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Celebration of the Somali National Week June 26-July 1

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The Celebration of the Somali National Week comes between June 26 and July 1 every year.


June 26; North Somalia took independence from Britain (Gobalada Woqooyi ayaa ka xoroobay Ingriiska)


June 27; Djibouti took independence from France (Jabuuti ayaa ka xorooday Faransiiska)


July 1; South and East Somalia took independence from Italy (Gobalada Bari iyo Koonfir ayaa ka xoroobay Talyaaniga)


July 1; the Union Day (Maalintii Midowga Soomaaliyeed)


July 1; the Somali Republican Day (Maalinta Jamhuuriyada Somalia)

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Qolaba calankeedu waa caynoo

Inagaa keenu waa, cirkoo kale' e

Aan caadna lahayn, Ee caashaqa ee

Xidigyahay cadi waad, na ciidamisee

Carradaa kaligaa adow curadee

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History of the flag

In 1949, the assembly of the United Nations decided that Somalia would be under the former Italian colonial power as a trusteeship territory for ten years. There were three other governments who were member of united nations commission that was sent to Somalia and were sent as advisory council of the trusteeship administration of Somalia. They were Egypt, the Philippines and Columbia. In April, 1950 the Italian trusteeship administration took over power of Somalia,and the British military administration left Somali During the early months of 1954, the legislative council had been formed by the Italian trusteeship administration and advisory council of the United Mations. The members of the legislative council were composed Somalis, Italians. Arabs and Indians. They had to prepare all laws and legislation concerning the country the ten years of trusteeship territory of the United Nations. The members were not elected,but each political party, foreign community or any other recognized organizations had to select members who were representative the above mentioned organizations.

Mr. Mohammed Awale Liban had been selected by the Somali labor trade union. Then members suggested the the Somalia national flag must be adapted by the legislative council in order that the somalia people get to know their National Flag before independence. So the program of the legislative council agenda reached to be discussed the Somali National Flag. Mr. Liban had proposed that only the somali members should discuss the issue of their own Flag. According to the legislative councils constitution each new proposal had to be voted on by the Legislative council members. Mr liban succeeded his suggestion.while members of legislative councils which now only Somalis. They choose the chairman for Mr. Sheik Omar. Then the temporary new chairman said that the agenda will debate the next day. Therefore Mr. liban went home and started to design the Flag. Of course he had chosen a blue color and the middle was a white star.however, each point of the white star would represent the five Somalia regions, which were divided by the colonial powers.


The next morning the session started around 10:30. However, when the chairman had opened the session Mr. Liban had requested to the chairman to give him a chance to speak, the chairman allowed him. He stood up in front of legislative council members and stretched out on his chest the blue Flag with a white star in the middle. therefore as he kept on stretching on his chest, then one of the Somali members applauded and cheered while clapping for five minutes. The Somalia temporary chairman had made short speech in which he mentioned the greatness and ability of Mr. Liban whose talent had produced such a beautiful Flag less then 24 hours.


Mr. Mohammed Awale Liban said the blue color stands the United Nations who help us to reach our dream of independence; white means peace and prosperity; the star is the five regions of Somali.

Faisal H. Jama, 8 Mar 2000

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Qolabaa Calankeedu Duul waa ceynoo, Anagaa keenu waa cirkoo kala, Aan caadna laheyn een caashaqayee. Xiddig yahay cadi waad na ciidamisee, Carradaan kaligaa aad u curatee, Cadceedda sideeda caan noqo ee..... Aamiin


Erayadan waxaa tiriyay isla markaana ku luqeyn jiray Allaha u naxariistee Abwaan Cabdillaahi Qarshe



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