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Emperor's preditions plus leakes of the Dj process

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Garyaqaan yes I might be wrong but just mark my words and be a little more patient...


And the door is open now, forward the good materials...

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Not quite so about Mr Abshir's MP prediction, the next PM as of now is predicted to be this man and few intro about him...




Sheikh Adan Maxamed Isse - A Canadian fellow who took part in the presidential election of Puntland only few weeks ago and lost, the man have never been part of the ARS group of Asmara or Djibout but now serves as an MP for Sheikh Sharif's ARS...


Faroole malaha buuqa wuu joojin xoogaa, Lol, mase kanbaa uga sii darniini?

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Emperor, Gaadaale is a decent, competent candidate from the all important Nugaal Lowlands (no bias here. :D ). I am very sure if he is picked the folks from that landscape below Xammur mountains, to Sinujiif dry rivers and Uusgure belt... all the way to beautiful Iyax valley will erupt with joy.


I'll write a bid about him later. He is a very competitive guy. Nin sahlan maaaha Gaadaale. :D

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:D @ rag halkana iyo filimka ay iska dhaadhiciyen. Waraa Emperor, even thoug Hassan Abshir is experienced and a likeable politician but from "4.5" point of view I am sorry to say he is from the "wrong" clan to be our next PM. Ciddu ha nasato kolkan dee, ;)


Anyway what Somalia needs are true changes, new blood/faces with clean sheets who can win the hearts and minds of all somalis.


My predictions:



Sh. Sharif



Maslax (Go Maslax Go)



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^^^Nice Prediction saxib and not bad, Maslah seems to be ok. However the problem against you is history. No runner up has ever taken become PM. Also Sharif Ahmed is from the same group as Geedi, Nur Cade and thus no resting for the family works.


Anyhow lets see the vote count..

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