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Lets turn back to our Lord, Insh Allah.

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Asalaam uu alakum warhamtullahi wa baraktahu brothers & sisters. Insh Allah, let’s work righteous deeds by

sharing knowledge that’ll benefit us in this life and the hereafter and spend our time wisely. smile.gif


There’s a hadith that was narrated by At-Trmidhi- from Anas, radiyal lahu anhu, that he said ''I heard the Messenger of Allah, salalahu calayhi wasalam, saying, 'Allah, exalted is He, says, ''Son of Adam, as long as you call on me and hope in Me, I will forgive whatever comes from you (of wrong actions) and I do not care. Son of Adam, even if your wrong actions were to reach to the clouds of the sky and then you were to seek forgivness of Me with nearly the earth in wrong actions and then later you were to meet Me, not associating anything with me, then I would definitely bring you nearly as much as it (the earth) in forgivness.''


Subxanallah, what a beautiful hadith. Indeed Allah SWT is Gafuurar Rahiim, so Insh Allah lets all make sincere tawbah and turn back to Allah before it’s too late!

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>>>>>>Not associating anything with me


There lies the secret of Allah's eternal offer to mankind.


Can you elaborate a bit more on the keywords "associating anything"?




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