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My predictions of Civil War II: how accurate?

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Ilaahayo Soomaaliya iyo Soomaali u gar-gaar xaalad xun bey bilawday Kismaayo ku duulkeedi. Will fast will the fire spread?


Buurhakaba: (War Dag-Dag ah) Ciidamada dawladda iyo kuwa maxkamadaha oo isku fara saaray deegaanka Buurhakaba.

Isniin, October 09, 2006




Buurhakaba (AllPuntland)- Dagaal khaasaare gaystay ayaa waxa uu saaka ka dhacay deegaanka Buurhakabo ee gobolka bay.


Dagaalkaasi ayaa waxa uu u dhaxeeyay ciidamo kala taabacsan maxakmadaha magaalada Muqdisho iyo ciidamada dawladda federaalka Soomaliya.


Wararka aannu ka helayno magaalooyinka Baydhabo iyo Muqdisho ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in deegaankaasi gabi ahaanba ay la wareegeen ciidamada dawladda Soomaaliya.


Ilaa iyo hadda lama shaacin inta uu la egyahay khasaaraha dagaalkaasi, balse waxa ay wararku tibaxayaan in ay jiraan dhimasho iyo dhaawacyo labada dhinacba ah.


Dagaalkani ayaa waxa uu ku soo beegmayaa iyada oo magaalada Kismaayo uu ka taagan yahay guluf dagaal oo aad u ballaaran.


Isku soo wada duuboo deegaanka Buurhakabo oo ay horay gacanta ugu hayeen maxakmadaha ayaa waxaa la cadeeyay in ay dawladdu la wareegtay.


Waa dagaalkii ugu horeyay oo ay isaga hor yimaadaan ciidamada dawladda iyo kuwa maxkamadaha.


Wixii ka soo kordha kala Soco


M. J. Koronto


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Horn taasi waa qasab waayo maxkadihii ayaaba isu rogay dagaal-ogayaal oo ayagiiba ayaaba dabka ku horeeya so maxaad ka filanaysaa dhanka kale.

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MOGADISHU, Oct 9 (Reuters) - Somali interim government forces, backed by Ethiopian troops, on Monday captured a town held by pro-Islamist fighters, in the first military setback to months of Islamist expansion, an Islamist source said.


"Buur Hakaba has been taken by government troops, backed by Ethiopian forces," a source close to the Islamist leadership told Reuters.


If confirmed, the attack would be the first military counter-strike by President Abdullahi Yusuf's government since the Islamists took Mogadishu in June and went on to seize a swathe of southern territory in the Horn of Africa country.


"This is the start of war between us and the government," the source said.


Troops from Ethiopia, which says the Islamists are led by terrorists, have crossed the border to support the government in recent weeks, witnesses say.


Addis Ababa denies that, although it says it has sent military advisers.


Buur Hakaba lies between the Somali capital Mogadishu, which the Islamists took in June, and the provincial town of Baidoa which is the government's temporary seat.


The Islamist source said there had been some fighting, but he did not know if there were casualties or deaths.


Since the rise of the Islamists, Buur Hakaba's previously independent militia had allied themselves with the Islamists, allowing the latter's fighters into the town several times.


"The local pro-Islamist militias who were in control have left the town, I understand sporadic fighting broke out," the source said.


Government officials and Buur Hakaba residents could not be immediately reached to verify the report.


If Buur Hakaba has been captured, it will add to emerging problems for the Islamists' after their relatively unchallenged expansion since June.


In the recently-captured southern port of Kismayo, they have faced residents' protests and threats of an attack by the warlord alliance who previously controlled it.

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"This is the start of war between us and the government," the source said.

Precisely. Dadka xoog-ogaalka wey ogyihiin waxa soo socdo. The Federal Government has decided to go on the offensive.



