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Meet some ONE special, Two things to keep in mind.

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I dug up deep into my old list of suggested topics today after a few weeks of absence from the forum, this topic appealed to me, maashaAllah, so tighten up your belts, I mean conveyor belts to you know where! (Aakhirah) I mean, hang in there! well if you don't know how to hang in there, you will know by the conclusion of this impromptu write-up.



Caro Paesano,



If I tell you that there is Someone Special in your life that is credited to all of your successes, yet you hardly stop to notice, what would be your reaction?


Well, most nomads would want to meet this Special Person, and you are no different.


So, can you believe that all of your successes are credited to a single person other than you? if you don't think so, then you are the right person to read this write-up, if yes, then, you are ahead in this class, sit tight for next module of your homework.


Paesano, in one of my old write ups, I discussed success. We said that success is fitness for a purpose, so, once a purpose is defined, success can be likewise scoped.


Let us stretch this logic a little bit further, if there is a purpose behind every success of yours, then what would that purpose behind it be?


Any Clue?


Let us start with success at school, purpose is to get a good job.


The purpose of getting a good job is to make a decent living.


The purpose of decent living is to serve by responding to a higher calling, like saving humanity from poverty and disease, educating the ignorant, saving the whales, the rain forest of the Amazon valley, endangered species like the Somali Pirates, American Neocons, the Kalahari pygmies, and the list goes on and on.


Well, what is the purpose behind saving the whales?


Without whales, the Antarctica krill population will undoubtedly swell so much that there wouldn't be enough phytoplankton to go around, which may endanger other species like penguins and seals to vanish, and that is enough to make the planet a boring place for our summer vacations to Marine World.


So what is the point in taking vacations?


I guess it is for getting rid of our yearlong stress at school or at work,


This concludes the circular logic of our existence, that we work to live and live to work!



Can we Break This vicious Circle?



Yes We Can! , but not the wishy washy Obama Way!



You see paesano, the purpose for being here on planet earth is to prepare for meeting that special One.


Who we said is credited to all of your successes and happiness in this temporal life, while misery and failure is our own making.


How much do you value your health?


Your wealth?


Your family?




Free Time?






Well all of the above are for your joy and comfort.


But you! yes, I mean YOU!, you are here for that special someone.


That special someone is your MAKER!, before you meet your maker you need to rehearse what you are going to say to Him.


Wait a minute Nomad, do you know what you need to remember for that eventual meeting? in few trillion years ( time stops for you after your death, so a one year and trillion years are the same, when you wake up, you will find a new reality, new skies, new world ruled by a new no nonsense King!)


All you need to remember that day are two things!


Only Two!! That is right saaxib!



If you pay attention, usually you read about them every Friday as a reminder!






The last Verse of Surah Kahf






2009 eNuri Softwano Series

Dressed Up and Somewhere to GO! Jannah InshaAllah!

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Jzkallah khayran akhi, reading Soorah Al Kahf every Friday is indeed a must.


It condenses much wisdom in such a beautiful way; yet, it also commits naturally to the mind.


Of course, its full beauty and reward can only be attained if one strives to understand the underlying meaning (through its Tafseer).



"Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on Friday, light shall shine forth for him between the two Fridays".


Hadith related by Hakim and Bayhaqi, from Abu Sa`id (Allah be pleased with him)

[ibn Hajar, Talkhis al-Habir]

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mashallah i love surat al-kahaf and now i want it to be friday smile.gif


Say: "If the ocean were ink (wherewith to write out) the words of my Lord, sooner would the ocean be exhausted than would the words of my Lord, even if we added another ocean like it, for its aid." (surat al-kahaf 110)

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Abu Salamn and Bint Hamid


And all other Nomads


The write-up was not about Surah Kahf, it was about the last verse of the Surah, I need your input on that specific verse.


Baarkallahu Feekum




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This was quite a homework,I Thank You and the Wisdom Allah has bestowed upon you.


I sat for a whole hour pondering over just that one verse,and my mind was flooded with thoughts of my own conducts and self belief..


I kept asking myself if my conducts have or are,of righteousness,do I have a true respect of my creator[Allah]..Beca use,its only those two that are the criteria for reaching that ultimate goal..> Meeting my Lord[Allah].


How life is brief and subject to vicissitudes, How knowledge is for God,How this life is uncertain and variable; how goodness and virtue are better and more durable,for the Day of Reckoning will come,with its Mercy and Wrath.


I am awake and will strive to stay wide awake in this journey..

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