your thing my friend anugu ma aniga ka hor tagaan inad calankaga la so noqotiid :D

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Abti, I thaught you supported this flag?

And that ONLF was fighting for indepedence, even in their constitution they sey they want to become an independant country. nothing about blue flags in the ONLF archives.




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^ Forgive A&T for he does not know the meaning behind the blue flag. No wonder Faroole calls the likes of him "Somali-speaking Ethiopians". :D

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And I think some french speeking Somali's would mind. They have also their own flag?


Or have you given up on the other Somali's terrotories? djibouti_flag_tshirt-p235322459279966735

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