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General Duke

Images of the week, deperate Clan Courts....

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I agree with you in totality.



But their is hardly any rift and the last of the worries is integrating PL n SL as both are sustained and get orders from 1 fella the big boss.

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^^Red brah wouldnt that be excellent!!!!!!!!! but then fighting would start.......who becomes president? Watch real shit will start when this storm settles........that is why we need a leader. SH. Sharif is not a leader........Aweys is too old....white eyes nobody likes.......Turki (my main man)....i dont know much about ppls views on him.......we need a Sayyid Barre type leader strong but with Islamic Aqeedah.......somalia has no leadership and w/out leadership there will be no unity!

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^^^Red Sea, it took Somaliland a while to acknowledge Puntland, or even call it Puntland. I remmeebr many SOL, members from the North West not long ago used to call Puntland by the clan name of the old Kingdom of North East. Thus they have come along way and so have we.

The stance of Somaliland today will also change when the realities of the ground change. Thus when the South as NN put it has local adminstartion chosen by the people and united with Central regions and Puntland then belive me things will change.


I have never been an enemy of SL. Though I am against the secesionists idea, I respect the progress and the people are my kinsmen.

Thus Somaliland are to be respected and taken seriously when the time for engement comes Insha Allah. I will be against attacking them or undermining their peace as I am now.


Red, are you running out of questions, or was your concern just centred on SL?

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Anyone who goes by the Quran can make a great leader,as Somalis we dont' require much,we just need simple and honest individual who fears Allah and doesn't steal the assets of the State.


Duke,its' not fair to put you on the hot seat,since you are only a member and not spokesperson for the TFG,at times you seem.

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"islamic" groups joining each other is even more unrealistic. you must have heard what happened when the sheihk in hargeisa call for Somali Unity, when people gathered outside mosque. There is notheing wrong with Somaliland and Puntland. Where the major problems have been for the [past 16 years has been the south. before coming up a union government, this instability in the south must be dealt with. For all know, the current adminitsration might not even deal with incorparating all the regions of Somalia and might leave it for the next administration, god knows, all their energy will be spent on pacifing the south and building state institions and repairing foreign relations.

by the way, the only way an administration could unite south and north, is through reason: Secession is not possible and if it is not as "Somaliland".

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^TFG can't build anything,it can't even get itself together walaalo macaanow,runta ka hadal,naga daa sheeko baralaydan.


As for SL,the current Admin is just dead meat,they have been doing everything wrong,while the ICU has done everything right,so people see that.

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Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:

Anyone who goes by the Quran can make a great leader,as Somalis we dont' require much,we just need simple and honest individual who fears Allah and doesn't steal the assets of the State.

loool@ we dont require much......somalis are crazy Red sometimes they need karbash! A diplomat like Sh. Sharif would have hardtime with these hard-headed reer mudug cats...."walaalyal fear Allah"........they will reply "war naga tag"......diplomacy may succeed with reer magal........but the others they need karbash! :D

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^^^Red Sea, the TFG has gained the support of the entire security council. No other entity in Somalia has managed this before. This is a fact brother.


It has set up local districts in Baidoa chosen by its people.


What stands in its way are an armed group being pushed by special interest and not the people.


Look when Geedi came to Mogadishu, he drew a bigger crowed than Sharif Ahmed, Xasan Dahir even forced. The treets where packed by people who waited the whole day.

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red seayow, waxa la yidhi "miro gunti kuugu jirta, kuwo geed saaran looma tuuro"! might we have better chance with what we have rather then forever searching for a perfect administartion that will never come.

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So freaking funny when Yeey tries to scare people with such ridiculous lines: that some mullah in Mogadishu who actually cleaned up and beautify his house with peace and justice will march down the road to Bosaso and level it to the ground or otherwise conquer it and Hawayanize the residents with Sharia law which as Abdullahi says will amputate hundreds everyday of the week if he doesn’t stand their way in Baydhabo of all places. I mean even though Bosaso is off course and the opposite direction from Baydhabo...ahahaha…Bush (the father of all fear-monger fathers) won't even stoop that low to think of using such phony charges and absurd and outlandish and wild accusation to incite and manipulate people.


Fortunately though the people of Putland are much wiser than Yeye and GEdi…they know and appreciate for the monumental task their brethren in the South has achieved….Gaal dil gartiisana sii…I only feel sorry for Abdullahi Yeey and his dabodhilif and galloraac stooges..


Doesn’t the guy have a family, a friend, someone, anyone with a decent heart nearby who can just tell him that it’s about time to quit…?

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Originally posted by Tahliil:

So freaking funny when Yeey tries to scare people with such ridiculous lines: that some mullah in Mogadishu who actually cleaned up and beautify his house with peace and justice will march down the road to Bosaso and level it to the ground or otherwise conquer it and Hawayanize the residents with Sharia law which as Abdullahi says will amputate hundreds everyday of the week if he doesn’t stand their way in Baydhabo of all places. I mean even though Bosaso is off course and the opposite direction from Baydhabo...ahahaha…Bush (the father of all fear-monger fathers) won't even stoop that low to think of using such phony charges and absurd and outlandish and wild accusation to incite and manipulate people.


Fortunately though the people of Putland are much wiser than Yeye and GEdi…they know and appreciate for the monumental task their brethren in the South has achieved….Gaal dil gartiisana sii…I only feel sorry for Abdullahi Yeey and his dabodhilif and galloraac stooges..


Doesn’t the guy have a family, a friend, someone, anyone with a decent heart nearby who can just tell him that it’s about time to quit…?

Tahliil are you an offspring (Shabaab) of the USC

don't deny this.

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