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Tanks and other weapons arrive for the government

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

Heh. You write well but your
skills need some serious work, saaxib. In some perverse and sadistic way, I am actually growing to like you. This degree of a lack of any awareness implies innocence. Nobody can dislike innocence.



Go on, '
my fraudulent arguments'

Your psychoanalysis of me though amusing, does little to help your juvenile case.

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Waranle, is it me or did you talk about peace caravan somewhere in the politics section?

Adeer the peace caravan is still there with a new feature; it’s armed. It’s armed because of significant growth of armed bandits and scofflaws like you who are resolved to kill the leaders of the caravan preventing its message of peace and dialogue. You got in the way of peace, naturally you must be removed so the caravan can continue its march forward.


It’s a fitting mitigation, don’t you think yaa Waranle The Anarchist?

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Xiin is not your peace caravan thats armed but the old warlords who've been rearmed and fighting the 'bandits' and clan among the ones in MOgadishu vowing to protect it. Oh i forgot they all belong to the same clan plus their son the president

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Waranle, is it me or did you talk about peace caravan somewhere in the politics section?

Adeer the peace caravan is still there with a new feature; it’s armed. It’s armed because of significant growth of armed bandits and scofflaws like you who are resolved to kill the leaders of the caravan preventing its message of peace and dialogue. You got in the way of peace, naturally you must be removed so the caravan can continue its march forward.


It’s a fitting mitigation, don’t you think yaa Waranle The Anarchist?

It was thee that introduced the peace caravan; maxaa kugu dhacay ma khafiiftay? smile.gif


If you are asserting that peace will be achieved by killing, you are Pol Pot. Have you been to the killing fields of Campuchea?


Anarchism ( and I am flattered) is a better notion than a tribalistic government that will lead us on the same trajectory as the government before it. You cannot achieve peace by using force on the same people you want to govern.


Spare us the cool-aid sxb; there is no government forces; it is a mo-ryaan army that is led by warlords and we know what the moryaans are capable of. It is


Your "president" is a warlord who despite your rants on SOL has lost the support of somalis.

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^^Peace caravan was for those with tangible political objectives. Those who are lost in the vomit of their useless rhetoric, or those with anarchist bent, however, will be dealt with force for that is the only language they sadly understand.


Further more, one comes across quite weak and confused when one complains about the negative effects of the very war he so recklessly started.

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What were your objectives? Kill and engage in a clan war; habar wacasho; yaa tolkeey ah in Muqdisho?


If you think the solution to somalia's problems lies in force, you must live on saturnas!!!


By the way wasn't "will be dealt with force" the same language that was used by the Doofaarey TFG.


- and if my memory serves me well, you did not support it.


Looba joogo smile.gif

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^^Some times states kill to assert their authority and survive. Today it's a defensive war that the government is engaged in. Dont make it sound like Sharif wanted to exercise some fake power.


And btw monopoly of violence is one of the oldest sources of power. Nithaamul qahri :D , it’s called.


waraa ha ku dhiman meesha, in xamar there is no intellectual discussion, and if there was ever one Sharif easily captured its summit. There is a raging war however. This is no time for cheap theatrics. Either you accept the offer of the government, which is to come to the table and negotiate in good faith. Or you continue believing your own rhetoric to overthrow the transitional government with a two-year term, and see how far you get with that approach. My guess is you will regret starting this war.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^Some times states kill to assert their authority and survive. Today it's a defensive war that the government is engaged in. Dont make it sound like Sharif wanted to exercise some fake power.


And btw monopoly of violence is one of the oldest sources of power. Nithaamul qahri
, it’s called.


waraa ha ku dhiman meesha, in xamar there is no intellectual discussion, and if there was ever one Sharif easily captured its summit. There is a raging war however. This is no time for cheap theatrics. Either you accept the offer of the government, which is to come to the table and negotiate in good faith. Or you continue believing your own rhetoric to overthrow the transitional government with a two-year term, and see how far you get with that approach. My guess is you will regret starting this war.

