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Donor nations + Int. Com. present at PuntlandTFG agreement signing + census reached.

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Dowladda Puntland & TFG oo heshiis kala sixiixdey


12 Apr 12, 2010 - 4:56:03 AM


Wakiilka QM, Raísal wasaare ku-xigeenka TFG & Madaxweynaha Puntland

Waxaa maanta 12 April.2010 lagu kala saxiixday Hotel Safari Park ee Nairobi, heshiis is afgarad oo dhex maray dowladda Puntland iyo xukumadda Federalka ku meel gaarka ah ee Somaliya, heshiiskaas oo daba socday heshiiskii ay kal hore labada maamul ku kala saxiixdeen magaalada Gaalkacayo, ayaa ujeedadiisu ahayd:


1- In la xoojiyo sharciga iyo kala dambaynta bad iyo berigaba.


2- In dib loo dhiso lana habeeyo ciidanka aminiga ee dalka. ( ciidamada badda ee la dagaalama burcad badeeda, saldhigna looga dhiga Puntland).


3- In shaqo loo abuuro dadka shaqola'aantu hayso (gaar ahaan dadka xeebaha ku teedsan).


4- In laga sifeeyo xeebaha dalka wasakhda (gaar ahaan xeebaha Puntland.


5- In wacyi gelin loo sameeyo shacabka si loo soo afjaro burcad badeeda iyo arimaha la xiriira.


Wakiilada beesha caalamka oo kasoo qayb galey munasabada saxiixa

Kulankaas ayaa waxaa ka soo qaybgalay, hay'adaha iyo dawladaha daneeya arrimaha Somaliya, oo ay ka mid yihiin ; dawladda Talyaaniga, Swedan, Spain, Franc, wakiilka EU-da u fadhiya Nairobi iyo waliba wakiilka Jamciyadda quruumaha u dhexaysa u qaabilsan arrimaha Somaliya Mr. Weled Cabdalla.


Dawladda Puntland iyo TFG-da ayaa waxaa u saxiixay heshiiskaan Wasiika Arrimaha Gudaha Gen. Cabdulahi Axmed Jamac (Ilka jiir) iyo Wasiirka Gashaandhiga Cabdalla Boss, waxaana goobjoogayaal ka ahaa Madaxwaynaha Dawladda Puntland Cabdiraxman Maxamed Maxamud (Farole) iyo Ra'isal wasaare ku xigeenka TFG, Sharif Xasan.


Labada Wasiir oo is gacan qaadey

Dhamaan masuuliyiintii ka hadashay kulankaan ayaa sheegay inay ku faraxsanyihiin kuna bogaadinayaa labada dhinac heshiiskaan is afgarad ee dhaxmay Pl iyo TFG, kaasoo ah talaabo loo qaaday xaga horumarka dib u heshiisiinta Soomaalida.


Qoraalka heshiiskaan ayaan dib idiinka soo gudbinaynaa haddii alle idmo.


Xafiiska Madaxweynaha Puntland

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President Farole, Deputy TFG Prime Minister and UN representative for Somalia Ahmedou Walad Abdalla at signing cermony between the Puntland government and the TFG.




Minister for Internal Affairs, Rural Development and Local governments of Puntland General Cabdullahi Jamac + Minister for Defence for the TFG signing the agreement on behalf of the Puntland and the TFG.




International Donor Countries Present.




The two ministers shaking hands after formally signing the agreement.

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On this symbolic and historic day of ours the 12 April 2010 the Puntland government and the TFG government reach an understanding which has been signed formally in a ceremony held at Safari Park in Nairobi, Kenya which constitutes the re-establishment and reinstating of the National Army in Somalia, fighting of Anti Piracy, Fight against environmental dumping and illegal fishing of the coast of Puntland for that the TFG agreed that the troops will be trained in the beautiful and peaceful Puntland which is 1/3 of Somalia but has been not in a working relationship with the TFG government in Mogadishu which only controls a half square mile of the capital.


Also in Puntland a base where all the Anti-Pirate missions of the coast of Somalia are controlled will be established there. This is a great day for Federal Somalia.


The International Community was hard in pushing this agreement and Puntland's importance and role has thus been confirmed, Somalia is Puntland and Puntland is Somalia as can be seen by the celebration of the 50th National Army Day which has been greatly and hugely celebrated in Garowe, State capital of Puntland today.


Long Live Somalia!



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Good - things are moving as expected.


8 coastguard stations (instead of the 80 or so that faroole wanted) will be established first. and forces trained thereafter.

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2- In dib loo dhiso lana habeeyo ciidanka aminiga ee dalka. ( ciidamada badda ee la dagaalama burcad badeeda, saldhigna looga dhiga Puntland).

Faroole forces the agreement down their throat :D

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Good development and very positive move by dr.farole, he should've of sorted out the oil controversy while they were signing the papers. OOPS I forgot the tfg wants some of the oil, let me guess 50% for hamar, 50% for puntland? lol


Anyways this is good this navy base has been sorted out and will generate thousands of jobs for the coastal community from gara'cad to las qoray.

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Sayid, very true but if the u.n is involved and witness to the signing of the papers, the musuqmasuq will be lessened or else they may not have a job!!!


never-the-less implementation is usually a long time in somalia lol!!!!


PS: This is the agreement between puntland and tfg. They will have to hold another big meeting to talk about the timetable when the navy bases get started and where they will exactly be located and funds allocated. That is a whole another ball game.


Remember the tfg has been given $250 million, therefore allocating how much puntland gets and the tfg gts will require another 1 year conference. This is somalia where things take long time :D


But Im happy that puntland is now on the map and considered a stakeholder in the process. That is positive development. Muranki dhan waxay ka taagnayd "puntland is not stakeholder". That is what we are celebrating about!!! As for implementation phase sxb weli heerkasi lama gaarin that will require more negiotation and back and forth "fadhi ku dirir" sessions!!!

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