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General Duke

Oromo facts : suprise not all MUSLIM

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^The point is if the Oromo fighters are fighting to creae a secular state why all the talk about Jihad and Islamic warriors. The OLF are not all Muslim, the Eritreans are definetly not Muslim.


The argument of the clan courts is bull.

I don't know what argument you are talking about exactly,however,the only Oromos that would fight along side the ICU would be the Muslim ones,as far as Eritrea goes,well,they are there,because their arch enemy,Ethiopia is in the fold,therfore why should they sit on the side lines while their foes are in the field playing the game.It makes every bit of sense as to why Eritrea should be involved in it,mainly because Ethiopia is.The question of whether they are muslim or not is irrevelant,Eritrea is serving its own interests,but their interest isn't to distabalize any possible peace in the region as Ethiopia is doing,but rather to counter anything that Ethiopia might try to do which would effect them as well.


But as mentioned by other nomads, a great majority of Oromos are muslims,therefore,if there are any Oromos within the ICU,then they are our Muslim bretherns helping their bretherns in Somalia to counter the threat coming from the real Tigray Regime in Addis.


As for all Oromos not being Muslims,well I dont' where you have been hiding buddy,because that is something known to most of us,if you have just discovered that,then you are behind and need to update your info.

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