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Puntland 11th Anniversary celebrations: Long live the state

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Originally posted by Meiji:

''Puntland'' did not exist back then
. If you mean the two chieftains who ruled Bari and Hobyo than you are re-writing history.

What a strange post! It makes absolutely no sense at all. Puntland(ama, Dhulkii udgoonka) has existed for millennia, albeit, under one form of rulership or another. These are facts, Meiji.



Originally posted by Meiji:


In the coming days I will post historical excerpts from books and papers that will expose the treacherous nature of the two chieftains.

:D Lol :D ...Saaxiib, don't make me laugh at your silly rigmarole(if you will excuse the word)-- and just between the two of us, I hardly think it is in your interest to argue against the illustriousness of the Royal Houses of Puntland, lest you expose the plebeian 'virtues' of your own forebearers. ;)


In any case, however, I was truely stunned that you made such remarks about the Kings of Puntland and I'm still curious to know what so-called "historical excerpts" you will bring forth, which in your opinion, might aid you in tarnishing our 'wonderful' image.


I have to guess that you are just bluffing and wanted to throw dirt (as always) on any thread about Puntland to sound smart, right? If you think such naysaying will deminish, even by an iota--the success and progress, the people's of Puntland have thus far achieved-- you, my freind, are too simple minded for words.


Thus ends my point for now, and by the by; I dont mean to try to insult your intelligence, but if you could post something to back up your claims it would be greatly appreciated.


On a side note, its really hard to take a man seriously on an intellectual level, who parrots around this forum as the official saint of a fictitious "M Society". It only makes me laugh at you. Thats all I get from it, no shock and outrage like I'm sure you were going for... It just makes me shake my head in amusement. I hope you grow out of that sh1t.

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Nin cariish degan ayaa ku accuse gareynaayo mundul ayaa degantahay qof kale.


War the least developed country in Afrika, iskaba dhaaf qaaradaha kale, ayaa kasoo jeedaa, markaas intaa shib iska dhihi lahayd isku hadleysaa.


Some Soomaalis and their unfounded faan.

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Originally posted by Mr. Somalia:

quote:Originally posted by Meiji:

''Puntland'' did not exist back then. If you mean the two chieftains who ruled Bari and Hobyo than you are re-writing history.

What a strange post! It makes absolutely no sense at all. Puntland(
ama, Dhulkii udgoonka
) has existed for millennia, albeit, under one form of rulership or another. These are facts, Meiji.




Originally posted by Meiji:


In the coming days I will post historical excerpts from books and papers that will expose the treacherous nature of the two chieftains.


, don't make me laugh at your silly rigmarole(if you will excuse the word)-- and just between the two of us, I hardly think it is in your interest to argue against the illustriousness of the Royal Houses of Puntland, lest you expose the plebeian 'virtues' of your own forebearers.


In any case, however, I was truely stunned that you made such remarks about the Kings of Puntland and I'm still curious to know what so-called "historical excerpts" you will bring forth, which in your opinion, might aid you in tarnishing our 'wonderful' image.


I have to guess that you are just bluffing and wanted to throw dirt (as always) on any thread about Puntland to sound smart, right? If you think such naysaying will deminish, even by an iota--the success and progress, the people's of Puntland have thus far achieved-- you, my freind, are too simple minded for words.


Thus ends my point for now, and by the by; I dont mean to try to insult your intelligence, but if you could post something to back up your claims it would be greatly appreciated.


On a side note, its really hard to take a man seriously on an intellectual level, who parrots around this forum as the official saint of a fictitious "M Society". It only makes me laugh at you. Thats all I get from it, no shock and outrage like I'm sure you were going for... It just makes me shake my head in amusement. I hope you grow out of that sh1t.
Friend, Meiji is absolutely right. Have you ever heard of "Kadeedkii Keenadiid" the vicious self-imposed sultan of Hobyo and the other tyrant "Boqor Cismaan". Both of them were major daba-****** for the gumaystayaashii. Read the book Taangiga Tigreega gaar ahaan chapter-ka Xudunta Xasaradda. It gives a detailed insight into their tyranny.

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History is written and thus cannot be changed


Puntland can only accept to be part of a future Somalia in a federal framework, but will not accept anything less of that.


The State of Puntland was created in 1998 after a strong realisation that the problems of Somalia needs a bottom up approach and that it would be insane to wait any longer for the anarchistic south to become normal and stable again.


Many have wondered and criticised the people in charge of Puntland to why they didn't establish a functioning administration prior to that date, although the talks and proposals of the state were going on since 1994.


Puntland got wary, disappointed and disenchanted with the lack of political progress in the anarchistic and troublesome south and thus vowed to itself to not be an 'observer' anymore as there's no one else working for the revitalisation of the Somali State and thus strived to actively seek a Somali national state based on the federal formala and framework.

