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Sana: President Faroole Minister Ilka-Jiir arrive in Yemen's capital

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Madaxweynaha Puntland oo ka dagey dalka Yamen


1 Oct 1, 2010 - 3:05:36 AM

Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxman Maxamad Farole iyo wafti uu hogaaminayo ayaa saaka galinkii hore 1 Oct,2010 ka dagey dalka Yamen.


Waftiga Madaxweynaha Puntland uu hogaamniyo ayaa waxaa kamid ah Wasiirka Arrimaha gudaha Gen.Ilkajiir iyo xubno kale kuwaasoo gagida diyaaradaha kusoo dhoweyeen saraakiil ka tirsan dowlada Yamen.


Waftiga Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa wararku sheegayaan inuu casumaad rasmi ah ka haystaan Madaxweynaha dalka Yamen iyadoo la filayo iney kulmaan dhowaan.


Dhinaca kale waftiga Madaxweynaha ayaa kasoo duuley magaalada Addis Ababa halkaas oo ay booqasho ku joogeen maalmihii alsoo dhaafey.


Booqashada dalka Yamen ayaa la filayaa in Madaxweyne Faroole kala hadlo madaxdooda arrimaha Tahriibta, amniga iyo ganacsiga madaama Puntland xuduud dhow la leedahay dalkaas.



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Madaxwaynaha Dawlada Puntland Oo Gaaray Yemen.

Posted by Ali on October 1st, 2010


Sanca(;- Madaxwaynaha Dawlada Puntland C/raxmaan Shiikh Maxamed Faroole ayaa ka dagay magaalada Sanca ee casimada dalka Yemen.


Madaxwayne Faroole ayaa ka soo kicitimay magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Ethiopia waxaana si diiran loogu soo dhaweeyay dalka yemen.


Masuuliyiin ka agdhaw madaxwaynaha ayaa sheegay in uu whliyo wasiirka arimaha gudaha dawlada Puntland Gen Ilka Jiir iyo masuuliyiin katirsan dawladiisa.


Wafdiga madaxwaynaha ayaa waxaa garonka ka soo galbiyay madax katirsan dawlada Yemen waxaana ladajiyay halkii loogu talagalay.


Madaxwaynaha dawlada Puntland ayaa wararka qaar sheegayaan in dhigiisa yaman kala hadli doono arimo ay kamiduhiin ladagaalanka Burcad badeeda joojinta tahriibka iyo xoojinta xiriirka labada dal.


Ali Ahmed Abdi

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Garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Ethiopia waxaa saakay ka dhoofay wafdi uu hoggaaminayo Madaxweynaha Dowlad Puntland C/raxmaan Xaaji Maxamed Faroole, iyadoo muddo ka yar saacadna ka degay magaalada Cadan ee dalka Yeman, kaddib markii Dowladda dalkaasi ay u fidisay martiqaad muddo saddex maalmood ah ay ku joogayaan dalkaasi.


Wararka ku saabsan socdaalka Madaxweyne Faroole uu ku tegay dalka Yeman ayaa la sheegayaa inuu la xiriiro kulamo uu halkaasi kula yeelanayo Madaxweyne Cali Cabdalla Saalax iyo madax ka tirsan Dowladda Yeman, waxaana kulankaasi oo ah midkii ugu horeeyay ee Madaxweyne Faroole uu la yeesho madaxda dalka Yeman ay uga wadahadlayaan xiriirka labada dal, arrimaha burcad badeeda iyo iskaashi dhex maraya Puntland iyo Dowladda Yeman.


Wafdiga Madaxweyne Faroole ayaa la filayaa mudada uu joogo dalka Yeman inuu kulamo kale la yeesho jaaliyadda Soomaalida ee degan Yeman, isagoona madaxda iyo maamulka jaaliyadda Soomaalida Yeman kala hadli doono arrimaha tahriibka iyo xaaladda guud ee Soomaalida halkaasi degan.

Dhinaca kale ujeedada ugu weyn ee Madaxweyne Faroole ayaa la shegayaa inay la xiriirto casuumadda uu ka helay Dowladda Yeman oo iyana dooneysa in maamulada Soomaalida ay kala hadasho arrimaha tahriibayaasha ku dhammaanaya xeebaha u dhaxeeya labada dal iyo sidii loo hakin lahaa.


XafiiskaWarqabadka Allidamaale

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Somalia: Puntland President Arrives Yemen for Talks

1 Oct 1, 2010 - 1:34:04 PM


Puntland President Dr Abdirahman Mohamed Farole include some Puntland’s delegate Friday morning arrived Yemen for talks, Garowe Radio Reports.


