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Somalia: After the luxury comes the hard work for new president

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Somalia: After the luxury comes the hard work for new president

Contrary to what we have been made to believe, Somalis of all clans did not agree to elect President Ahmed Abdullahi Yusuf to power.

Nothing can be further from the truth. It is an open secret that the regional powers, long tired of Somalia’s problems, decided to impose a leader to bring "sanity’ to Somalis. It is indeed a mockery of democracy for a handful of handpicked delegates and Parliamentarians to claim to speak for the majority of Somalis. Some Somalis feel that Ahmed Abdullahi was elected by foreigners, in a foreign country and can therefore not impose himself as the democratically elected President of Somalia.

We all know that the whole process was sabotaged by Igad under the guise of bringing democracy to Somalis. Whole names were removed and replaced by unknown names under their very eyes yet they said nothing. There have been stories of bribery and intimidation. Certain sections of Somalis were openly bribed to support the incumbent while others were shut out from the voting and warned that they would face severe punishment if they did not. Sadly, the same story continued even after the election of the new President.

It is sad that after a 14-year wait, what Somalis have is a new warlord backed by her good neighbours who seem to think that he will bring back the failed Somali state. It is even worse when the majority of Somalis, especially refugees, are misled to believe we have a new Somalia and hence end up chanting ‘Somalia hanoolato" (Long live Somalia) in ignorance and shame. If President Ahmed’s past record is anything to go by, then he seems likely to plunge Somalia "into deeper abyss" with the help of our caring friends and the international community. He was involved in the ambitious ****** war, curved himself a fiefdom called Puntland and was constantly a menace to Somaliland, Somalia and even Kenya.

After the luxury comes the hard work and for the new president, the real test will be when he goes to Somalia. Perhaps no city in the world has so many warlords per Square Kilometre than Mogadishu and this is what awaits the "messiah".

What Somalis need is a person with a track record of negotiations especially among the various clans.


By:Mohamud Mohamed,




Need I say more and here is the resource :

Somalia's new president

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So sister, why do you want for Somalia to remain in anarchy and for this to fail?


Don't you understand that this is not about CY, but rather the peace of your country?

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It is difficult for you to fathom that it is not xarago's country we are talking about but yours.


Oda, come now Xarago and you are Somali's, your capital is Mogadishu.


Stop living a lie bro, pen your eyes and understand that there is no British Somaliland, Italian Somaliland only the federal republic of Somalia.

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Originally posted by Xarago:

Rahima dear Somalida waxay ku mahmahda 'wa bahanahey baqtiga loma cuno'. I hope u understand

Xarago, get off your high horse and remember, ‘beggars cant be choosers’. Therefore, I beg to differ and say, when you are hungry you will eat anything to save your life including ‘baqti’ and so spare us the Somali mentality of pride!


We have to wake up from our long period of crying and realise, we are beings who can also laugh. For the last 14 years, we have been the laughingstock of the rest of the world. Thus, the time has come for us to laugh and take our rightful place among the nation states.

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^^^ Why was it not the same cause for the Arta Government. What makes this one different. And has the thought come to regarding that the current outcome of the kasarani are not a glimer of hope as you picture.

If anything it was a combination of a protest vote and mingling of neighbouring countries. Now here both the former and latter factors will have different implications. The former will bring a stage where those who protested with their votes will realise the impact of their faithful error. The latter will bring about a situation where the neighbouring states who directed the outcome of the election to their liking will want to dictate the running of wat you call 'rightful nation'.


That is what the author of the article I quoted in the opening of this thread is trying to analyse. Now before you jump on the band-wagon of we needed a nation think has it been achieved in the right format. You have a parliament of A-Z of warlords headed by a warlord president and guided by those countries that do not see profitable the emergence of a Somali Nation.

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when you are hungry you will eat anything

That would be true Che except Xarago isn't very hungry ;) She's just being selfish and looking out for her interests. :rolleyes:


She doesn't care about how many of her family have enough food to eat, so long as it doesn't endanger her food supply.


In this case the re-emergence of a Somali state is a clear threat to "Somaliland"'s secessionist treasonist ambitions.

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“What makes this one different.†That is a very good question Xarago! The answer though is something both you and I know except that you don’t want to admit it. Nevertheless, I will tell you, the world is tired of our problems and us. The biggest difference though is, we have tried so many times and each time we ended up with something far from perfect and so I say, we should stop trying and learn to live with what we can achieve.


“Now before you jump on the band-wagon of we needed a nation think has it been achieved in the right format.â€


I assure you I never jump on bandwagons and I am always suspicious of popular causes. Thus, my support for this government or the last one that failed is not based on any tribal loyalty but out of the love I have for my country of birth. For me personally it doesn’t make a difference whether there is a government or not in Somalia; since all my loved ones and I reside outside Somalia. Having said that I care cause of the poor people who are suffering the most and their rights being violated by men with guns.


All the tribes/clans who participated in it agreed the ‘format’ or the formula based on this government and they can’t back down now because the out come is not what their desired! In addition, we can’t change the rules in the middle of the game however flawed they might be. Thus, AY won fair and square!


Tell me, would your level of opposition been this level if someone other than AY was elected? All those who took part in this reconciliation process are as bad as each other. Plus there is nothing better than this for now and hence let us learn to accept what is within our reach instead of asking what we cant achieve and end up with nothing. Do you have another alternative since you cant accept this format or its results? Don’t tell me a Western style government or an Islamic state cause neither are achievable in the foreseeable future.


Finally, remember is easy to criticise anything but is damn hard to come up with an alternative solution.

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the sad thing is that we still have ppl who have AN IMAGINATION in there head about the existance of a country used to be called somalia!


and this hulicinations is more dangerous than any of the high potent drugs out there!


worst, these ppl believe in the deliverance of the same warlords who caused their miseries. alas! no siree-pop, once thief always thief!! so move on sucker warlord...!


i wonder if we are aware or have forgetten how honorable brave the somali gobanimo freedom fighters were!! what happen heya... who poluted the somali genes!! :confused: :eek:

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Originally posted by JustCause:

Tell me, would your level of opposition been this level if someone other than AY was elected?

Nope but i would have supported it. The opposition by many to the current Donald Duck government from nairobi is the fact that they know Colonel yeey is not the one for reconciliation hence will not find or either seek any form of solution to pacify this God forsaken country.

It is only a matter of time before it will be proven that he is on a warpath with the veryones who elcted him.

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HornAf-Thats not me replying, but Xarago has point Yeey is not of man of reconcialation. I doubt that he changed overnight. I guess we will wait and see how he does things.

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Just cause, well said brother.


Che, you seem to mistake Xarago's anger as one dierected only at the current President. If a saint was elected at this reconciliation conference she still would be against it. She is against the idea of Somalia, because that would endanger her narrow clan beliefs.


Rudy, you must have suffered allot brother, for you to end up denying the existance of your home land. I wish I could ease your pain.


Somalia can be better, stop using A/Y as an excuse people it wont wash.

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