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Camel Mlik

Will Mogudishu fall to the hands of Abduallhi Yusuf just like Bosaso did years ago?

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Originally posted by haruun:

We still have along way to go to learn to live together.


Can Puntland invade Mogadishu?

Somaliweyn needs to invade Mogadishu for it's own good. Puntland does not need to invade Mogadishu becasue there is't anything reer Puntland need from Mogadishu. But Somaliweyn needs it's capital back.

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Salamu calaykum,

brother Soomaal I appreciate your rightful response. I couldn't agree with you more that the real reasons that we are suffering today are feeding of those blood thirst vipers.whom fed by each and everyone's clan or tribal lineage. so if we expect to succeed as a people and as a nation we have got to abandon those war criminals. However, brother Soomaal, I would exclude Faysal Ali Warabe from the list since he was neutral in the 1990's civil wars between his tribe and other tribes in Somaliland. However Siilanyo deserves every bid to be in that list, I would raise him higher in the list though as well as Riyale.

salamu calaykum and ramadan karim

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Salamu Calaykum,

hey Camel Milk I don't really know what to make of you. Isn't Puntland part of Somalia and isn't Moqdisho your capital and aren't you Somali? I don't know what Puntland people you are talking about but the people I know that live both in Moqdisho and Bosaso are both Somalis. Please make some sense and use your head, because your points are pointless and aragont.


salamu calaykum

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Brother Red Sea, I appreciate your response and understanding the real reasons behind Somali debacle, which is the fact that ordinary Somali people’s absolute and blind support for war criminals, I disagree with excluding faisal waraabe Somaliland’s most notorious war criminal, I just found that’s it is entirely unfair to include the list of Somali war criminals Guulwade Riyaale (former spy of siyaad regime till 1991) and Siilaanyo (former minister of siyaad regime and later snm leader who took leading role in Somaliland civil war 1993-1996) and exclude infamous Ucid's leadear Faisal ali waraabe (a former real estate broker in Mogadishu, who is willing to make every absurd irresponsible statement) who is better known as the Musa Sudi Yalaxaw of Somaliland because he makes foolish remarks without taking into account the consequences of his statements.


“We failed to secure recognition for Somaliland. Therefore, we must seek revenge†these were the words of Faisal Ali Warabe, the leader of UCID, a political party which draws a sizeable backing from Hargeisa, and from the Diaspora. Here, Warabe is clearly enticing clan-based war and hatred.

Faysal Cali Warabe's is on the record to say that he loved Ethiopia more than his own Somali brethren inside and outside of the republic. This sentiment is represented by his famous saying: “a boy born in Hargeisa has more commonality with one born in Addis Ababa than one in Mogadishu.†-- “ Wiil Ethiopia ku dhashay baa iga fican Soomaaliga ku dhashay konfurâ€


I hope that you will be very objective in this matter, and include the notorious faisal waraabe the long list of Somali war criminals (Muse Suudi, Aydiid, caaato, qanyara, shariif Hassan, indhacadde, cabdulaahi Yusuf, morgan, haabsade, shaatiguduud, riyaale, siilanyo, iyo waraabe), it is extremely important that we Somali people should not be bias and selective when we judging the war criminals

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Oh here we go again, waxay Soomalidu tidhaahdaa, midaamo dhago male haduu malag dhawaaqayo. So tell me Allah ubaahne what is the difference between them? because I can make a list of their similarities including that they are all same people with same blood, same religion, same culture, same language and I can go on and on.


You said war superiority, hmm, we are not actually talking about confentional warfare here. This is about problems facing our people; the Somalis. All I know is that the Somalis living in Moqdisho whom you wrongly considered as though they are different than ever other Somali are suffering and they need aid. They are tired of war and need help more than ever before. An ignorant one like you wouldn't dare to speak such nonsense if he knew the situation in Moqdisho. Talk about how much people need help and leadership. If it so happens that civil war occurs which I hope not, then everybody loses, it is no body's interest to be in turmoil. Maybe you have never been in a battle field or have never a heard the explosions of the bombs go off and never witness people losing their lives infront of you, because if you have, you wouldn't have been making such childish comments.

Salamu calaykum.

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Salamu Calaykum,

Brother Soomaal, I am not saying exclude him from the group, however he belongs in whole new list. He belongs in the list of clanish minded but one thing I can for sure say without defending him that he has not involved in the civil wars. But him being a clanish minded person is a different category. Abdullahi Yusuf, Riyale Kahin and Silanyo are for sure war criminals. But Faisal Warabe is on another list of the sick minded people who put clan before everything.

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Originally posted by Red sea:

Salamu Calaykum,

hey Camel Milk I don't really know what to make of you. Isn't Puntland part of Somalia and isn't Moqdisho your capital and aren't you Somali? I don't know what Puntland people you are talking about but the people I know that live both in Moqdisho and Bosaso are both Somalis. Please make some sense and use your head, because your points are pointless and aragont.


salamu calaykum

When in the world did i say Puntland was not part of Somaiweyn Puntland is taking it's share in making Somaliweyn happen unlike Somalidiid.


Brother you asked the qestion on a personal level what i was trying to say was puntland as a state does not need Mogudishu.

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Salamu Calaykum,

So tell me Camel Milk when you are saying that Somaliweyn needs to invade Moqdisho not Puntland what are you really suggesting? wouldn't someone who is reading that get the sense that you are excluding Puntland from Somalia. What I am saying is that Puntland is no different than Moqdisho, if someone needs to do something about the problems facing Somalia then it's all Somalis including Puntlanders. Also you are claiming Abdullahi Yusuf who is from Puntland region is working on the problems of Somalia please, Allah and all Somali people know as well as you do that Abdullahi Yusuf is dark hearted man who will never bring any positive note to Somalia let alone a stable government. We need to look else where, someone who is close to Allah. What did you expect other warlords do, when another war lord is trying to tell them what to do, well I expect bloodshed and turmoil which seems to be the case that is unfolding ifront of our eyes. Abdullahi Yusuf isn't the answer for Somalia's problems, but we hope Allah brings a just ruler soon inshallah.


Salamu Calaykum.

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Originally posted by Red sea:

Salamu Calaykum,

So tell me Camel Milk when you are saying that Somaliweyn needs to invade Moqdisho not Puntland what are you really suggesting? wouldn't someone who is reading that get the sense that you are excluding Puntland from Somalia. What I am saying is that Puntland is no different than Moqdisho, if someone needs to do something about the problems facing Somalia then it's all Somalis including Puntlanders. Also you are claiming Abdullahi Yusuf who is from Puntland region is working on the problems of Somalia please, Allah and all Somali people know as well as you do that Abdullahi Yusuf is dark hearted man who will never bring any positive note to Somalia let alone a stable government. We need to look else where, someone who is close to Allah. What did you expect other warlords do, when another war lord is trying to tell them what to do, well I expect bloodshed and turmoil which seems to be the case that is unfolding ifront of our eyes. Abdullahi Yusuf isn't the answer for Somalia's problems, but we hope Allah brings a just ruler soon inshallah.


Salamu Calaykum.

"I expect bloodshed and turmoil which seems to be the case that is unfolding ifront of our eyes."


waryaa Red sea that is not what you expect but what you want to happen now that is :(:(:( sad kidd


"Somaliweyn needs to invade Moqdisho not Puntland"

What I meant by that was Puntland should not and will not do Somaliweyn's job. If Moqdisho is going to be invaded we are going to do it together.


Abduallhi yusuf is the just ruler for the situation Somalia is in today.To beat a War-lord you must get another war-lord to kick his *** that is what we plan to do with Abduallhi Yusuf's help.

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