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General Duke

Will violence curb the TFG ? I think not. Take Rio city, South Africa Colombia...

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abu ansaar17,

This has nothing to do with religion, muslim somalis have killed more somalis than ethiopians - which by the way, population wise has a muslim majority.

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Abu , They are quite poor, and quite violent and their government are functining just like Somalia. That was the point.


Also Ethiopia as well as Eritrea[ally & sponsor of fake courts] are run by Christain leaders, thus the fake clan courts loss does not make the relity any different.

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Brazil has the 9th largest economy in world, SA, the largest in sub-saharan africa, and about the 50th in the world. SO the they are 'quite poor' or i'll compare them to somalia doesnt exactly cut it.


We get it that u support the TFG unequivically, but please dont say "They are quite poor, and quite violent and their government are functining just like Somalia.", the sheer lunacy of such comments undervalue anything else you that you write

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^^^Those countries have more people than all of Somalia's population. The inequality in those societies is one which is well documented. Thus they are still in large parts relatively poor. The comparison was to humour the brother.


Back to the topic, the violence we are seeing in Somalia is lower grade to what we have had in the war, with time it will be even lower. Hence those who want to scrore political points and get the attention of the outside world need to do a bit more..

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Yes, they want to score points, where points are meyd on the streets, but please clarify

'low grade violence'? for me...lordh.


is it like you have to get suited up for 'low grade violence'?. i mean how does it work, are there special schools where they teach people to shoot 'hight-grade'?


what a term!

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^^^The grade, level or intensity of any violent action is dependend on the phsyche and weapons available to those that want to engage in violnce against another.


Today the level of violence has reduced, to what it once was.

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^^^What do you mean? My dear lad you are mistaken, a month ago we had a full scale fighting close, a mini war, over a very large area. From Mudug to Raskambono from Baidoa to Jilib. Many lost their lives, technicals, tanks, AC130's and all sorts of weapons were used.


Today we have a few mortars here and there.

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Originally posted by Caano Geel:

Yes, they want to score points, where points are meyd on the streets, but please clarify

'low grade violence'? for me...lordh.


is it like you have to get suited up for 'low grade violence'?. i mean how does it work, are there special schools where they teach people to shoot 'hight-grade'?


what a term!

You are reasoning and trying to convince someone who is not in touch with the realities of Somalia.


by the way, I really salute your patience towards his low-fat-brain!


I mean, total lack of adipose fat in his brain! lol

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but as i said 3 moths ago, if i remember correctly the market price for guns was at its lowest for 16 years, while people in those areas had voluntarily disarmed!

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Originally posted by General Duke:

the TFG has the control of all the existing infrustructure in Somalia, for exampel the Port and airport of all the 15 regions including those in Puntland, Kismayu, Mogadushu, Baidoa airport and so on.

They probably did not teach you in school that to function as a government does not only require the control of airports and ports.Full control of security, functioning police and army, fully functioning local municiapality or councils in all levels such village, district and regional levels which provides for the basic needs for its citizens, running water and power supply, schools, hospitals etc., fully operational Juridistic system, these and many other aspects sxb are the infrustructure that make a government. Airports and ports and tax collection, which you prioritised, are only income generating infrustrutures.

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^^^I have had as much schooling as anyone, the governemnt has control of the regions has named admins, is training police abd armed forces and so on. But you already knew that.


CG. You are using a price of a gun I am using the level of fighting, deaths and area of operations. Now has the violece increased or decreased?

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The price of the gun reflects the level of violence. More violence, for requirement for guns, so more demand on a finite resource increases its price.


Less violence, means MOre stability, means less demand for guns so seller have to reduce its price to shift units.


btw. I got my prices frm reuters:


The price of guns is usually a good indication of what's happening in local conflicts. In the past few days, demand for weapons has soared in Mogadishu's Bakara arms market, Britain's Independent newspaper reports. Before you could pick up a rocket-propelled grenade launcher for just $400. Now you won't get change from $1,000. And AK-47s are flying off the shelves.


now you can decide whether there is or isnt a correlation between the cost of weapons and the level of violence..

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^I have had as much schooling as anyone, the governemnt has control of the regions has named admins, is training police abd armed forces and so on. But you already knew that.


CG. You are using a price of a gun I am using the level of fighting, deaths and area of operations. Now has the violece increased or decreased?

Yes, you are using the level of fighting, but at the level of Ethiopian aspect. You are also measuring things from the current situation without paying attention to the sustainibility of it in the long term, i.e. 10 years from now.


the violence fluctuation is nothing and will not amount to anything, you can ask that the gullible Americans in Iraq when they measured the violence level during the election period!


Now, call it whatever you want, the people from Southern Gaalkacyo to the people of Gedo, to the people in between are against your wicked traitorship for bringing our sole enemy in the region in Somalia.


Sleep with it and wake up with it, you are the # 1 enemy of Somalia!

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