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Somaliland and Puntland should merge and get married

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I had fantastic idea yesterday, why dont Somaliland and Puntland(minus Galkacyo) merge and get married to one country. But Galkacyo cant join. We will give it a away as a wedding present to USC.


What do you think? and what should the new name be?



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Slowly you're showing your true colors dude ......



Somaliland is an independent COUNTRY that is not going to merge with any small region within Somalia.

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We could solve the whole SSC issue with this. This could become the ideal Federation. And only share the Presidency and Foreing Affairs on a rotation basis.

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Puntland is hardly Somalia anymore. They left Moqdishu, they have their own flag, own anthem(Ku Daayo Puntland) and they hardly show Koonfuur mentality anymore, since karbaash of 91/92 in Moqadishu, then Galkacyo in 93, then against Ithihaad in Bosasso.

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I think this is a very original and good idea.


Sheekada ah koonfurta gubanaysaa miyaan wax ka sugnaa ha soo gaabatee, let them merge with Puntland (which is peaceful and stable) and move on.


Their refusal to listen to this proposal shows that the whole independence project is about clan avarice more than anything else.

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Talk about Clan just like Cowke ,,,,


Tell ONLF to join Bugland first then let's see what u say .....



stuff & nonsense ...

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I think Puntland and Somaliland would stand stronger against Xabashi's and then our brothers of Somali Galbeed could join us. But also they have to be ready for a compramise and let go the name of ******ia and choose a more neutral name which doesnt refer to clan and which could be shared by all Somali's in the Somali Galbeed region.


What do you think of the name,United Federations of Somali States(UFO'S).

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

that carmal girl...

That Carmal Girl knows Politics better then you do. So why not marry her and be her husband. Or are you afraid she will ***** you, once you join her in the bed?

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Kamaanaan cararin! Waxaan rabnaa Somalinimo.


Adigu laakin nin weyn baad tahay don't behave like a brainwashed child. Markaad leedahay Somaliland is an Independent country and will not merge with small region (Puntland) miyaadan xishooneyn? Meeshu inay tahay rer-hebel dawlada ay samaysteen Vs reer-hebel dawladooda miyaad ogeyn? A bit of self-introspection will help.


Somaliland is a dream concoted by fanatical members of a disgruntled clan. It is not shared by even those who are suppossedly inside the territory it claims to control.

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Puntland is Strong state that stands on her on two feets, cid wax ay ka bahan yihin ma jirto dadka anaga ayey noo bahan yihin

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Originally posted by Chief_Aaqil:

I had fantastic idea yesterday, why dont Somaliland and Puntland(minus Galkacyo) merge and get married to one country. But Galkacyo cant join. We will give it a away as a wedding present to USC.


What do you think? and what should the new name be?



Minus Galkayo? Lol sxb that is where the strength of puntland is. Meel galkayo aysan ku jirin haba sugin in puntland qof la hadasho.


Galkayo is bordertown that is where all the ssdf tanks and stuff are stored. It has the most weaponry out of all somalia, didnt u just see the other day hal tuulo kamid ah galguduud had like 5 tanks and 11 trucks the siyad barre people. That was just a damn tuulo and that clan is considered weak in mudug zone imagine what the strong clans have!!!


Galkayo wa muqadas!!! Besides puntland doesn't want to join somaliland we are searching for somalia.

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