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The State of Puntland had a article in its constitution that made it an obligation to actively seek to bring back the warrying faction of Somalia together and to actively seek a national state based on the federal formula and help other former regions of Somalia to establish their own regional federal administration in order to build a new federal republic from a bottom up approach and ensure a federal charter that will guarantee such implementation of such stable 'building blocks' of a future federal republic.

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This was realised in 2003/2004 whereby a Transitional Federal Charter was adopted and with that Transitional Federal Institutions.


Also the then President of Puntland H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed was elected as the first President of such new transtional federal institutions (TFI).


Today those are in danger of being hijacked by a certain few.

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Today the new Puntland constitution has a clausel of disengaging itself totally from Somalia if the trouble and problems continue and a lasting solution to the problems of the south are not found in a acceptable time-table or set time frame acceptable to the people and government of Puntland.

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Originally posted by Jaanjumow:

QUOTE]Friend, Meiji is absolutely right. Have you ever heard of "Kadeedkii Keenadiid" the vicious self-imposed sultan of Hobyo and the other tyrant "Boqor Cismaan". Both of them were major daba-****** for the gumaystayaashii. Read the book Taangiga Tigreega gaar ahaan chapter-ka Xudunta Xasaradda. It gives a detailed insight into their tyranny.

Mr Miskiin, why dont you do something against this post and edit. You have a magnifying glasses any thing against Sharif Hassan and Sharif Ahmad, and never bother the insane insults posted by Jaajuumoow against the most respectfull traditional leaders ( Boqor Osman and Sultan Kenadid ).




Waa wax Somalida dhaqqankeeda ceeb iyo foolxumo ah, in la caayo Boqorrada, Salaadiinta, Garaadada, Ugaasyada, Malaaqa, iyo Cuqqaasha. Marka dhaqqan xumaadaa baddal!

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Where by the state parliament will come together and vote on a proposal of self-determination, which need an approval or majority of two third for such thing to happen but that will only happen if we determine that there is no way for the south to settle down anytime soon.


The People of Puntland are an extremly patient lot but its patient has been taken for granted and thought 'unquestionable' but the patience of the people and government of Puntland are not unlimited and are thus subject to being questionsed, if there's not a solution found to the problems of the south and its political stale-mate of current.

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Puntland State hasn't experienced civil strife even 5% of the magnitude that other former regions in Somalia have sadly to experience. Whether it be to the west or south of its respected borders.


This is because generally speaking, outside the Puntland context, Somali society lacks a stable hierarchy of paramount chiefs, and it follows that mediation can achieve only a local dimension. Whilst in some other quarters namely the North-West of Somalia a more regionalist feeling and attitude has widely spread which in the end saved the day, although many horrible things have happened there in the early to mid-late ninties in that part of the country.

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Indeed the young turks have emerged.




A man by the name of Adam who visited Puntland in 2003 wrote this:


Somali Horses: If you are in NE Somalia(Puntland) take a opportunity to ride some Somali horses. Horses in this part of Somalia are held to very high esteem. I'm told all horses in this area are decended from the horses of the Anti-Colonialist rebel the 'Mad Mullah' Sayid Mohamed Abdullah Hassan.

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Originally posted by Hunguri:

quote:Originally posted by Jaanjumow:

QUOTE]Friend, Meiji is absolutely right. Have you ever heard of "Kadeedkii Keenadiid" the vicious self-imposed sultan of Hobyo and the other tyrant "Boqor Cismaan". Both of them were major daba-****** for the gumaystayaashii. Read the book Taangiga Tigreega gaar ahaan chapter-ka Xudunta Xasaradda. It gives a detailed insight into their tyranny.

Mr Miskiin, why dont you do something against this post and edit. You have a magnifying glasses any thing against Sharif Hassan and Sharif Ahmad, and never bother the insane insults posted by Jaajuumoow against the most respectfull traditional leaders ( Boqor Osman and Sultan Kenadid ).




Waa wax Somalida dhaqqankeeda ceeb iyo foolxumo ah, in la caayo Boqorrada, Salaadiinta, Garaadada, Ugaasyada, Malaaqa, iyo Cuqqaasha. Marka dhaqqan xumaadaa baddal!
in xumaanta la reebo oo qeyrka la falo waa sunna. Xaqqana iyo runta in laga cabsada ma fiicno no matter who they are. I respect the elders but pointing out their mistakes so we may learn from it is not dhaqan-xummo. I don't care if they are the leaders of reer hebel. Xumaan waa xumaan. Injustice waa injustice. They are what they made themselves, i did not make them do such things. Hiding their mistake for the sake of their title is WRONG. In the eyes of allah, the poor beggar and the King are the same. The only thing that seperates them is their ACTIONS and iimaan. Got it. You shouldn't bad mouth me for what they did.

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