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SL gov misused donor money for sool, sanaag n cayn.

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till 2005, the somaliland gov has MISUSED the donor money meant for sool, sanaag and southeast togdheer. of the money, a fraction landed in the pockets of corrupt somaliland officials from these provinces and the rest for development projects in hargeysa. i though they were tryna win the hearts n minds of "east somaliland"?


maxwell gaylord, the un chief for somalia has seen this injustice and has also seen that puntland is the DE FACTO maamul in those provinces. marka he did what had to be done long time ago and tranferred all un, sacb etcetera donor channels to these provinces through garoowe instead of hargeysa.


this will be another blow of a long series of blows to the somaliland case. this in the shrewd world of politics means that the un and sacb recognise somaliland as a tribal bantustan. wich it is. but the best thing is that justice has finally been SERVED for the people of these provinces.


but case in point! is maamulka hargeysa allowed to get away with it that easily. i think the future donor money for hargeysa should be stopped and directed to these provinces till they pay back their debts. and this INCIDENT should be taken into account in the future, that somaliland is not an honest partner to deal with with this kinda business.

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The S/land govnt have been doing this from day one, money has been poured into Hargaisa and Berbera whilst everywhere else receives nothing! and thats within Somaliland, so the above conducted research/transfer of money to Garowe is welcomed by a Somalilander such as myself with the hope of it being a learning curve/lesson for this corrupted govnt.


But with a name like Maxwell Gaylord, one can only be wary of the preciseness of your information :D


It also poses the questions, can we eradicate/control/manage/minimalise corruption in the 3rd world?


Somalia is in debt to the tune of £$X amount of millions if not billions. Now i'm not an expert in international law, but is there a case for a worn torn country trying to re-build and re-stabalise to be exempt from paying back such amounts on the basis of,,,,,,,


Money borrowed (pre civil war)should be paid back by those who did the borrowing, money was not used for its intended purpose(s) therefore why payback money that did not benefit the ppl but actually contributed to their suffering (military buying arms etc).


i think there is a case there, any internationl law/monetary law/UN/world bank experts here? or do we need to borrow money to hire one? :rolleyes:

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