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Breaking news and a new development in the capital of Somalia on the late stand off

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This is a Sakhar special brought to you. A Sakhar news flash.


The truce and ceasefire that hold much of yesterday afternoon and the whole of today is close to be reversed.


Today the clan elders of south Mogadishu met with the Ethiopian commanders and the talks did not produce any solutions as I believed and briefed the peopel yesterday. I said that the ceasefire is acheived now but what will come after it and I hope you all remember all the right and valid questions I asked. I'm a political observer of the highest calibre.


Sakhar is the name to follow right now on developments and political anyalysing.


Ahmad Diiriye the spokesman of the clan movement said that the Ethiopians reversed the ceasefire because they have said their agenda for the city changed and that they would now pursue house to house searches.


The clan movement accused the Ethiopians with siding with the agendas of President Abdullahi Yusuf and they vowed to defend themselves and their livlihoods. However the Ethiopians disagreed and said their stance and that of President Abdullahi Yusuf were unconnectd and that the ethiopians could no longer sit idle and watch the attacks on them being carried out on a daily basis without it being stopped by the elders from south Mogadishu and that's why they reversed the truce and cease fire.


It is now expected a full out war to errupt and as I have predicted today would be quiet but I told you that I don't know about sunday.


Now Sakhar has so far told you the truth, will this latest development materialise as well? Let's hope so inshallah.



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Muqdisho: Kulan galabta dhex maray Beelo ka tirsan ****** iyo saraakiisha Itoobiya oo natiijo la'aan ku dhamaaday.


24. Mar 2007




Muqdisho(AllPuntland)-Kulan galabta magaalada Muqdisho ku dhex maray qaar ka tirsan beelaha ****** iyo saraakiisha ciidamada dowladda Itoobiya oo daba joogay kulan hore ayaa mira dhal noqon waayay.


Kulankan oo ay ka soo qeybgaleen odayaasha beel ka tirsan beesha ****** iyo Saraakiil ka socotay ciidamada Itoobiya ayaa waxaa ay sheegeen saraakiishii Itoobiyaanka ee kulankaasi ka qeybgalay in ay ka noqdeen qorshihii hore ee heshiiskii Khamiistii isla gaareen odayaashan waxayna saraakiishu ay sheegeen in howlo guri guri lagu baarayo ay ka bilaabayaan magaalada Muqdisho.


Axmed Diirire oo ah afhayeenka odayaashan sheegta beelaha ****** ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in saraakiisha Itoobiya ay ku qanci weyday heshiiskii horay ay u wada gaareen ee ahaa in xabada la joojiyo lana kala qaado ciidamada, wuxuuna Axmed Diiriye uu sheegay in ay ku adkeysteeen Itoobiya in guri walba oo magaalada Muqdisho ay baarayaan, walow saraakiisha ciidamada Itoobiya aysan sheegin xiliga howlgalkaasi bilaabanaya.


Saraakiisha Ciidamada Itoobiya ayaa waxay sheegeen in ay ku qanci waayeen howlaha iyo falalka maliishiyooyinka beelaha ay wada hadalka la galeen ay ka wadaan, waxayna sheegeen in howlgalada ay fulinayaan aysan cidna ka heybasaneyn oo ay fulinayaan.


Odayaasha beelaha qaarkood ayaa ka biyo diiday howlgaladaasi waxayna sheegeen in aysan aqbaleyn arrimaha la isku hayana ay yihiin arimo siyaasadeed.


Kulankan oo ah kuu labaad ayaa natiijo la'aan ku dhamaaday iyadoo la filayo howlgal ay ciidamada Itoobiya ka bilaabaan magaalada Muqdisho saacadaha soo socda.


Cali Muxiyaddiin Cali

AllPuntland, Muqdisho

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Burbur ku yimid xabad joojintii ka jirtey magaalada Muqdisho.


Click here to find Shabelle news in english


Mogadishu 24, March.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Kulan maanta ay ku yeesheen magaalada Muqdisho Odayaasha beelaha ****** iyo saraakiisha ciidamada ethiopia ayaa burburey, ka dib markii ciidamada Ethiopia odayaashaasi ay ku war galiyeen in ciidamada Ethiopia ay howl-gallo ka fulinayaan magaalada Muqdisho oo guri guri ay baaritaan ugu sameynayaan.

