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President Adan Adde burried a complete report.

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A landmark moment which went of peacefully. Adan Adde international will be a symbol of remmeberence to our great leader for the future generations, insha Allah.

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A landmark moment which went of peacefully. Adan Adde international will be a symbol of remmeberence to our great leader for the future generations, insha Allah.

Can't say the same about those stooges in the photo. They spoiled it.

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You know it is really sad that today, the father of the Somali republic, the first African president to democratically hand power to his successor, was burried while his country is under occupation.


His legacy basically burrried with him,it is sad that this great African leader basically went 6feet under unoticed in the rest of Africa, Compare his funeral to Nyerere's funeral. :(


May he rest in peace.

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Farax you ahve a point, though its the fault of Somali's that we destroyed our country.


Though he was given a good burial.

Insha Allah his legecy will live on as aen example to good leadership.

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^My bad for killing the moment.


Those men in the front raw and Sharboole should not part of that funeral. Marxuumka wuxuu ka dhintay wadanka.

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Originally posted by Jimcaale:

^My bad for killing the moment.


Those men in the front raw and Sharboole should not part of that funeral. Marxuumka wuxuu ka dhintay wadanka.

Indeed, lakiin wadanki oo dhan aya la heysta oo Axmaro iyo dabakadhilfkoda aya he has no choice.

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LOL. The blue flag is raised up high. The UN security council has given full support to the TFG, the US has appointed a special envoy, the AU troops are on their way or on the ground. The country is coming from the shadows.

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Aas-Qarameedkii Ugu Weynaa Soomaaliya Oo Maanta Lagu sagootiyey Madaxweynihii Ugu Horeeyey Soomaaliya Marxuum Aadan Cadde (Col. Yusuf, Prof. Geedi & Xubno Muhim ah oo.....

Posted to the Web Jun 11, 08:33


MOGADISHU: Aaska Madaxweynihii ugu horeeyay ee Soomaaliya Marxuum Aadan Cabdulle Cismaan (Aadan Cadde) oo ka dhacay Deegaanka Ceel-firdiid ee Duleedka Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa ka qaybgalay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed, Ra’iisul Wasaarihiisa Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddi, Madaxweynayaashii hore ee Soomaaliya Cali Mahdi Maxamed iyo C/qaasim Salaad Xasan.


Aaskaan oo ahaa mid si heer Qaran ah u dhacay ayaa wuxuu ahaa mid ay ka qaybgaleen dadweyne aad u fara badan Soomaaliyeed oo qaarkood ay ka tageen Muqdisho, kuwo ka yimid dhanka Shabeellada Dhexe iyo Madax kala duwan oo fara badan.


Xubnaha ka soo qaybgalay aaska Madaxweyinhiii ee Soomaaliya ayaa waxay muujinayeen sida ay uga tiiraanyeysan yihiin Geerida Madaxweynihii ugu horreeyay ee Soomaaliya oo ku dhintay da’da 99-sano jir ah. Waxaana uu muddo qabay xanuun aad u fara badan.


qaybgalay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed, Ra’iisul Wasaarihiisa Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddi, Madaxweynayaashii hore ee Soomaaliya Cali Mahdi Maxamed iyo C/qaasim Salaad Xasan iyo xubnaha kale ee dowladda ayaa waxay dhammaantood ku shubeen godka la dhigay maydkii Aadan Cadde ciid.

Xafladda Aaska ayaa waxaa astaanka calanka ka tumay Bambeyda Soomaaliya, iyadoo sidoo kalena lagu daday Naxashka Maydka Aadan Cadde Calanka Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya, iyadoo aakhirkii halkaas laga aqriyay Taariikhdiisa oo kooban.



C/risaaq C/laahi Maxamed




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