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TFG gets 80 tanks : a new phase

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Muqdisho: "80-Taangi iyo laba diyaaradood ayay dawladda soo iibsatay dhawaana Muqdishaa la keenaa" Sarkaal madaxtooyada ka tirsan

10. juni 2009


Muqdisho(AllPuntland )-Sarkaal madaxtooyada ka tirsan oo diiday in aan soo xigano magaciisa ayaa u sheegay shabakada wararka AllPuntland (APL) in dawladda Soomaliya ay dhawaan keeni doonto magaalada Muqdisho hub tayo leh oo ay ka soo iibsatay dalka Ruushka.


Hubkaan ayay wararku sheegayaan in uu ka koobanyahay 80-Taangi iyo laba diyaaradooda oo dawladu ay dooneyso in ay ku sii adkeyso cududeeda Miltari.


Markabka soo qaaday hubkaan ayaa xalay soo gaaray Dekeda Jabuuti halkaas oo lagu wado in uu ka soo shiraacdo si uu u soo gaaro Dekeda Muqdishoo.


Saraakil dawladaa ka tirsan ayaa maalmahan waxay aruurinayeen darawaldii Taangiyada dawladi hore ee Max'ed Siyaad Barre si ay u kaxeeyaan Taangiyada soo socda.


Hubkan dawladda Ruushka laga soo iibiyey ayaa waxaa ay ka dambeysay markii heshiis ay kala saxiixdeen wasiirka gaashandhiga iyo saraakil Ruush ahayd oo dhawaan Muqdisho soo gaaray , waxaana arintooda sidoo kale ay ku soo beegmeysa xili la qaaday xayiraadi hubka ee saarneyd Soomaliya.


Xafiiska wararka Muqdisho AllPuntland

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this would be the dumbest move that government has ever taken if its true. Tanks dont do nothing when fighting a insurgency. This guys dont have a base nor a place where the government can take those tanks to and fight. Shariif haduu moodey taangi baa wax ka qabanayo ku dhufo oo ka dhaqaaq iyo dilal qorsheeysan dee marka isaga la kulmi doona ciqaabteeda

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The tanks are a game changer. If its true, then Xasan dahir is in trouble

A tank in a built up city is useless, ask the Russians in Chechniya, or the Israelis in Gaza.


Its like trying to kill a fly with a hammer. :D

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Wacdaraha & Moonlight: If they get 80 tanks as reported they have a great deal of advantage.

The reason why the Al Shabaab/Hizbul Islam are unable to take over the city is because of the few AMISOM tanks and heavy weapons.


Also, Russia has won the war in Chechnia.


The TFG has AK47 and the AL Shabaab AK47 thus its a waste of time. Now give the TFG BKM and Tanks its a new game.


We shall see, but its a promising sign for the government. Xasan Dahir has to go for the end game now. Otherwise he will be hunted again.

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Also, Russia has won the war in Chechnia.

Chechnia war was won by the ex president Kadyrov who led an army called the KADYROVSTY . http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Kadyrovites

Russia always had tanks and big arms but they were defeated twice in the 1990s.


Even Putin admitted without the KADYROVSTY brigades help, Russia could've never defeated the chechen rebels.

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Layzie adder raga meesha uu daa ee u jawaabi maayo. Due bro tanks are used when two armies are facing each other and they have bases in which u can blow up. But the only thinks tanks are going to add is blowing up whole neighbourhoods and buildings. Ku dhufo oo ka dhaqaaq waxba ka qaadi maayo

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