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Somaliyey tosoo

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Why wouldn't our motherland unite? Why should we keep on killing one another for a reason we will soon forget?

Was the reason for the somalian civil war about the indifference or the difference in the somalian klan-tructure or was it the somalian politics?

What does the klan mean to one who today still lives in Somalia and does it have the same effect on us who has left the country?

I have a family with the mixture of a cocktail when it comes to the different klans of Somalia - would any other somalian outside the family blood but still within the family klan have any closer relationship to me than my own flesh and blood from outside the family klan? The meaning of the klan system and it's structures are to many narrow-minded and somewhat not understandable because of it's negative inpact and influence whilst it's a beautiful culture where we as somalians know our own family history.

What I would suggest is that we for one second or two step out of our own shells and walk in someone elses shoes, try to understand one another and most importantly try to learn from one another. You choose your friends and your heart desides who to fall in love with - klans you do not choose. Whilst in judgementsday Allah will ask you who is your Prophet, who are your people? He won't ask you - what's your klan, now will he? At the end of the day we are of the same people, speaking the same language and sharing the same religion.... if we come to our senses and inshallah we will, we will one day re unite and spread glory on the motherland once again. Somaliyey tosoo ;)



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