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what was the Addids plan for somalia

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do anyone know :confused: :confused:


i have heard lot's and lot's of story's abut him and i dont know if they are true

pleas educate me :D

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Anwar, aideed plan was to be president of somalia. He wanted to have ali mahdi as his prime minister and a usc government. That was his goal.


It was interrupted by ali mahdi who wanted his sub-clan as president and they clashed and usc died and they went into sub-clan war days.


After that aideed ppl were kicked out by the wadaads. and that is the summary of the saga

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P. Anwar, Aidid wrote a book in which he spelt out his vision for Somalia and its future governance. I'm not a supporter (i'm yet to find a worthy Somali politician) but one has to admit that some of his goals were sound, at least in theory.


Here's the book: The Preferred Future Development in Somalia, co-edited with Dr. Satya Pal Ruhela


His other book on Somali history is also a good read.


Somalia: From the Dawn of Civilization to The Modern Times


Both books are out of print. It won't be easy to find a copy. Good luck.

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Bilal, aideed had some good ideas when in that book however he still focussed on centralism, which is totally ignoring thousands of years of somali history which their was never a centralized system but autonomous fiefdoms. These autonomous fiefdoms were called "sultanates"


We need to embrace this and not fight it or ignore it, we need to go back to our roots and embrace what our ancestors were doing for thousands of years and it effectively worked. This can be established through federalism and it works quite well for somaliya situation.


Federalism is really the best policy I believe, it creates internal competition between states and a stronger federal government through that internal competition. It eliminates fear and suspicion because your state will be controlled by your ppl. This was one of the disasters that rocked somalia, we were thrown to foreign system of centralism where leadership of our clans were given to 1 man and we didn't trust him because he wasn't from any of our clans, we thought immediately he is working against our interests.


These sorts of suspicions are eliminated once you give the ppl back their land, their rulership and let their clan handle their affairs, after-all they trust their clan more then anyone else. So why fight it? EMBRACE IT. our fathers embraced it for mellenia and it worked quite fine for them, why can't it work today? we need to stop looking at foreign things as our solution to everything and start lookin at traditional things that worked and was proven and tested for thousands of years.


Some ppl just shock me wallahi, u see a perfect system your fathers lived by yet u ignore that for failed systems that are foreign to you.

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President Anwar.

here is the Aidiid's plan for somalia watch this

video. you will see how great his plans were


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