Axmed Diiriye


Kulankaankaan oo qaatey saacado ayna isugu yimaadeen saraakiisha ciidamada Ethiopia iyo odayaasha beelaha ****** ayaa gabi ahaanba burbruey, ka dib markii saraakiisha ciidamada Ethiopia ay odayaashii kulankaasi soo xaadirey ay si cad ugu sheegeen in ay ka laabteen go'aankii hore, markii ay u cuntami waysay waxa ka soconaya Muqdisho.

Afhayeenka beelaha ******, Axmed Diiriye oo u waramay Shabelle ayaa sheegay in saraakiisha ciidamada Ethiopia ay u sheegeen in ay doonayaan in howl-gallo aad u balaaran ay ka fulinayaan magaalada Muqdisho, isla markaana ay doonayaan in ay guri guri u galaan.

" Xabad joojintii idinka waa fuliseen waana ka soo baxdeen, laakiin anaga waan ka baxnay waana badalnay qorshaha magaalada, waan galeynaa, anaga ayaa dan iyo muraad ka leh, C/laahi Yuusuf arinkiisa teena waa ka gaar" ayay yiraahdeen saraakiisha ciidamada Ethiopia sida uu shabelle u sheegay Axmed Diiriye.

Axmed Diiriye ayaa waxa uu sheegay in odayaasha ay iyaguna u sheegeen saraakiisha ciidamada Ethiopia in ay isdifaacayaan isla markaana ay ku eedeeyeen in ay xaqdarro iyo garddarro ay wataan.

Afhayeenka beelaha ****** ayaa ku eedeeyay xukuumadda Ethiopia in ay qaadatay fikirka Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf oo ku dhisan in loo qabto beel beel kale, isagoo sheegay in Ethiopia aysan dhex dhexaad ka aheyn arimaha Somalia.

Mar wax laga weydiiyay afhayeenka in ay xiriir la sameeyeen dowladda KMG ah madaxdeeda ayaa waxa uu sheegay in aaneey jirin cid xiriir ay la sameynayaan isla markaana waxii dhaca ay mas'uul ka tahay dowladda.

Afhayeenka beelaha ****** ayaa ugu baaqay beesha caalamka in ay soo fara galiyaan waxa uu ugu yeeray xagjir nimada iyo gardarada ciidamada Ethiopia ay ka wadaan magaalada Muqdisho.

Si kastaba ha ahaatee mar hadii ay burburtey xabadjoojintii shaqeyneysay shalay iyo maanta waxaa la filan karaa iska horimaadyo mar kale ka qarxa caasimadda oo dhiig badan ku daata.

Khamiistii la soo dhaafay ayay aheyd markii odayaasha beelaha ****** iyo dowladda Ethiopia ay wada gaareen heshiis xabad joojin ah oo galabta burbur ku yimid.


Shabelle Media Network Somalia

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Mogdishu is not and will not be a clan state it's the Capital city of our Country.


The Clean up is needed I am glad the TFG and it's friends are pushing forward!!!


We don't have time to deal with dowladiid the dowlad has the upper hand in any war they should use all it's forces to make the enemy cry blood!!!

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The cease fire had to be reversed because peace talks were unattaiable in my eyes. What is there to talk with people who don't want to disarm and follow the legitimate political process and who oppose the government?


Ethiopias announcement of the cease-fire on late thursday evening and their refusal to engage in the fighting and actually intervening on Friday when a army lead by ina Dhiigsokeeye was being ambushed by the clown clan movement made me very angry and I couldn't believe wallahi what was happening.


Anyhow, this folks are not as clever as they would us like to believe. Why are they against house to house searches if they aren't hiding anything? Why don't they want to disarm? Is it because they're sad qarandeeds and clan supremicists.


The government has wasted enough time it has to clean up that place inshallah, enough time for the people to flee has already been wasted. Now go in and take out the criminals inshallah, that is if they refuse, but if they give in, then be careful and go in slow inshallah.


This people are really dumb, they should have agreed to the terms and conditions because if not, the alternative is total annihilation and real force being used on them, which will eventually bring them to their knees inshallah.


