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_______3G of Warlords_______

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If thats normal to you, then your not a normal person.

The teltale signs are there to become another merciless killers, or shall I say "freedom fighters".

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Gheelle, that is true, they are just kids and havin fun , we all went the same route and had our fun, they are holding geedo, but we had the pleasure of having biro metals and we used to make them look real guns, at that time, only things we could see who had guns were the koofi cada and da army.

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THats the difference between a koonfurian kid

and a Somalilander Young kid









how will they ever understand eachother

walaal qaliin qaado oo wax dhigo

waryaa qaldan waa ku togana nooh

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To me, the forefront child aint joking at all. For your sake, these kids monitor SOL, so you better be fair to them in your analysis. Additionally, there is nothing wrong with those kids if you compare with what is wrong with us as adults

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god look at their eyes. giving this children the nutrition they need will probably cost next to nothing. I think its time for Sol to get involved in early childhood development in urbane areas like feeding programs at schools to actually encourage school attendance too. What do you guys think?

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Xaajigu so isagan isku dhex yaacay. :D So, only lander children go to school eh?


Nuune, yes indeed we used to make guns out of boxes, woods, metals, and etc.


MoonLight, ma Atari ayaad ku ciyaari jirtay markaad yareyd? Mise PlayStation-G ayaad aheyd. My point, is that you would find kids in peaceful places(In Africa or other 3rd world)doing the same thing as the ones you have posted above. These pictures wont foretell what their future will be.

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Xaaji_xundjuf.Thnx 4 giving an Example 2 our brothers.


Wixii Wanaag ah in lakala qaato ma XUMAA.



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This is identical to how the children in Garoowe dress, you'll see dozens and dozens of them walking around with their books after school. I guess NW Somalia dresses the same way.



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yes indeed we used to make guns out of boxes, woods, metals, and etc.

Yes Geele, and those fake guns grew up to be real guns, so that fake gun generation produced this.


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