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Tanks and other weapons arrive for the government

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(31-05-2009)Warar lagu kalsoonan karo oo ay heshay Shabakada wararka ayaa sheegaya in uu ku soo xirtay Dekeda Muqdisho markab sida taangiyo ay soo iibsatay dawladda Soomaliya, waxaana markabkaas ilaalo ka haya baa la leeyahay laba Markab oo kale oo aan la garaneyn cidda isla leh.


Taangiyadaan oo tiro ahaan aan la garaneyn cadadkooda, ayaan wali lagu bilaabin dejin, waxaase la xaqiijiyey in uu Markabku taagan yahay masaafo dhaw oo ah agagaarka Dekeda Muqdisho, iyadoo ay hareeraha ka joogaan laba Markab oo dagaal.


Dhinaca kale warar is-khilaafsan ayaa ka soo baxaya dawladda hubka laga soo iibiyey iyo markabka wada intaba, waxaana wararka qaar ay sheegayaan in hubkaan oo aad u badan laga keenay wadanka Turkiga, halka warar kalena sheegayaan in dowladda Malesia loo sii maray soo iibsashada hubkaan.


Hubkan ay dawladda la imaaneyso ayaa ku soo beegmaya xilli dhawaan dowladda Soomaaliya si ku meel gaar ah looga qaaday xayiraaddii hubka ee muddada saarneyd wadanka Soomaaliya.


Hubkaan Markabka Saaran ayaa la sheegay iney ku jiraan madaafiicda goobta, gawaarida qafilan ee dheereeya oo loo yaqaano BeBe-yada, iyo rasaas fara badan.


Waxaa muuqata in kooxaha Soomaalida qolaba gaar loo hubeynayo, leyskuna sii dirayo si ay cadaawaddoodu u sii fogaato, kadibna ay isu laayaan. /news.php?readmore=4 144

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Tanks and governments are not good combinations; specially if that government's enemy is its own people.


Somalia does not need tanks; it needs food, education and dialogue.

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Originally posted by [Waranle]:

Tanks and governments are not good combinations; specially if that government's enemy is its own people.


Somalia does not need tanks; it needs food, education and dialogue.

The government's main enemy is the anarchist movement that wants to use Somalia as a jihadist playground. You can't win a war when the government and the armed anarchists are militarily on equal footing, thus it is important for game-changing weaponry are introduced and that is why the arrival of these tanks, if true, is a definite boost to the moral of the government troops.


I pray that Sharif realizes that there is no shame in asking for American Air Support.

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RR, what??? What did we do with the thousands of the T54s, the airforce and the navy that somalia had in the late 80s? They were used on the people.


Stop and ask yourself why there is resistance against the so called government; this is a warlord government and giving tanks to them will never solve the somali problem. You need to get rid of tribalism and those elected through the sick tribal process;get rid of sheikh hotel, his 500+ ***-licker. childkiller, religious entrepreneurs and tribal c-ums.


Only your mind do tanks end civil wars, my friend.


BTW, why were you opposing the previous TFG?

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Johnny B   

^ For president Sharif , this it the test.

1: His plea for dialouge has been rejected.

2:His Islamic government has been attacked .


This is his first test, either he groundly defeats his and his Islamic government's enemy or gets lured into unfruitful peace talks and fail Somalia as his precursors.


time will tell.

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Johny B,


Sheikh sharif


a) Clanist manipulative warlord

b) selected by warlords

c) fooled almost all somalis

d) succeeded in bringing back the early 90s to the residents of Muqdisho

e) bombed his own people just the previous TFG did

f) promised changed but delivered business as usual


Double standards;


Sheikh Sharif = Abdullahi Yusuf


I wonder why you people were opposing Abdullahi Yusuf and the TFG

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The somali army needs better training and more funding to be larger and stronger to deal with the al-shaytaan enemies of the somali people.


Then better weapons and armed conveys can be provided.

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Johnny B   

Waranle, you may as well be right on the bucks, but and huge one at that ,What is the alternative?


A: Talibatic Somalia?

B: Anarchic Somalia

C: Jidadist center Somalia?


Farancab,your concerns about the fate of the government's arsenal is noted, wishful thinking aisde.. neither the oneman party of 'hisbul-islam' nor the Talibatic, terrorist movement of 'al-shabab' are an alternative to the Republic.

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Originally posted by Hassan6734:

The somali army needs better training and more funding to be larger and stronger to deal with the al-shaytaan enemies of the somali people.


Then better weapons and armed conveys can be provided.

lol @ al-shaytaan


good one!


As for the weapons, I wish somebody would repair those Mig 21s that are rusting away in hangars and garbage piles. I also wish somebody would train pilots.


All it takes is some Mig 21s to get rid of Shabaab, to patrol the borders, to patrol the coast, etc..


Somalia needs an AIR FORCE!

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Even if they got tanks, who would use them ? Most of the militias dont have basic military training let alone how to drive and use a tank.


Keep an eye on the Ethiopians theyt are the ones coming back.


As for Sharif= Could not shine Yusuf's boots, neither can Xasan Dahir, Abdiqasin or any clan obsessed faker who could not manage a city.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Even if they got tanks, who would use them ? Most of the militias dont have basic military training let alone how to drive and use a tank.


Keep an eye on the Ethiopians theyt are the ones coming back.


As for Sharif= Could not shine Yusuf's boots, neither can Xasan Dahir, Abdiqasin or any clan obsessed faker who could not manage a city.

Bro, they might not shine Abdullahi Yusuf's shoes, but they are not getting slapped around by Ethiopian Generals nor are they refugees in Yemen smile.gif

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I don't know whether they can shine shoes but I know that the tanks will be used on the same people they want to rule.


Besides, if you think that somalia's problems can be improved with the help of tanks, you are insane.


Less tanks/weapons more talking

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Originally posted by [Waranle]:

I don't know whether they can shine shoes but I know that the tanks will be used on the same people they want to rule.


Besides, if you think that somalia's problems can be improved with the help of tanks, you are insane.


Less tanks/weapons more talking

Talks in Somalia have failed because the anarchists have refused to entertain the slightest thought of peace talks and compromise. Thus, this government is justified in doing everything in its power to crush them.


You don't negotiate with pigeon-holed cavemen who think that Alaska and Japan should be liberated.

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Recovering romantic;


Why didn't you write this when the TFG was holed in Baydhabo janeey?


This is a warlord government and somalia has experiences on what warlords can do when armed.


The last thing you want to happen in Muqdisho is tanks used on innocent somalis.


The fact of the matter is that Sheikh Hotel is today kept in power by Yalaxow, qanyare, suudi, qeybdid and Indha-cade; the same warlords that caused havoc. If you want tanks for these warlords and their tribal militia, then you are on the side of the warlords.

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