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Somaliland and Puntland should merge and get married

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chief aaqil (or whateva u call urself), Your long time Somaliland pretender has ended here adeer. You cannot hide your true colors anymore. Now stay in your little tuulo in Bugland and don't ever dream Somaliland to join anyone.


or should i say that in bold ? ,,, SOMALILAND IS HERE TO STAY.



The said Unity failed long time ago and there is no way Somaliland is going back to that part of the world. Let them unite Muqdisho first before they talk about Afgooye which is the next door town.


Now stop your nonsense and do something useful for yourself.

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Sxb, I am not a Somaliland pretend. I really do belief in Somaliland and the ppl of Somaliland share a common culture and future. But we need to solve the whole SSC issue, plus as long as Somaliland is not shared equally by all clans. thge support on the eastern regions will be weak. So I suggest only the logical, and that is to negotiate with Puntland.

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Chief puntland will only allow ssc to join somaliland on 1 condition.


That 1 condition is that waqoyi zone comes under somalia or else their is no talks. Believe me I know my people and the way they operate. If they are going to let ssc go it will only be 4 somali-weyn nothing more nothing less.


But thats only BIG IF because im not sure they will even negiotate ssc because dadka degaanku waa isku asaal waana isku dad meel ay kala hareyan ma jirto. As we speak at tukaraq you know how many ssdf guys are there? mostly galkayo boys who said hell with farole we are going to help our brothers out because they the ssc ppl did help out galkayo when it was under siege.


Anyways arintan ssc waa ariin uu tal puntland ee ma ahan ariin u yaal farole because he has proven to have failed in that aspect!!!

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Mr. Pretender, you don't even know what Somaliland means to its people and the value of the country .....



Adeer dhiig baa loo daadiyay tane orodoo shaqo kele yeelo ,,,, Walaahi baanay dib u noqonaynin arimahayagana sidaanu u xalinayno anagaa naqaan.

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Jacaylabro is the Somaliland version of Cowke. Both are too sure of the might of their Tol.


They behave like an overzelous ONLF cadre who insists that Somaligalbeed is known as 'Oga.deni.a' and if some are not happy, they can go to hell!


Qofka haddii waxa reerkoodu haysto lawaynaado it means his analytical horizon is narrow.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Mr. Pretender, you don't even know what Somaliland means to its people and the value of the country .....



Adeer dhiig baa loo daadiyay tane orodoo shaqo kele yeelo ,,,, Walaahi baanay dib u noqonaynin arimahayagana sidaanu u xalinayno anagaa naqaan.


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A&T, Adiga iyo cowkaha aad sheegaysaaba reer iyo tol uun baad ka hadashaane ,,,, orodoo shaqo kele yeesha Somaliland meeli idiinkama banaanee ,,,,

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Originally posted by Cowke:

Chief puntland will only allow ssc to join somaliland on 1 condition.


That 1 condition is that waqoyi zone comes under somalia or else their is no talks. Believe me I know my people and the way they operate. If they are going to let ssc go it will only be 4 somali-weyn nothing more nothing less.


But thats only BIG IF because im not sure they will even negiotate ssc because dadka degaanku waa isku asaal waana isku dad meel ay kala hareyan ma jirto. As we speak at tukaraq you know how many ssdf guys are there? mostly galkayo boys who said hell with farole we are going to help our brothers out because they the ssc ppl did help out galkayo when it was under siege.


Anyways arintan ssc waa ariin uu tal puntland ee ma ahan ariin u yaal farole because he has proven to have failed in that aspect!!!

Even Cowke agrees, that only way to solve SSC is to join hands and then seek our other brothers who have been in dark Xabashi and Swahili prisons for such long time.

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Slogans are the last weapons of the weak.


Haa reerku waa xaqiiqada jirta ee ay Somaliland ku aasaasan tay, kuna dhisan tahay. Xaqiiqada in la sheego ayaad diidan tahay.


Reer qaran noqdase ha sugin. Doorashada aad loo buun buuniyey lafigeeda ayaa qabyaalad ku timid. Doorka danbe marka Faysal reerkooda la siin waayo, aan aragno inay nabad ku dhamaato!!


Somaliland dhiig baa loo daadiyey unbaad akhridaa'ee miyeyna hal qaabiil uun aheyn waxa u dagaalamay qadiyadaas? Must I post Qassim's revealing poems to prove that the whole Somaliland shtick was about clan grievience?


War heedee, anigu 3 saac ayaan u jiraa Hargeisa oo waxa jira waan ogahay'e, ha iiga dhigin inaad iiga sheekeynayso Guatemala. :D

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Adigu Daa'uud iyo kuwaas arinkooda wax ka qabo dalkani hadal kaagama baahnee ,,,, markaad xabashida la heshiiso ayaan Somaali la midoobi doonaa ee taas niyada ku qabso .... hadaanay taasi suuragalayn tanina suurageli mayso ....



Dagaal baad qabyaalad ku wadaa for the last 50 years ilaa hadana midho ma haysidb .... waxba ha i baryin imika xagaa uma socdee ...



Somaliland waa qaran oo waad og tahay inay xataa adeeradaa ka shaqaystaan ,,,,, xoogaaga lacagta ah ee suuqa doqon-ma-waaye laga ururiyana xagii gunagado loo diro ,,, :D

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:D:D Ok, deal. Angau Ethiopia aanu ogolaano oo waxan iska dhaaafnee, idinkuna wadankii Somalia haka dirinee midnimada soo celiya. It is a worthy price to pay if we live under occupation but Somalia stays togather. Waanu ku dirsan walaalahayo oo daris xoog badan ah.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

Slogans are the last weapons of the weak.


Haa reerku waa xaqiiqada jirta ee ay Somaliland ku aasaasan tay, kuna dhisan tahay. Xaqiiqada in la sheego ayaad diidan tahay.


Reer qaran noqdase ha sugin. Doorashada aad loo buun buuniyey lafigeeda ayaa qabyaalad ku timid. Doorka danbe marka Faysal reerkooda la siin waayo, aan aragno inay nabad ku dhamaato!!


Somaliland dhiig baa loo daadiyey unbaad akhridaa'ee miyeyna hal qaabiil uun aheyn waxa u dagaalamay qadiyadaas? Must I post Qassim's revealing poems to prove that the whole Somaliland shtick was about clan grievience?


War heedee, anigu 3 saac ayaan u jiraa Hargeisa oo waxa jira waan ogahay'e, ha iiga dhigin inaad iiga sheekeynayso Guatemala.

Waryaa, If you want me to rescue you from that Dark Xabashi prison then be quit. And stop insulting Somaliland. Otherwise we will leave you there.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

Ok, deal. Angau Ethiopia aanu ogolaano oo waxan iska dhaaafnee, idinkuna wadankii Somalia haka dirinee midnimada soo celiya. It is a worthy price to pay if we live under occupation but Somalia stays togather. Waanu ku dirsan walaalahayo oo daris xoog badan ah.

I really dont understand the connectio between you choosing Xabashi's and Somaliland choosing Somalia?

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Chief, they say that train is never late, taas miyaad keentey after all your cago juglo about reer Makhir getting posts in SL new government :Dicon_razz.gif

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Originally posted by *Ibtisam:

Chief, they say that train is never late, taas miyaad keentey after all your cago juglo about reer Makhir getting posts in SL new government

he has been pretending the whole time ,,,, now its time to show his true colors ,,, right after the election ,,, :D



wuu adkaysan kari waayay ,,, lol

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