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Sheekh Moorgan

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Mashallah SAXIB, May allah forgive him, he made the best choice and it shows on his face. Allah forgives whom he wills in the end.


I can pray behind him with no worries.

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May Allah forgive him his past sins but he needs to be held accountable for the crimes he committed against his people and before anyone tells me that I am singling out him for some tribal or otherwise motives, let me say this goes out to every warlord regardless of who they are and how they are related to one...


Whatever crime these guy committed against Allah, that is between them and Allah, but what they have committed against helpless, defenseless citizens they sure need to be tried for those...(across the board remember)

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Moorgan shimee uu "sheekh" noqday? Some people completely missed the irony of this thread. Well, I don't blame them since some believe Indhamadoowe can be "sheekh," too.


Darn it, dad aaba u duceynooyo. Mise qofkii cimaamad saarto automatically becomes "sheekh?" Iyaah. Illeen Soomaalida gullible ee iska yihiin. Wuxuu galabsaday ama galabsan, asaga iyo Eebbihiis ee jirtaa, just as any other human being.


I will, however, applaud and can commend so far being true to his final word to stay away from dagaalooyinka sokeeye ee soo noqnoqdo aan micnaha lahayn, and his final realization and dawning of Amxaar/Tigreey tireless conspiracies against his own people, Soomaali, regardless who they are as long as they kill one another and fratricide to death.

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yo! this was the funniest thread that i ever seen! common man! morgan is goddamn waadad now!


and this dude toasted so many ppl, drug dealer and everything a low life could do!!


holdup! u aint seen nothing! wait till u see rudy's beard!! yo, its gonna be the shabaang!!

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If i were him iwould do the same.

You know their is a rumour that during his heydays in Kismayu A/Y incited a coup to root him out of his seat.

This is quite hypocritical coz this made did really overwork himself to get to that position.


So he gave in to Baree & Co.

This was something that The puntlanders were unable to swallow till to date.


Anyway this guy has been given back all his farmland/plantation in shabelle.


I thing he has retired from politics.

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