President Farole and his delegates include interior Minister, Abdulahi Ahmad Jama also know as Gen. Ilkajiir was received by Yemen government officials in the airport.


A report says that president Farole will meet with Yemenis president later on to discuss about Asylums, security and commerce between the both parties.


Puntland State, a stable self-governing region in northeastern Somalia has been relatively stable since declaring autonomy in 1998. The region considers itself part of a future federal Somalia and maintains its own government, security forces and holds elections as mandated by the constitution.



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^^^I would not say that. He went to Nairobi, Addis Abba, Djibouti and landed in Sanca.


All these capitals are of importance to Somalia and highlights how serious Puntland Admin are in having greater engagement with all those nation that have sway in the Somali affairs.


Building simultanous good relations with all these nations secures Puntland and Somalia's interest.


His trip to Washington DC a year ago was thought to be not a big deal, untill this week's announcement.

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Madaxwayne C/raxmaan Faroole oo kulan looga hadlayo burcad-adeeda uga qaybgalaya dalka Yemen


Jimce, 01 Oktoobar 2010, (HOL)- Madaxwaynaha Puntland C/rixmaan Maxamed Faroolle iyo wafdi la socda ayaa la sheegay in ay gaareen maanta magaalada Sanca ee caasimada wadanka Yemen ,waxaana soo dhawayn balaaran u sameeyay masuuliyin ka tirsan wadankaasi.


Safarka uu madaxwaynaha ku tagay Sanaca waxaa ku weheliya xubno ka mid ah golihiisa wasiirada ,waxaana ay ka soo duuleen magaalada Adis Ababa ee caasimada Ethobpia oo ay ku sugnaayeen muddo maalmo ah.


Madaxwaynaha ayaa lagu wadaa in uu kaga qayb galo Sanca shirar muhiim ah oo looga hadlayo burcad badeeda xeebaha Somaliya oo si aad ah u soo kordhay labadii sano ee u danbaysay.


Waxaa kaloo madaxwaynaha uu ka codsan doonaa madaxda uu la kulmi doono in Puntland laga taageero dhinaca dhaqaalaha iyo amaanka si looga hortago dhibaatoyinka hada jira.


Wasiirka arimaha gudaha Puntland C/laahi Jaamac oo ay la xiriritay warbaahinta ayaa sheegay in marka ay kullamada soo dhamaadaan ay dib uga soo laaban doonaan gudaha Puntland, si ay uga warbixiyaan



Ugu danbayntii madaxwaynaha Puntland ayaa intii uu ku sugnaa Adiss Ababa waxa ay wada kulmeen masuuliyin ka tirsan dowladaasi si looga taageero dhinacyo badan.


Faisel Maxamed Hassan, Hiiraan Online


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President of Somali Puntland State in Yemen



SANA'A, Oct. 01 (Saba) – The President of the Puntland State of Somalia Abdul-Rahman Mohammed Mahmoud along with his accompanying delegation arrived in Sana'a on Friday on a several-day visit to Yemen.


Speaking to Saba, the Somali official said that his talks with Yemeni officials will address bilateral relations between the two brotherly countries and ways of strengthening them, particularly commercial field.


"Talks will also deal with issues related to security and stability in the Horn of Africa and the fight against piracy", Mahmoud said.




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^It's of critical importance to promote peace and reconciliation, save the cost of expensive travels and focus on how to build local district councils of Haylan Region and its parliamentary representatives, designate its map, and/or update the info in the below official site .... It seems the pursuit of short-term personal enrichment is contributing further to the ongoing disintegration of PL.

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It hurts Nassir & Taleex to see Faroole and Gen. Ilkajiir doing the people's business but why? :D


This trip is very strategic with meetings with Sh. Sharif President of Somalia, the presidents of Djabouti and Yemen and shows the weight of Puntland govt.

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Yemen, Somali Puntland review fisheries cooperation




SANA'A, Oct. 02 (Saba)- Deputy Minister of Fisheries Abdullah Ba-Sunbul met on Saturday with the Somali Minister of Oil, Wealth and Minerals in Puntland State Isa Mahmoud and Deputy Minister of Fisheries Abdul-Wahid Hirsy.


During the meeting, they discussed cooperation aspects between Yemen and Puntland of Somalia in the field of fisheries.


The two sides affirmed the importance of improving and reinforcing the bilateral cooperation in the field of fisheries as well as activating the previous agreements in order to contribute to improving and developing fisheries sector to support food security.





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