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Mohamed Dheere usefull no more: Warlords united : meet in Jowhar.....

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The warlords are for once all united. Mr Dheere, Qaynyare, Yalaxow have made a front against the interest of peace. Its important to note that for once that those who support them can only hide behind the clan, for the simple fact the men who once hated Jowhar for several reasons are now comfortable to meet in it.


An expected gut reaction move from the warlords.

Their battle against the courts has alianated some of their support base. Their reluctance to support the TFG, and their consistant aim of derailing any government programm, will in the end destroy their dreams of keeping the people subjucated to their will.


We ahve seen how powerful they are wehn they faced the few fighters of the courts. All eyes on Baidoa, even though they weild some power within a number of MP's including the speaker..

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It seems like Mohamed Dheere has served his purpose.



Guddoomiyaha gobolka Shabeellaha dhexe Max’ed Cumar Xabeeb (Max’ed Dheere) oo maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay xaruntiisa magaalada Jowhar ayaa ku eedeeyay madaxweynaha Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed in uu si qaldan u maamulay hubkii laga keenay magaalada Cadan, Iyada oo Dhinaca kalena ay ka Muuqatay Carada uu u Qabo Shirka Golaha Baarlamaanka ee ka socda Baydhabo

Posted to the Web Mar 01, 05:34


Guddoomiyaha gobolka Shabeellaha dhexe Max’ed Cumar Xabeeb (Max’ed Dheere) oo maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay xaruntiisa magaalada Jowhar ayaa ku eedeeyay madaxweynaha Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed in uu si qaldan u maamulay hubkii laga keenay magaalada Cadan oo ay dowladda Yemen ugu deeqday dowladda Soomaaliya.



Max’ed Dheere waxa uu kasoo horjeestay codsigii madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf uu kaga dalbaday baarlamanka in ay ansixiyaan cunaqabatada dhanka hubka in laga qaado dalka Soomaaliya si ciidamada nabad ilaaliyayaasha ay ugu suurta gasho in ay hubka dhigis ka sameeyaan dalka Soomaaliya.



“hubka kii hore ayaa dhiib noo keenay, maxaa yeelay haddii la qaado cunaqabatada waxaa dalka soo galaaya hub farabadan, marka waan kasoo horjeednaa dhib kale in loo gaysto shacabka Soomaaliyeed†ayuu yiri Max’ed Dheere.



Gudoomiyaha ayaa shirkiisa Jaraa,id uga Codsaday Beesha Caalamka ineysan Cunaqabateynta Hubka ka qaadin Soomaaliya inta laga helayo Ciidamo qaran oo laga Keeno 18ka Gobol ee Sooomaaliya ay kakooban tahay.



Mar uu ka hadlayay ciidamada ku xaraysan Kongo waxa uu sheegay in ay yihiin maliishiyooyin beeleed kasoo jeeda hal qoys, waxa uuna xusay ciidamo qaran in aan la dhahi karan.



“ma ahan ciidamo qaran, waa ciidan ka socda hal qoys, maxaa yeelay ciidan qaran waxaa la dhihi karaa ciidanka ka yimaada 18ka gobol ee dalka Soomaaliya†ayuu yiri Max’ed Dheere oo intaa raaciyay ciidamadaas in ay yihiin ciidamo laga keenay hal gobol.



Hadalka Max’ed Dheere ayaa u muuqda mid kala noqday taageerada dowladda fedaraalka kmg ah ee Soomaaliya oo markii hore xarun kumeel gaar ah ka dhigatay magaalada Jowhar ee uu ka taliyo.



Max’ed Dheere oo maalmahaan kulamo xiriir ah la yeelanayay wasiirada hubaysan ee Muqdisho oo ku caan baxay khilaafka, taasoo bog cusub u furaysa khilaafka u dhaxeeya masuuliyiinta dowladda.



Hadalka Maxamed Dheere ayaad moodaa in uu yahay nin ka xun in Dawladu ay isku balaariso Dalka , oo doonayay in uu Magaalada Jowhar Dawlad Maxbuus uga dhigo, iyada oo Deeqaha Caalamiga ah iyo Aqoonsiga Caalamiga ah ay Dawladu helaysana uu doonayay in uu Magac balaaran iyo dhaqaale ku helo.



magaalada Baydhabo ayaa ah Magaalo Soomaaliyeed, waxaana hubaal ah in Dawladu ay u adeegayso Shacabka Soomaaliyeed o idil, Khilaafaadka Maxamed Dheerana waa mid Biloowday markii Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanku uu ku dhawaaqay in shirka Golaha Baarlamaanka lagu qaban doono Magaalada Baydhabo.



