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Take a rest, will you? Have a kitkat!

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Enough talk for the last few years. Ha la kala nasto please. Waaba la isku xiiqay sidii la isugu qeeylinayey.


Kit kat time.

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war halkee lugu kala nasan imikay ugu fiicantahay somalia iyo siyaasadeedii

Diin ba la isku dilaya jabhada cusub dagaalo cusub sh dalxiis 1 iyo dhowr bilood ba oo hadhay madaxweyne cusub ba la soo dooranaya , Doorashadii dalka somaliland baa soo dhow

halkee lugu kala nassan sxb wa markay ugu fiicantahay imika.

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^Oodweyne, as usual adeer, new conpiracy theories ayaad falkinaysaa. And whatever the truth to your analysis, I can't say that I didn't like your readinf between the lines skill. How Xiinfaniin and HornAfrique ended up in a Kit Kat time comment demonstrates the prowess of your political curiosity. I think you just can't help see things as they appear on the screen. You somehow have to either romanticise it or villify it. Brilliant talent. :D

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^Sidaan yeelo ka yeel, JB. Be selective, very selective...dhaga-ad aygna yeelo. :D


Hadda bal aan kala nasano.


Anigu walaahi waan ka nastey politics-ku waayadan. Maskaxdaa kuu dageysa kolkaad mute-ka taabatid.


Waxaa la galay bil Soon ee baal armaan kala nasanaa akhyaarta? :D

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^ Taangiga in la buuxiyo markaa ma ahan hadii jimicsi ka danbeeyo, eesh calaa faaiida, adoo iska fadhiyo seyr bahasha oo kolba dhinac ha u qalaama rogato :D



Caawa taraawiixda waa in loo diyaar garoobaa

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Paragon, I have been. For a while actually. Now the keyboard is crying out for some political smackdowns :D


Hmmm, what shall I post?

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