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General Jamaac Maxamed Qaalib is Talking ..... but from where ??

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Hormoodnews( Asmara)-General Jaamac Maxamed

Qaalib(Jaamac- yare)oo hada ku sugan magaallada Asmara

ee dalka Eritariya ayaa si kulul ucanbaareeyay xadhiga

masuuliyiinta Xisbiga Qaran ee wali ku jira jeelka

Madheera,isagoo Generalku ku baaqay in sida ugu

dhakhsaha badan xoriyadoodii loogu soo celiyo



Xadhiga loo geystay masuuliyiinta xisbiga qaran waa

cadaallad darro,waayo lama arag, caalamkana kamay

dhicin qof dacwad lagu soo oogay oo isagoo jeel madaw

ku jira laxukumo. Hadii cadaalad la waayana waxa

imanaysa dhib, in badan ayaanay Somaliland haysatay

nabad maanta si aanu nabar ugu dhicin nabadii iyo

xasiloonida dalka ka jirta waa in xoriyadoodii loo soo

celiyo masuuliyiintan xidhan.


Generalku wuxuu sheegay inuu dalku u afduuban yahay

saddex xisbi oo kaliya,oo iyagu doonaya inay waligood

meesha taagnaadaan isagoo (dastuurka dalkuna leh

muwaadinka Somalilanderka ah waa la dooran karaa

isaguna waxbuu dooran karaa)iyadoo lasoo gaadhayna

wakhtiyadii doorashooyinku dalka ka dhici lahaayeen.


Waxaan canbaaraynayaa xadhiga masuuliyiintaas, waana

in loo soo celiyaa xoriyadoodu.

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Mudane Gaashaanlesare Jaamac Max'ed Qaalib waa nin Soomaaliyeed, cadaaladda iyo xaqa u taagan.


Nin Soomaaliyeed aan waxba galabsan oo saldhig lagu tuuro qof walba oo Soomaaliyeed damiir leh ayee dhibeysaa.


Asmara waa magaalo madaxda Eritareeya, oo ah dal iyo dad aan waligood dhibaato u geysan Soomaalida.


I see someone would have loved if uu kasoo hadli lahaa Adisababa and would have more loved if he sat under that Xabashi master of theirs.

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Maxaa geeyay ASmara ,,, muxuuse uga baahan yahay inuu tago Addis ama uu saldhig ka dhigto Muqdisho ?? ....... dalkiisa iyo dadkiisaa u baahan oo ay ahayd inuu uga faa'ideeyo aqoontiisa iyo soomaalinimadiisa.


The good news is that HE IS NOT MISSED AT ALL ... he is just cheating himself by sitting with Aideed and the other loosers.

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MMA, clearly there are those of us who see things otherwise. Eritaraa has done quite a lot to "harm" Somalia. in the name of its own interest or to get back at its enemy, it has armed Somalis against their government. wither you like that government or not, you must at the very least realise that arming Somalis against each other is harmful.


"I see someone would have loved if uu kasoo hadli lahaa Adisababa and would have more loved if he sat under that Xabashi master of theirs."

we really must come of this, both these countries are habesha! also they are not only both christian, but the same sect too.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Maxaa geeyay ASmara ,,, muxuuse uga baahan yahay inuu tago Addis ama uu saldhig ka dhigto Muqdisho ?? ....... dalkiisa iyo dadkiisaa u baahan oo ay ahayd inuu uga faa'ideeyo aqoontiisa iyo soomaalinimadiisa.


The good news is that HE IS NOT MISSED AT ALL ... he is just cheating himself by sitting with Aideed and the other loosers.



You never miss anyone who is not your clan, This guy is talking about Dadkan la xidhay in Somaliland, nin dad laxidhay u hadalaya ayaad leedahay ... no one is not missed, your hate becomes uncontrollable adeer.

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That is what i said ,,,,,, talking about Jama M Qalib. It is true he is not missed at all that is why he is making this issue just say i'm still alive.


How is this related to the qabiil ??



I hate no one ,,,,,, i just feel for those poor guys who left their country and people only to sit in Asmara hotels under the Orthodox church.

