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Still Galgala?..I thought mighty PL vanquished those few boys

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***********please let us stop the silly namecallings. Let us respect the rules of the website. This is a warning*************


[ August 28, 2010, 12:33 PM: Message edited by: Admin ]

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I strongly despise Faroole. Fair enough but Faroole has three more years left to prove you wrong and we are rooting for him to succeed for the sake of all Puntlanders.

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^The you in the 'we' that is rooting for him would have nothing to root for if what you root for is injustice in which you are found complicit. Smell it, son.

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Saxid don't get angry, I do not want any injustice for any segment of Puntland people, hence I hope success for Faroole for the sake of allPuntlanders.


You have to stop rooting for Atom who has brought violance and instability to a peaceful region and admitted his alegance to alshabaab. Don't be naive for his attempt of both being "wadaad" & Ahmed Diriye. Ultimately shabaab have a habit of eating their own.

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'Sxb don't be angry'? :D Lol. Allow me to chuckle a bit.


You support an unjust clan leader called Mr Finger, and I support the 'invaded' local clan. Is that so difficult to get through a thick skull? Or perhaps you ought to have gone to the specsavers.

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Fair enough since you live in the west it does not matter if you widthraw (now) your support for Faroole as the current leader of Puntland, but the real representatives like Interior Ministar Ilkajiir, deputy Abdi Jama are united in preventing shabaab taking hold in Galgala or anywhere else in Puntland. Isdeji there is no sub clan war, it is fight between an admitted shabaab supporter and the elected govt of Puntland.

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Originally posted by The Zack:



That's exactly what I told another pirate on another thread few minutes. They are, indeed, exposed.

Funny thing is some are here wanting to divide a single sub clan and wishing Al Shabaab mayhem on their lands. They only expose their envy and hate. Others are here pretending to be from a specefic family when they are not.


If words could divide and defeat a people. :D

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The Zack   

Paragon, kobta aan joogo odayaal badan oo cidda ah baa jooga wallee, qaar saraakiil ahaan jiray iyo qaar cuqaal ahba su'aashaas waan soo weydiin, igu ogow.

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Deeq A.   

*************A note to everyone here, this thread will be deleted if the clan names and clan insults aren't avoided. Please discuss politics with civility and respect the rules of the website.


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Bow bow, ma durba? Miyaa lala kacay? Oo ma caruurbaa wuxu caga-gubyoon ogaa? :D


The Zack,


Sxb... waa sidaa adeer. Koleey intaan weli daaha soo degin, indhuhahaagu waa doogsadeen ayeey ila tahay. Illeen sidan rag lagu ma af-cuba 'e.


Ma garatay :D


Nooli Kulante

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