So Xiinow, Ali Mahdi was right in using force? Caydid too?, Abdullahi Yusuf also??? I never read anywhere you supported them.


My guess is that you will abandon this government once you start to think. Think, think.


You are right there is no time for intellectual discussion, but you and I have the liberty to do so.


And why are wishing war on innocent citizens of Muqdisho yaa Xiin?????????

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^^Caqli. Caqli. Caqli igula hadal awoowe. The war is already raging. You, and not xiin, were the one who wanted it to overthrow the sharif government. It was you who opposed it before it even come to Xamar on the grounds of warlordsm .

What has changed awoowe? Was it the sharp side of government’s sword that restored your sanity now?


Let me put it this way:


Do/did you support the violence opposition against Sharif’s government? Were you supportive of Sharif’s peace efforts to manage the conflict through dialogue and reconciliation? Did you ever imagine the consequence of advocating another violence in xamar to oppose this government? Since when did you develop this new humanitarian concern and consideration for the people of xamar yaa waranle?


above all what is your position now? War till sharif is toppled? Peace? If first, don’t whine for you need to bite the bullet, as you will see the tragedy unfold. If latter, what is wrong with current's government's position to engage anyone who wants to take that route? What modifications would you suggest to that position for peace to prevail?


Talk sense, if you can, yaa Waranka.



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Johnny B   

^And where is the sense in 'let the terrorists attack the Government but if the government answers accuse it of violence' ?


Xiin xuja adkaa. :D

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Hub loogu deeqay Dowladda Somalia


Ilo wareedyo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa u sheegay Garowe Online in dowlada Somalia loogu deeqay hub casri ah iyo in ka badan 70-taangi, kuwaasoo loogu talogalay inay ka qaybqaataan dagaalada u dhexeeya dowlada iyo xoogaga kasoo horjeeda.


Mas'uul sare oo diiday inuu magaciisa xuso ayaa sheegay in deeqdan ay ka timid dalalka Afrika qaarkood, isagoo xusay in sidoo kale ay dowladu heshay kaalmo lacageed oo loogu talogalay dagaalka.


"Kaarayaasha lagu deeqay waxay qaarkood ku imaanayaan dhulka iyagoo kasoo galaya xuduudaha Kenya iyo Ethiopia, halka kuwo kalena laga dajinayo dekeda Muqdisho, si loo burburiyo mucaaradka" ayuu yiri wasiir ka tirsan dowlada Somalia.


Sida ay sheegayaan wararkan, Markab wada hubkan loogu deeqay dowlada Somalia ayaa kusoo xiraya Khamiista [June 04] dekeda Muqdisho, iyadoo la sheegay in maalintaas la hakiyay howlihii dekeda.


"Waxaa naloo sheegay in maalinta Khamiista ah aanan shaqo u imaan karin dekeda, iyadoo la diiday in la sheego sababta, balse waxaan maqlay in hub laga dajinayo" ayuu yiri mid ka mid ah xoogsatada dekeda Muqdisho oo la hadlay GO.


Dowlada Somalia ayaa dhawaanahan waday hanjabaadyo ku aadan inay qaadayso dagaal culus, kaasoo ay kula wareegayso gacan ku haynta guud ee dalka, gaar ahaan Magaalada Muqdisho.


Kooxaha Al-shabaab iyo Xisbul Islam oo ka horjeeda dowalda Somalia ayaa iyaguna wada diyaargarow ay kaga hortagayaan weeraro kaga yimaada dhinaca dowlada, iyagoo urursanaya dhalinyaro u dagaalama.


Taliska Booliiska iyo Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir ayaa soo bandhigay maalin ka hor 9-wiil oo la sheegay in afduub ahaan looga soo watay degmooyin ka tirsan Gobolka Sh/hoose, kuwaasoo la damacsanaa in loo tababaro ismiidaamin qasab ah.




http://www.garoweonl ish/Wararka_19/Hub_l oogu_deeqay_Dowladda _Somalia.shtml

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