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Tigre Militias Still Deserting and Surrendering

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After massive defections of high-ranking military chiefs to Eritrea and OLF as well as numerous prominent Federal functionnaries and diplomats' escape to the West, it seems that the rag-tag militia is still badly demoralized despite the recent purges which only aggravated the lack of competent personal:



Thursday the 23rd of November, 2006




Ethiopian Soldiers surrender in Babili



Nov 20, 2006 Reports reaching ****** Online service desk confirm the surrender of about fifty members of the Ethiopian military stationed in the town of Babili. The fifty soldiers are reported to have surrendered to the ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) fighters who waged a surprise attack on the Ethiopian military garrison in Babili.


In related news, specially trained ONLF commandos carried out an operation in the city of Awaare. It is confirmed that this operation netted ten men one of whom is the chairman of the city of Awaare.


Reports from elsewhere in ****** indicate an increase in the number of operations where ONLF forces attack the Ethiopian military and its affiliated militias within their main garrisons. In one such incident in the town of Qoreyga, ONLF forces are reported to have attacked and killed fourteen members of the Ethiopian military. It is not known whether there were casualties on the ONLF side.


Recent ONLF operations have been felt throughout ******. The speed, accuracy and the boldness of these operations, since they take place within the Ethiopian military garrisons, is said to have demoralized many members of the Ethiopian military.



****** Online News




When will Col A. Yusuf and Gedi desert the sinking ship thus avoiding unnecessary suffering for Somalis already facing multiple, unprecedented humanitarian disasters?

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Aamin, fighting against colonization by black Christians colonists and deprivation of the most basic rights is a most noble cause that every Somalis should adhere to, by all means necessary.


Did you now they set alight their Somalis captives, still alive, while hanging them by piercing their feet; not mentioning their well documentated atrocities against civilians?

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Originally posted by Djib-Somali:

Did you now they set alight their Somalis captives, still alive, while hanging them by piercing their feet; not mentioning their well documentated atrocities against civilians?

Djib, what evidence do you have on that? Any video photo proof or is it just rumor! am not saying it is untruth, but you know ....anyone can make up any stories...

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