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According to the man in your signature, the admin has agreed to to release the trio. So much for "it's a court's decision". They've gained nothing but bad publicity. Lost not only lots of support (and respect) but some senior members. Not worth it all and it was a shame you went with it.

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JB am glad you said Asmara, I was sceptic and worried about what your answer to your question "but from where ?" would be.

That aside what is it that you miss or dont miss about J.Qaalib?

Whether he is in Asmara or somewhere in Utopia does it matter, if he expresses his views regarding the political turmoil in Hargeysa. Or are you irrittated by some reputable person opposing S/land governments stance.

On the question whether he can or cant do anything about is due to the despotic attributes of the goovernment your revere.

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Originally posted by Juje:

JB am glad you said Asmara, I was sceptic and worried about what your answer to your question
"but from where ?"
would be.

That aside what is it that you miss or dont miss about J.Qaalib?

Whether he is in Asmara or somewhere in Utopia does it matter, if he expresses his views regarding the political turmoil in Hargeysa. Or are you irrittated by some reputable person opposing S/land governments stance.

On the question whether he can or cant do anything about is due to the despotic attributes of the goovernment your revere.

What is that views he is making if he doesn't recognize the government at all ?? it is the first time he is speaking what is happening in somaliland since 1994/95 .. can you understand why ??


There must be a change in him ,,, there must be something that made him finally lean to his country. Or do we say the SL government was right everytime and it is only now they did a mistake by jailing those men ??



As you said, i don't care where he is right now but being in Asmara is telling me more story about him and his intensions.




According to the man in your signature, the admin has agreed to to release the trio. So much for "it's a court's decision". They've gained nothing but bad publicity. Lost not only lots of support (and respect) but some senior members. Not worth it all and it was a shame you went with it.

It is a court's decision and the President have the right to forgive after the judgement is done.


Seriously, it is the Qaran who lost publicity and supporters. Now they can't do anything as per the agreement or they'll face Hadraawi, Gaariye and the other Suldaans. Isn't that what the government wants ??

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^ In the article that you find under the link above this is what Jaamac Maxamed Qaalib said about the secessionist administration.


The prevalent situation in the north of the Somali Republic that now styles itself as Somaliland has been the best of an overall bad scene since the collapse of the Somali nation state in early 1991. As already mentioned here above, there has been a relative peace in many parts of the north very much unlike most areas of the south. Some semblances of most ingredients of governance also exist there. However, these are not without dictatorial bents and bullying where the rule of law is flawed. Of all parts of present Somalia, only in the administration of the north are the centres of the power to be remnants of the former dreaded security apparatus of the defunct regime of Siad Barre.

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JB lets first agree that he is a S/lander whether he recognises them as an independent entity or not would entirely depend on your understanding that every and each S/lander can have his/her own opinion - thus promoting freedom of speech. Ok ?

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Juje, yes he is a Somalilander basically. He doesn't want to be labelled though. I'm just saying there must be something bothering him that made him speak about Somaliland government after 12 years of silence.



The prevalent situation in the north of the Somali Republic that now styles itself as Somaliland has been the best of an overall bad scene since the collapse of the Somali nation state in early 1991. As already mentioned here above, there has been a relative peace in many parts of the north very much unlike most areas of the south. Some semblances of most ingredients of governance also exist there. However, these are not without dictatorial bents and bullying where the rule of law is flawed. Of all parts of present Somalia, only in the administration of the north are the centres of the power to be remnants of the former dreaded security apparatus of the defunct regime of Siad Barre.

Yes ,, that is after he tried to destablize and didn't work for him.


I remember that day in 1994 as i was listening to the BBC when they asked him why they are fighting against the governemnt and his answer was "Because they want to implement a new currency",,,,,,, that is the time i fully realized the guy.


He is now talking to the world claiming the Somaliland's peace that he failed to break. Shame on you Mr. General ,,,,

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Gen. Jamac yare whatever he had done is working on better mission now.


He has the right to express his opinion on imprisment of Dr.Gaboose and co.

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