Finish them off for the attacks to stop and the people to live in peace. There's no other solution to our problem. Inshallah khayr, I wish the government troops the best of luck in restoring law and order in Mogadishu for good inshallah.



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^^^Sakhar behind closed doors the only thing on the table was that these elders bring their boys weapons and Adan Hashi Ayrow.


They could not and hence all this bull from their propoganda portals.


They requested the talks and ceasefire and they could not fullfill their part..


Creative stuff on their part..


Xabad joojintii idinka waa fuliseen waana ka soo baxdeen, laakiin anaga waan ka baxnay waana badalnay qorshaha magaalada, waan galeynaa, anaga ayaa dan iyo muraad ka leh, C/laahi Yuusuf arinkiisa teena waa ka gaar"


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Isn't it embrassing to the guy who keeps claiming to be a "political analyst" who said they will not be a single shot fired, and that the peace will hold.

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Sergeant Sakhar



Fork sake of somalinimo and civilians , diarment should be carried out in peacfull manner trust me . talks should be givin more time .. Things will just get out of hand .


Those young mens that are fighing are brain washed by qabil and abdiqasim .... Therefore TFg should reach out to them , it realy wont be easy disarm them while they See the TFG = Puntland as they are told to beleive.


Abdulahi should play good leadership role stop his hostile againts south xaamar clans ... He should be more friendly and to some degree appease them . More option and time should be givin to them to disarm , cease -fire will not cut a deal .


Shock and odd will not work here , they seen worst fighing then this and it looks that they are ready to relive the 1991 scenario.


My my word if the fight goes on in the next couple days , the whole xaamar will be unfire.

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^^^Bambo, who can bring these boys back?

Force seems to be what brings them back to their senses..


We are all in an awful situation but Mogadishu can no longer stay like this..

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Walee this TFG government has displayed unbelievable patience. How more patient can you really be? These anarchists refuse to talk. They display savegery and animalism by buring bodies. They have no purpose in life other than looting and plundering. How can you talk with such an entity?


I think the Goverment should up their cleaning process. Those 10,000+ TFG soldiers should overrun South Muq. and annihilate anything that comes their way. Enough ceasefires and other unworkable crap.


Cleaning Muqdishu is easy. Ppl thought the ICU were all that. Turns out they ran when push came to shove. The same will happen in Muqdishu. These hooligans will either die or surrender. This time there's nowhere to run.

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The TFG is Pushing forward thank God!!!


You are right PI the TFG has displayed unbelievable patience it's time they go to work and bring law and order back in the heart of Mogdishu.

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Let the fights begin



May the winner be south of mogdishu

Ninyahow, qabyaalabdanidaa?


What is the difference between south and north Mogadishu?


Now you admitting that ICU = south mogadishu,


then, Why did they started this war? why they waged a war against many Somali cities and regions


May the winner be all Somali people, cities, regions including south and north mogadishu, jowhar, Baydhabo, Boosaaso, etc

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abu ansaar you really don't deserve a reply from me but let me make one thing clear. I said that there was a cease fire at place and that there will be no shot fired today which is saturday and I also said I don't know about tommorrow.


Futhermore if you had cared to read (I know your reading skills are very poor :D ) what I have written, you'd realise that I said the cease fire will definately hold for one day, which is saturday and that there will no single shot fired and that prediction actually came true.


I know now its 21:30 Mogadishu local time I believe and a war can kick off any minute but I don't expect it any time tonight.


Furthermore I said and its on the record that such a truce, cease fire is not workable because there were heavy conditions and without one group and I knew it would be the qarandeed making a major compromise on their behalf I said this ceasefire will not work.


I was right on all the things I said but unfortunately you cannot read. Pls re-read what I've written before posting your unintelligent post.


What did Sakhar predict?


1. No war on Saturday at all and that there will be no single fire shot. Which became true. No single shot was fired (it's two hours before midnight in Mogadishu and 19:30 GMT in London and I believe that's where your confusion comes from.


Somalis don't fight during night time and usually the war starts early morning after down 8:00 local time. But if it is a special operation then it can eve start earlier.


2. I said talks will not work because the peace is not attainable without one group making major concessions that's why I doubted the effectivess of such a truce and ceasefire.


I was right on all this things and it is on the record and you can check it out inshallah.



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