Ciidamo Ethiopian ah iyo kuwa dowadda KMG ah oo la wareegay Buur-hakab



Buurhkaba 09, Oct.06 ( Sh.M.Network) Ciidamo Ethiopian ah oo ku hubeysan gawaarida dagaalka oo ay la socdaan ciidamada dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia oo dhowaan tababar u soo dhamaaday ayaa la wareegay gacan ku heynta degmada Buur-hakba, iyadoo wax isku dhacyo ah aanu halkaasi ka dhicin halkaasi.


Ciidamadaan Ethipianka ayaa sida ay shabelle u sheegeen dad goobjoogayaal ah waxa ay wataan gawaari gaashaaman, iyadoo la tilmaamay in ay ka soo duuleen dhanka Magaalada baydhabo gaar ahaan xerada Deynuunaay oo maalmahaanba dhaq dhaqaaq ciidan uu ka jirey.


Arintaan ayaa waxa ay ku soo beegmatay xilli maxkamadaha ay sheegeen in qataro lixaad leh ay ku soo fool leedahay gudaha dalka Somalia.


Maxkamadaha islaamka Somalia ayaa lagu wadaa in war ay ka soo saaraan arimaha qabshada magaalada Baydhabo ee ciidamada Ethiopia oo ay wehliyaan kuwa dowladda KMG ah


Waxii ku soo kordha kala soco wararkeena dambe


Shabelle Media Network Somalia

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^^Horn there are no Ethiopians and no clashes the TFG ahs made its first move and the courts could do nothing.


In the coming days you will hear Ethiopians have taken over Kismayu and so on. These people call everyone against them Etiopian.

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It's always good to give a different perspective. It is why I posted from both AllPuntland and Shabelle.

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ok mate


Ciidamada Dawlada oo Bali doogle qarka u saaraan.



Buur-hakaba:-Wararka hadda naga soo gaaraya degmada Buur-hakaba ayaa sheegaya in ciidanka dawlada FS ay saaka waaberigii la wareegeen degmada Buur hakaba oo awal gacanta ay ku hayeen maleeshiyo beeleedyo hoostaga midowga maxaakiimta.


Wararka ayaa sheegaya inaan wax dagaal ah oo weyni uusan dhicin malayshiyaadkaasina ay isaga careereen goobihii ay fadhiyeen ka dib markii ay arkeen ciidka ku soo wajahan.


Ciidanka Dawlada FS ayaa la sheegayaa inuu u sii socdo dhinaca Airpor weyn ee Bali doogle oo hadda la sheegay inay u jiraan 35 KM.


Dagaalkaan oo ayaantaan la hadal hayey ayaa laga cabsi qabaa inuu ku fido guud ahaan gobolada Koonfurta Soomaaliya gaar ahaan dhulka ay gacanta ku hayaan midowga maxaakiimta islaamiga ee magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana laga yaabaa in dagaalkani noqdo kii ugu adkaa oo intii muddo ah soo mara dalka Soomaaliya, marka laga eego dhinacyada iska soo horjeeda.


Wixii ka soo kordha kala soco

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Corruption is worst then killing is a verse in the Quran. I have to wonder if things don't get done like this,by rooting out the warlords whatever they hide, then how else do you folks expect things to get done? by way of words---didn't think so.


Peace will not come unless the last standing warlord has been gotten rid of. This talk of Kismayo being invaded is cheap, Kismayo was peaceful momentarily, but corruption was still present, not to mention it was vulnurable destination for enemy troops' to enter by way of the Sea. So there are many reasons as to why Kismyao was taken over by the ICU,because if they didn't then who else would have,EThios and the even more corrupt TFG.


I say give the ICU a chance if you are Kismayo resident, don't think as though they are outside forces who have taken over your city, think of them as saviors and future government of your city who will bring ever lasting peace,prosperity in which you didn't have previousl. Loose the love that you hold for your clan's hero(warlord) and move on as those in Xamar, Jawhar, Beledweyne have lost the love they had for their sub clan warlords and once heroes of theirs.You will get something better in its place Insha Allah,it's time to turn the panic button off, and let the reality take over.

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