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Why Faransiiska renamed French Soomaaliland

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There are clanish delusions but not Somaliwayn falsehood. Think about it, one thinks their clan is greater than the rest of somalis and they are somehow unique when there is no difference to tell between them and the rest of farodheer. Alright, may be the brittish colonized us and others Italians is a reason for difference between somalis, but I am not convinced.


Aniga dadka u arka qabiilkooda inuu soomaalida ka baxsan yahay, oo raba inay sheegtaan inay Ummad yihiin gaar ahaaneed iyagoo hal qabiil ah(And I am sorry to speak in the collective knowing not all clan members share the same views), waxaan u arkaa inayan waxba ka duwanayn xagga khaa'innimada soomaalida taageersan gacan ku dhiiglayaasha Xamar xukuma for clanish reasons, inshallah these two groups of corrupt somalis will have their day of reckoning come, hopefully soon.



^ Well that is true and these anti-midnimo northern cousins have allies in the south, namely, the proponents of 4.5 formula and clan superstitions, best allies they have in the south were those who supported their country's occupation, the massacre of somalis by the Xabashis, and the complete comeback of the warlords as presidents, ministers and financial moguls.


As long as the south is dominated by the clan mentality, unitarian somalis have no case. Once the south comes clean, the clan supremacy goes away, like in the ICU days, all clan fiefdoms will feel the earth beneath them shaking due to pressure from within without any somali from outside their regions coming to them to enfroce unity.


Hate to say it saxib, but as long as warlords and unfit men are given positions of responsibility in the south, Somalinimo is dead. And having said that, I despise anyone who thinks his clan can stand aside from the rest of somalis. Waan sugaayaa dadkaasoo kale when the day comes inwhich somalis with honour demand them to come to the table for accounting or face the consequences.

Well said, very eloquent, you very sincere brother



Xoogsade afkaaga caana lagu qabay, waxaa ku jirtaa dadka ee islaamnimadu iyo soomaalinimadu runkahay, qadarin ayaad mudantahay


Qof sida Xoogsade oo kale u fakaraya ayaa ku haboon inuu soomaali hogaamiyo, qof islaamnimada iyo somalinimodu garanya qiimaha ee leedahay


Insha Allah, One day islamnimo and somalinimo will prevail, and Somali people will have a good time.. amiin


Anuu waxaan la yaabaa damiirka iyo caqliga dadka diiday midnimo ku salaysan somalinimo oo ku badashey inay u doodaan midnimo taariikh guumeesigu katagay ku salaysan, waxba ma dhaamaan kuwa taageersan warlords u adeega xabashida sida Yusuf, Qanyare, Caydiid, Riyaale


There is nothing wrong with if one Somali region wishes to secede like northwest, but to glorify colonial history and colonial borders is very sad

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