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Puntland Hero's of Galgala affair...PICS

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The Zack   

^Somalida wey is taqaanaa (inta sidaada qurbaha iyo qabiilka uu dhago tiray mooyee).


Nobody can hide the obvious, the people of Maakhir don't appreciate what Faroole and co. are doing on their side of the region.


Ilka jir works for Farole, Farole works for foreigners.. sida wararka ku cad, Faroole waa lagu qasbay inuu weerarka qaado oo uusan nabad wax kaga raadin reer Maakhir.


Viva Atom, viva the locals.

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Originally posted by The Zack:

^Somalida wey is taqaanaa (inta sidaada qurbaha iyo qabiilka uu dhago tiray mooyee).


Viva Atom, .

Thank you adeer, now you are talking, thats what Ahmed Diiriye used to say a few years back with regrads to Al Shabaab. :D


As for Makhir, they have more than 9 MP's in Parliment, several ministers, army comanders, local chiefs, business community, and none have resigned or attacked the state none have come out in support of Attam. But you know best right?

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Mekiris have only one leader today, and thats Atam. The chiefs are supporting him according to a link provided by Nasir.


Farole's Employees dont count saxib.

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The Zack   

The 9 MP's and the several other officials you mentioned will not be there if your boy keeps treating their people the way he is treating them now. Every thing doesn't happen in one night.

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Originally posted by Gallad:

Mekiris have only one leader today, and thats Atam.

Adeer now you have the audacity to tell us who our leadrs are?


Puntland has survived for 12 years and developed its power because of its people and leadership. Dont mistake us for Dr RoadBlock Taano supporters adeer.

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Originally posted by The Zack:

^Are you trying to appease SOLers from Maakhir when you are calling Ilka-Jir your "leader'? They are actually too angry at this moment to accept this. Faroole is your leader and Ilkajir works for him

Appease SOLers from Maakhir? Are you serious, they hold a view that the people back home do not even hold. They are saying this is some sort of big war - which among many other factors is resource driven; but if it is because of this then why is Atam trying to bring his own personal form of government? My point is that SOLers on here are angry but the people back home are not and have supported the the government (primarly thanks to Ilka-Jiir), so yes he works in Faroole's government, but he is the number one reason why Atam is on the run. If the people like the elders, business community, youth didn’t support this operation, we both know the government wouldn’t have stepped one foot into Gagala.


Look, Ilka-Jiir has done something that many leaders may not have done by taking on a man who comes from his area. It must be commended and acknowledged! He knows the man is in the wrong and poses a threat. We don't see leaders who are trying to fight for justice like he is doing right now.


In Somalia many people aren't willing to go against their own even if they are wrong! An example being the SOLers from Maakhir!


I gave Faroole credit for how he handle this situation and I forgot to give Ilka-Jiir his as well.

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Look, Ilka-Jiir has done something that many leaders may not have done by taking on a man who comes from his area. It must be commended and acknowledged! He knows the man is in the wrong and poses a threat. We don't see leaders who are trying to fight for justice like he is doing right now.


He took a big political risk, considering the reaction and operation smear that has been directed at him from the onset of this affair. The General must be commended for his bravery and supported now and with his future aspiration which must now be to run the state.

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I am not sure he expected (like any of us did) this decision to upset some of his supporters outside of Puntland. The Diaspora will be a crucial component to his campaign if he chooses to run for president. Yet despite this he made the right decision to take on Atam at the expense of losing some of the Diaspora support, if you see some of the sites that were his biggest supports have changed a bit.

He made a tough decision that most wouldn’t have, as they would have just sided with the person closest to them.


This Galgala incident has raised his stature in Puntland.

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Puntland will not inshaAllah become a place where such massacres a those that took place in Hotel Muna & Hotel Shamo take place.


We want our stability and peace to be maintained and grow.

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