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At last!!! in what state will you die?

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Part 1.


Allaah the Exalted said:


O you who believe, have taqwaa of Allaah and do not die except in while you are Muslims (in a state of submission to Him).


In every Muslims mind a question should arise upon reciting or reading this verse. This verse should make everyone think:




Death is something that cannot be avoided and will eventually come to every being, Allaah the Sublime said:


Every soul shall taste death


He also said:


Everything upon it (the earth) will perish


He also said:


Wherever you maybe death will overtake you, even if you were in towers, built high and strong


The disbelievers love this life so much that they are even willing to have their bodies frozen with the hope that in the future they may be brought back to life. It is strange that this hope and expectation does not lead them to believe in the plausibility of the resurrection. They think they can cheat that moment of death!


Yet there are others who wish they could live for a thousand years amassing wealth, children and belongings,


Death will certainly come to them all and also to us but,




Will we die for example:


1. Bankrupt, devoid of any actions, never having done any good, or tried to do good or even had a desire to do good?


Until when death comes to one of them he says: "O my Lord, send me back so that I may do good in that which I neglected." But no! It is only a word that he utters and between them is a partition (barzakh) until the day that they are raised up.


2. Or will we die having gathered riches, wealth, status, power yet finding ourselves in the situation which Allaah has described:


The sinner would desire to ransom himself from the punishment of that Day by his children. And his wife and his brother. And his kindred who sheltered him. And all that are on the earth, so that it might save him. By no means, verily it will be the Fire of Hell!


and also:


But as for the one who is given his record in his left hand, he will say: "I wish that I had not been given my record! And that I had never known, how my account is? I wish that it would have been my end (death). My wealth has not availed me. My power and arguments (to defend myself) have gone from me! It will be said: "Seize him and fetter him. Then throw him in the Blazing Fire. Then fasten him with a chain whereof the length is seventy cubits. Verily he used not to believe in Allaah the Mighty, and urged not the feeding of the poor. So no friend has he here this Day, nor any food except filth from the washing of wounds, (which) none will eat except the khaati'oon (sinners, those who fall into the wrong disbelievers etc...)


3. Or will we die in a state of negligence. Having been neglectful of our duty to Allaah and at the same time finding fault with and mocking other Muslims? Mocking at them for sticking to the commands of Allaah, the Sunnah of His Messenger, laughing at their appearance and so on...Allaah said:


Or that the soul may say: Alas, my grief that I was undutiful to Allaah (i.e. I have not done what Allaah has ordered me to do) and I was indeed among those who mocked (at the truth)


4. Or will we die in the midst of the kuffar, having become like them, adopted their habits, customs and ways of behaving, having nurtured our children upon their ways and customs?


And you dwelt in the dwellings of men who wronged themselves and it was clear to you how We dealt them. And we put forth many parables for you.


And Umar (ra) said: "Whoever lives in the land of the pagans and disbelievers and celebrates their festivals and behaves like them until he dies, he will be resurrected with them on the Day of Judgement"


5. Or will we die in a state of kufr, disbelief, or doubt?


Verily those who believe, then disbelieve then believe, then disbelieve then increase in disbelief, never will Allaah forgive them and nor guide them to a (correct) way.


This is a great danger and many Muslims have already fallen into it. Some have actually been led to and fallen into disbelief.


Believing there is a better way than Islam is disbelief

Practicing magic is disbelief

Not treating the Jews and Christians or pagans as disbelievers, or doubting in their concepts is disbelief

Acting on Islam but out of dislike in the heart is disbelief

Thinking that Islam or the Sunnah is outmoded, outdated, of no relevance to the modern times is disbelief


And there are many other such matters which constitute or lead to disbelief


Allaah said:


Verily, those who disbelieve and die while they are disbelievers (in the state of disbelief), upon them is the curse of Allaah, the angels and the whole of mankind.


6. Or will we die for example in a state of HEEDLESSNESS, oblivion, like the animals?


The Exalted said:


And who is more unjust than the one is reminded of the signs of His Lord and then turns away from them.


And do not be like those who forgot Allaah so Allaah made them forget their own souls.


Closer and closer to mankind comes their reckoning, yet they turn away in heedlessness.


Those amongst us who couldn't care less, never bother about learning about the deen, or even reflecting upon the creation so that the possibility of the resurrection becomes vividly clear and certain and which in turn moves and excites the heart to Allaah's worship. There are some Muslims who we have heard saying, upon receiving advice and admonition: "Please leave us alone , as for us we will settle our matter with Allaah when the time comes on the Day of Judgement, give us a break."!!! Such ignorance and arrogance!!


So these are some of the ways and states in which people will die, amongst many others which have been mentioned in Allaah's Book, and we seek refuge in Allaah from such a situation.


And worthy of contemplation is the saying: The most contemptible of people is the one who went astray in the final part of his journey, having approached his destination [Al-Fawaa'id of Ibn al-Qayyim]



By Amjad Rafiq

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May ALlah guide us' from all those state' of disbelieve...Thanks brotha 4 remindin'us things that we' should be more'aware of'....May allah make our' heart more pure'and healthy'in every state and may' we all die in a state of Islamic Monotheism....

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A real eye opener!!! Indeed, the truely wise and intelligent among us are those who remember death and prepare for it. Thanks for making us remember it and ponder on it.

If you guys have time please make sure to listen to this lecture of Abdur-Raheem Green on death. It illustrates the journey of the soul to hellfire or paradise.



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