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Puntland 11th Anniversary celebrations: Long live the state

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flag bearer my a**, from independence to Siad Barre they have been the problem. From day 1 to abdullahi yusuf.


give me a break. flag bearer, who lost the most amount of men in the ethiopian somalia war, Somalilanders. Who initiated the unification of all Somali speaking countries, Somaliland. Who created the national anthem,the poetry,the songs the official dialect, Somaliland.


Flag bearers (puntland) give me a break. Stop sniffing your own fart.

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar:

Nin cariish degan ayaa ku accuse gareynaayo mundul ayaa degantahay qof kale.


War the least developed country in Afrika, iskaba dhaaf qaaradaha kale, ayaa kasoo jeedaa, markaas intaa shib iska dhihi lahayd isku hadleysaa.


Some Soomaalis and their unfounded faan.

lool. The moderator craped all over the forum. :D Miskin stop hating, Puntland state and its stakeholders are on the way insha Allah to building a better future. Lack of development can be overcome with time, lack of confidance as in your case is fatal.


Anyhow Aw Muse continue with the wonderful information. The rest start working to help Somalia instead of atacking those like Puntland who are helping the nation. :D

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My suggestion for all Somalis is to follow the model example laid out by Puntland State as the beautifully articulated and crafted verses/lyrics of kudayo Puntland kudayo Song suggest underneath.


Waa Mirihi Abwaan Cali Xasan Warsame


Kudayo Puntland Kudayo

Kudayo Puntland Kudayo

Siday bulshadeedu tahay

Ku baro Puntland ku Baro

Ku baro Puntland ku Baro

Meelay nabad buuxda taal


Bal eeg Burtinle iyo Mudug

Bal eeg Boocame iyo Sool

Bal eeg Badhan iyo Sanaag

Bal eeg Bari iyo Nugaal

Siday bilicdoodu tahay


Kudayo Puntland Kudayo

Kudayo Puntland Kudayo

Siday bulshadeedu tahay

Ku baro Puntland ku Baro

Ku baro Puntland ku Baro

Meelay nabad buuxda taal


Bal daya dalka baaxadaa leh

Bal eeg badaha isku xiraan

Hadana bariga udgoon

Bal eeg Bidixda iyo Midig

Jaleec labadaada baal

Bal eeg quruxdiisa badaan

Dalxiis u baahanaya


Kudayo Puntland Kudayo

Kudayo Puntland Kudayo

Siday bulshadeedu tahay

Ku baro Puntland ku Baro

Ku baro Puntland ku Baro

Meelay nabad buuxda taal

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Indeed such a beautiful model to follow it is.


Kudayo Puntland Kudayo

Kudayo Puntland Kudayo

Siday bulshadeedu tahay

Ku baro Puntland ku Baro

Ku baro Puntland ku Baro

Meelay nabad buuxda taal


Model yourself on Puntland,

Model yourself on Puntland

How it society functions

Study from Puntland

Study from Puntland

A place whereupon a comprenhisve peace prevails

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar:

Nin cariish degan ayaa ku accuse gareynaayo mundul ayaa degantahay qof kale.


War the least developed country in Afrika, iskaba dhaaf qaaradaha kale, ayaa kasoo jeedaa, markaas intaa shib iska dhihi lahayd isku hadleysaa.


Some Soomaalis and their unfounded faan.

You are like a skipping record with this same old tired rubbish. This tripe has been debunked repeatedly in this thread. Puntland wey duushay saaxiib ee get some new material, will ya! :cool:

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We remember Islaan Maxamed Islaan Muuse may Allaah give him paradise, one of the founding fathers of Puntland and importand pillar of the state's cohesiveness and transquility.


And also Boqor Maxamamuud who has passed away:




All the saladiin and other founding fathers and isimo who have passed away in the last two decades Garad Abdiqani including.

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Originally posted by The Zack:

Nimanku faan badanaa ma hablo baa?

There is no faan present.


All I see is Puntland haters turning a glorious shade of red as they fill with envy.

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The People of Puntland thrive on good leadership.


Today they're united as ever. The people have indeed fully grown to take their destiny in their own hands and a strong realisation and feeling has therefore emerged to that regard.


The previous government of Puntland under President Hirsi 2005-2009 has had to endure enormous problems and challenges as they had an extra burden on their shoulders with the TFG, as one of its founding fathers and first Presidents H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed was elected as the new President of Somalia.


He took with him not only the many brains of the state but also experienced security personnel such as colonels, generals and other highly ranking military personnel.


Furthermore he also took with him a contigent of 3000 highly trained state soldiers as personal bodyguards and as Puntland's share of the supposed re-building of the national army.


Today Puntland is recovering from those challenges and its army is being duly rebuild in order to be able to do what it is supposed to do, to serve and protect the people of Puntland and their borders.


1991-1998 marks a seven year period whereby Puntland was the most peaceful region by far in anykind of measure compared to the rest of Somalia. It was a beacon and somewhere to flee to and find work.


Even though there was no functining administration in place, the security was nevertheless upheld by traditional leaders of the land and the local customs therein. Generaly speaking outside the Puntland context Somali society lacks a stable hierarchy of paramount chiefs.


Therefore the Puntland example is very unique in that regard and thus Bosaso was transformed very quickly and emerged as the new byname for progress, peace and prosperity.


From 1998-2004 marked a period of steady growth and a desire for federalism to take root in Somalia and a real urge to strive for a national government based on the federal formula which was realised in 2004 by the election of one of its son to the Presidency of Somalia.


2009-2013 will inshallah mark a new dawn and era for Puntland where a huge steps regarding progress, democracy and development will be hopefully under taken and Puntland will emerge from it successfully and even stronger.


Puntland full potential has not been fully realised yet and there's always room for some improvements in that regard but we are hopeful overall.

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