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Somaliland Elections: New Cards Arrive Hargeisa

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Kaadhadhkii cusbaa ee Diiwaangalinta ee maalmahanba la filayay ayaa maanta kowdii duhurnimo si rasmiya u soo gaadhay magaaladda Hargeysa.


Guddoomiyaha Guddida Doorashooyinka Ciise Xamari ayaa shaaca ka qaaday inay gabi ahaanba soo gaadheen kaadhadhkii cusbaa ee la soo sameeyay ee lagu bedelayay kaadhadhkii hore ee Diiwaangalinta, waxaana maanta laga soo qaaday madaarka Hargeysa halkaas oo ay keentay Diyaarad khaas ah oo lagu soo qaaday.


Arrintan ayaa waxay keenaysaa in laga baxao walaac laga qabay inuu dibudhac yimaado balse haatan waxa ay wax walbaaba u dhici doonaan sidii loogu talagalay, maadaama alaga soo gaadhsiiyay ka hor wakhtigii u qorshaysnayd in la qaybiyo

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Good development now lets just wait till the electoral Commission set up the exact date for the elections it seems everything is ready good to go

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I hope they hold the election this time, But from what I saw recently at whats happening in burco and also in hargeisa I am not optimistic!!!

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