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Ethiopia-Djibouti Dispute Over Airlines

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Addis Ababa, (HWN)- Muran xooggan oo soo kala dhexgalay sherkadda dayaaradaha ee dalka Itoobiya iyo maamulka socdaalka hawada ee dalka Jabuuti ayaa sababay in ay dowadda Itoobiya joojiso duulimaadkii dayaaradaheeda ee dalka Jabuuti.


Dowladda Jabuuti ayaa culays ku saartay dowladda Itoobiya in ay bedasho dayaaradaha ka duula dalkeeda ee taga dalka Jabuuti. Sherkadda dayaaradaha ee dalka Itoobiya ayaa duulimaadmayada dalka Jabuuti u isticmaasha dayaaaradda nooca turbo-propelled. Dayaaradahan ayaa ah kuwa matoorka banaanka ku leh.


Ethiopian Airweys ayaa ku gacansaydhay dalabka dowladda Jabuuti, waxeyna sherkadda dayaaradaha ee Itoobiya go´aansatay in ay gabi ahaanba joojiso duulimaadka dalka Jabuuti.


Dowladda Jabuuti ayaa ku adkaysatay in dayaaradaha ay isticmaaleyso sherkadda dayaaradaha ee Itoobiya noqoto nooca jet-propelled.


Madaxa sherkadda dayaaradaha ee dalka Itoobiya, Girma Wake ayaa warbaahinta u sheegay in uu socdo wadahadal u dhaxeeya Itoobiya iyo Jabuuti, kaas oo lagu xalinaayo khilaafka duulimaadka ee labada dhinac.

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Dispute led Ethiopian Airlines to suspend flights to Djibouti - A dispute between Ethiopian airlines and Djibouti Civil Aviation Authority has led Ethiopian airlines to suspend all flights between Ethiopia and Djibouti indefinitely. According to media reports, the dispute is over the type of aircraft Ethiopian flies to Djibouti.


Ethiopian Airlines would like to continue to operate turbo-propelled aircraft, while the Djibouti authority is pushing them to use jet-propelled planes for flights to that country, Arab News reported.


Fortune quoted Ethiopian airlines CEO Girma Wake as saying, "There are negotiations going on between the two countries, They have some demands . . . The suspension is only until some sort of agreement is reached.”


The route between Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa and Djibouti is one of Ethiopian Airlines’ longest-running routes, operating since 1946.

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