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defeated in Mogadishu terror groups seek hideout in KISMAYU

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Originally posted by -:

LooooooooooL Meeshan dhibka kajira, on the positive side, it is good to see TFG cheerleaders getting at

Has this become the fashionable thing to say around here? smile.gif

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Duke, maxaa? it is obvious to anyone. You know that the TFG is in its declining days. Yey cant go back to Mogadishu, Forget about Kismayo, out of his hands, The xabashi doesnt care about YEY, habashis are there for their own interests and that of Uncle Sam.

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^^^Turki and Cayrow are yesterdays men, they are just going crazy but going crazy does not help.


Its over, the TFG is getting much stronger, hiding in the refugess outside Mogadishu wont help one bit.

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

Has this become the fashionable thing to say around here?

No, it is only sane thing that could explain an insane world some dwell in.


Duke...Ayrow is right there in Xamar Cadeey, causing all sorts of trouble for the Tigrays.

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^^^Cayrow is not important, his clan rebelion has been quashed and their terror tactics wont work. Even old man Ahmed looter is behind bars andmany others are finished.


As for the TFG its in the best shape of ist 3 year existence.


All its facing is clan/psuedo religious terror and it wont last.

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I would just love to see them in Kismaayo but this folks in Kismaayo right now are giving them cover and they're cohorts, they're just the same and the one.


It would be indeed a foolish and suicidal attempt and the best that could happen if they'd indeed would go into Kismaayo because then our long patience and resolve would finally be rewarded.


Anyhow our policy is to sit and watch what will happen there after that we shall make the right decision.


We want a political resolution to this and that the criminals in Kismaayo preferably shoot themselves in the foot.


Inshallah in any case it would be a win-win situation for us...

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So far it's going very good, I hope for a fully blown escalation of the situation every minute from now.


Loved to see a fight between the two anti-TFG groups in the Jubba Valley and the outcome I'd prefer is ofcourse for the gedo folks to be send packing on their donkeys ofcourse, back to Baardheere and far off places beyond the Jubba Valleys.


Lest it becomes reality in the few coming days inshallah.


Kismaayo: Heegan la gelliyay ciidamada amaanka Kismaayo.

15. December 2007





Kismaayo(AllPuntland)- Ciidamada Amaanka magaalada Kismaayo ayaa maanta la geliyay heegan adag kadib markii saraakiisha ciidamada iyo maamulka degmada Kismaayo ay ka war heleen weeraro ku soo wajahan magaaladaasi oo laga yaabo in ay ku soo qaadaan maliishiyooyin taabacsan maxkamadihii Islaamiga ee ku sugan qeybo ka tirsan Gobolka J/Hoose.


Warku wuxuu intaa ku darayaa in ciidamo fara badan oo ku hubeysan gaadiidka dagaalka iyo qoryaha fudud ay gaaf wareegayaan duleedka iyo gudaha magaalada Kismaayo, kuwaasi oo difaac ugu jira hoggaamiyeyaal iyo maliishiyooyin ka tirsan Maxkamadaha oo laga war helay in ay ku soo wajahan yihiin magaalada Kismaayo kuwaasi oo ku sugan degmada Jilib.


Kulan aroornimadii hore ee saakay ay isugu yimaadeen saraakiisha amaanka iyo maamulka ka taliya magaalada Kismaayo ayaa lagu go'aamiyay in heegan sare la geliyo ciidamada kala duwan ee magaalada Kismaayo walow aan la shaacin isha wararkaasi laga helay.


Afhayeen u hadlay ciidamada amaanka Kismaayo oo lagu magacaabo C/risaaq Aadan Faarax ayaa sheegay in maamulka iyo saraakiisha amaanka ay isla garteen sidii looga hortegi lahaa weeraro laga yaabo iney Kismaayo la wareegaan xoogag isku aruursanaya Waqooyi Galbeed ee degmada Jilib iyo dhinaca Bariga ee deegaankasi, isagoo ka gaabsaday inuu cadeeyo cida ay yihiin kooxaha weerarka damacsan.


Dhawaan ayey aheyd markii Guddiga nabadgelyada ee Jubbooyinka iyo odayaasha dhaqanka ee beesha **** ay ku amreen xubin ka tirsan kooxda Asmara oo lagu magacaabo Ugaas Maxamed Weli uu soo gaaray magaaladaasi iyagoo ku amray inuu isaga baxo magaalada si aaney u noqon goob amaankeedu faraha ka baxo ama u soo jiida ciidamada dowladda iney hab dagaal ku yimaadaan magaalada Kismaayo.


Cali Muxiyaddiin Cali

AllPuntland, Muqdisho

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Even confused garooweonline

is betting on it.


I must confess that I loved this bit:


Dhinaca kale dadka ku dhaqan magaaladaas ayaa cabsi ka qaba isku dhac dhexmara maamulka gacanta ku haya Kismayo
kaas oo sheegta in u tageersan yahay DFKMG
[can you spot the sarcasicm] ah iyo kooxo tageersan Maxkadahii laga awood roonaadey kuwaas oo ka tirsan beesha ka arimisa inta badan Jubbada Hoose.

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^ Yeah, some times is good to let out your frustration and Cuqdada that is filling your heart!



It is amazing how you guys always depend on other entities whether its Ethiopians and in this case Maxkamadaha.


As for the donkeys you mentioned, remember is the same donkeys that chased out your Cabdibilayaasha(Moorgan, Afguduud and the rest)and kept them out of Jubba regions for the last 9 years!

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The cuqdad and xin is on you part! But I don't blame you, as you share it with many others (majority of somalis as at it seems).


Success is despised you know. :D The cuqdad comes from the fact that you're a minority within the clan and that we're from the dominat branch so lets leave it at that.


Wallahi I swear to you, I'd knew it before and I know it now you cannot defend the city on your own and soon your cover will be blown.


However I must admitt that I like your honest approach better than that of the cowardice which is represented by your friend Horn.


Kismaayo is not in the hands of the TFG and that's a fact but your stance is clear I just wished others would be as honest as you were. But never mind!

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loool@Majority. Cuqda comes from the fact that you think you have been marginalised from past and you are in mood of revenge which miserably failed as you know. :D

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Horn, the local comedian who actually belives his little clan has some military power.


What ignorance, it defeis belief.

Anyhow the news is flooding and Turki was the lion who chased them all the way to Baidoa and destroyed them in Buaale and he is still making noise. Hiiraale anyone? Or is it the Dutch refugee Taano who will defend the clan.

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^But the question is have your heroes ever defeated anyone whether in Kismaayo or LA or Mogadishu ?


Why brag about someone else's victory....sing your own praises mate!

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^^^This is not a wrestling contest adeer. But in the history of Somalia we have had two men who set records for cowardice. One was Siyad Barre who inherited an army with Migs and ended up running on a donkey from Aydeed. The other warlord Hiiraale who ran from Kismayu when his rival was just reaching Barawe.


Those two men's followers continue to speak, is that not ammusing? :D

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