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Jini-Boqor for President of Somalia

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Cabdi Cabdule Saciid {Jiniboqor} oo isusotaagay xilka madaxtanimada soomaaliya(Daawo Sawirada)


Cabdi Cabdule Jiniboqor oo ku sugan Magaalada nairobi ee Dalka kenya ayaa shir jaraa'id oo uu ku qabtay Nairobi ka sheegay inuu u taagan yahay xilka Madaxweynenimada Soomaaliya, isagoona muujiyay sida uu doonayo xilkaas.


Xildhibaanka ayaa sheegay inuu si weyn u rajeynayo inuu ku guuleysto xilka Madaxtinimada, isla markaana shacabka uu doonayo inuu dhibaatada ragaadiyay ka samata bixiyo, isagoo adeegsanaya waaya aragnimo iyo karti dheeraad ah waa sidoow hadalka udhigaye .


Waxuuna sheegay xildhibaanka inow asaga kaduwan yahay xildhibaanada isusoo sharaxay xilka madaxtinimada soomaaliya oo uu donayo inow mideeyo garabyada siyaasada soomaaliya mana sheegin wax qabadkiisa ku aadan madaxtanimada..



Kaliya waxuu sheegay inow wax qabadkiisa ka horsheegi doono marki lamideeyo 575 xildhibaan ee matalaya umada soomaaliyeed..


Cabdi Cabdule Saciid {Jiniboqor} ayaa ka mid noqonaya Xildhibaano caan ah oo ka tirsan Baarlamaanka kuwaasoo ay ka mid yihiin Cali Maxamed Geedd iyo Guleed gacma dheere Maxamed Qanyare, oo dhowaantan shaaciyay inay u taagan yihiin musharaxnimada xilka Madaxweynenimada.



Cadiraxmaan Diiriye Nuur

Nairobi Kenya

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^Lol, what you laughing for, Jiniboqor has got a style, Odaga can speak as well, waa big time Aftahan and can give a speech for 12 hours on going :D

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Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte:

"War cawdibilaysta, Jinni baa nagu dhex jiree"
Xildhibaan Casharo

Haha, :D , I remember this one few year ago, Casharo made that comment and the meeting room turned into a boxing ring, Jini-boqor throwing bunches :D , heh that was funnyyy

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Woow Jiniboqor is still around and kicking. Very shrewd and opportunistic politician he is. He made a lot fortune in Kenya back in early 80s and later lost most of it. I am sure he is back into business now. :D


KK, your Grandpa was a good friend of my dad and my dad once lived in his house in Nairobi in early 80s(early kala roor.) Jini welcomed us in Nairobi once again in qaxii 2aad in the 90s.

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Jiniboqor, the name baa iitili. :D


I saw his speech on universal TV, he is too old and set in his ways. bless him he offered everyone and included every fraction in his speech. But far too old to represent a state.

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He is my man. Honest and humorous.


But seriously, I am supporting Nuur Cadde. He is better than Sheikh Shariif. He at least is not a pretender. And the old man is light-skinned. I like that skin. Call me racists now.

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He looks reasonable, we need something fresh, I wouldn't mind voting him for best fashion outfit, indha adeegaas qof leh baa wadanka hogaamin karo, ninkan waa federation and loves unity between Somalis, look the amount of clothes he mixed, good sign he can bring back Somali unity and peace.

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