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TFG gets 80 tanks : a new phase

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Waa runtaa, I don't think mid ku jiro doqoshka Suuqa Bakaaraha oo xabbad kasoo ridaayo in uu kaare wax ka qaadaayo. Kaare meel uu ka galo maleh suuqaas iyo meel kale lamid ah.


Isla kuwaasna beri ayee anti-tank keensanayaan, knowing kaariyaashaan la leeyahay laga keenay Ruushka kuwa iska raqiis yihiin la qarxin karo.


Kaarena qof qibrad leh ayaa wado, oo ma'aha baabuur caadi ah. Wax kaare wadidiisa yaqaano oo dalka ku sugan ayaaba iska yar.

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and how much does it cost to buy a tank ?? ,,, and about the total cost of the 80 ?? ,, and they extra dillaal and mallaal plus the transport ? ,,



I still don't think it is true .... but let's see.

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Jacaylbaro, puntland news reporters don't report on false information. They test the reliability of it's's not like sland news which has been caught lying so many times noone even bothers to read their stuff.


By the way this agreement between russia and somalia government...brand new tank cost 4 million and thats the best tank in the world from america.


The tanks the somalia will get is most likely t-72 battle tank a refurnished one..which is not 4 million because it is mid-range tank carries 3 ppl and plus it's probably going to be refurnished which drops their prices by half.


Plus russia has said it will do anything to help somalia because of the this is report is facts.....


Jacaylbaro what u need to answer is how somaliland got all these western weapons when somalia arms embargo was on it? not only that how does it manage to buy them with a budget of 30 million?


The tfg got 250 million just from brussels, this is not including the support other nations will give it be diplomatic or their claim is alot more realistical then sland claim on it's army..

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Jacaylbaro what u need to answer is how somaliland got all these western weapons when somalia arms embargo was on it? not only that how does it manage to buy them with a budget of 30 million?

That is our secret ....... :D

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Jacaylbaro..yes it is your secret because u copy pictures of eritrea military and edit in photoshop with sland flag and sland buildings..


War orood before warkin dhan aan qarxiyo

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Sland army has been since real life in las canood and in parts of sanaag..all they ever bring is same rag tag militia''s well known...infact ur army general was shaking in his boots on camera saying puntland brought hub waa weyn in 2003..We can explain where we get our toys...its ethiopia pact agreement thats where..but u guys cant explain yours because it's all just edited pics of eritrea military...and like i said $30 million budget means ur government cant buy them...and embargo means u cant get it from the west or asia...only place left is ethiopia and they never signed an arms deal with my conclusion is correct and based on the hard facts..i know it hurts but run along son before it gets even more painful

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