Horey ayay uga Cawdeen xubnaha labada Gole ee Dawlada Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliyeed qaabka maxamed dheere uu ula dhaqmay oo ahayd mid aan ku salaysnayn,xushmad iyo qadarin, waxa uun qadarin waaway Dawladii uu Marti Galiyay, iyada oo lagu macneeyay qaabka dhaqanka Dawladnimo iyo Aqoonta Gudoomiyaha oo aan sidaa u waynayn



Hilowle (sahalyare)




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Ooooohhhhhhhhh...! Am begining to like this. Duke showing his true colours. Mohamed Dhere is a legend, great patriot, visionary man, and most of all a man who has in his heart the well being of his country all that was according to you Mr.Duke. Today according to your own words once again

It seems like Mohamed Dheere has served his purpose.

. Let me ask what purpose was that, is it the same purpose those in Baydhabo are serving now?

Why dont you answer, that is if you can, directly the questions posed by Maxamed Dhere which is the distribution of the arms which were received from Yemen. Instead of labelling him with all the names you can thik of.



Listen to the man speaking...!

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Yeah, I suppose it is! Really sad atleast we got the memories to cherish on!


We don't quite until we get what we want, it's something bestowed on us!


P.S. please don't ask me who is "we", because I don't have a answer to that question.


The "dream" goes on and refuses to be abondoned! Remember it took ina Yeey thirty years to become President of Somalia!

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Sayid, your last hope was yey, now isn't he a failure?? BUT WAIT......... ITS FATHER YEY, HE NEVER FAILS US; he might killed few hundred of us "we's," but its just to make us obedient, right???



Uhh, how sad, well good luck in thirty more years.



See you in yamaruugley!!!!

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Dude are you for real? What is this yarmugley business you talking about, you got something to share with us.


P.S. I hope you're not another family member of a certain guy in here because we'd be better off without people like him, who have distorted and disturbing views!

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NO, not really.




P.S. I hope you're not another family member of a certain guy in here because we'd be better off without people like him, who have distorted and disturbing views!

:confused: Aren't all our views disturbing to another person, if what is being isn't of there liking?

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Originally posted by Sayyid:

The "dream" goes on and refuses to be abondoned! Remember it took ina Yeey thirty years to become President of Somalia!



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Who should one address here?

The meaning behind this topic is stright forward Mr Dheere was useful but no more, so what must the President do, simple suprise us a little bit more. Thats my advice. As for the warlords they have bigger problems then Mr YEY, their masters are results driven, will they get the men on the wanted list, can they?

Will the MP's from Mogadishu support the new alliance?


It is not over till the fat lady sings, the warlords are in a real dilema, their opposition to Yey can no longer mask their incompetence and ********* . The clan card has blown up. I am all powerful because I posses forty technicals means very little since last week.

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Somalia is in a real bad dilemma, no government for the last 16 years, and still going, pity us, the leaders shall return thou, the true leaders, and then, some will be awoken from this semi-fairytale dream, and others from this horrible dream, all in all they will return.

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Duke.Bit edgy arent we? So you refused to answer the question, but I repeat in another form, how was Maxamed dhere usefull? Was he usefull to C/llahi Yusf's cause or usefull to the national cause? And since you are amused and excited by the recent decline of the warlord power thanx to the wadaads, tell me how are you sure they will be friendly with C/llahi, the wadaads I mean.

You are right 'it aint over till the fat lady sings', cause there is still a lot of time remaining for C/llahi to make new friends and make his old friends his new enemies. Wonder why he likes that policy though? :confused:

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^^^ Indeed "they" shall return, but who exactly will return to where? I find it quite interesting and somewhat drawn to this prediction and the certinty in your delivery. I hope "they" return, for why not if they will lead us to the promise land, to the land of milk and honey.

But when they return how will we know, are they giants, or do they travel in green space ships. What sign or soothsayer, shall we look for? Are they white with blonde hair, Aryan super men. Or are they rastas? Do tell..

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'They' the mighty men in a mission: a mission to pacify Somalia: the nation is crying for them, yearning their name every moment "come back we long for you", and they shall return, the mighty maximum of men shall return!!!!

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