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Massacre of civilians: cowardly terrorist attack

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The extremist warlords have again shown us their true face: they are more brutal than the previous warlords and have massacred more civilians than the previous warlords.


Moreover, they have caused more bloodshed and have terrorized the civilians more than the previous warlords could have dreamed off.


Todays cowardly suicide attack was ment to massacre poor Somali students who have graduated from university and was ment to terrorize the Somali people.


There should be no mercy for the extremist warlords and Insha Allah they will go down in history as nothing but extremist warlords controlled by Al-Qaida.

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From a memorable day of graduation, of ending a school period and looking forward towards the future, to a dark day of blood and tears.


The extremist warlords will be held accountable, and this ruthless targeting of civilians (students, the future of our country) has shown that their Propaganda of been benevolant and wanting the best for the Somali people and country is FAKE. Their bloodthirsty nature is once again revealed, and whoever supports them must also rejoice the bloodshed and massacre of civilians.



From a graduation day:





To a shamefull massacre by the extremist warlords:






We will not forget this shamefull action by the extremist warlords.

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A shocking coverage of the shamefull massacre of civilians by Al-Jazeera:




Warning: it is not ment for those who can not withstand images of massacre and bloodshed.





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It is indeed devilish of those who pretend to be holy saints. May they go to the deepest layers of Hell, with their fakery.




You can oppose her and her membership of the foreign-created regime, but do not murder her in cold blood!

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Please remove the link, i know Al-jazeera deemed it fit to show but the massacre still fresh and the deceased ( may Allah grant them all Jannah ) are easilly identifible.

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The link of aljazeera or the photos?



The Somali nation must see the fakery and barbarism of the extremist warlords.


The supporters of the extremist warlords must repent for their shamefull support for this massacre and bloodshed of civilians. They are no different than the supporters of the massacres carried by Ethiopian soldiers and currently by AMISOM troops.

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Originally posted by Resistance:

Please remove the link, i know Al-jazeera deemed it fit to show but the massacre still fresh and the deceased ( may Allah grant them all Jannah ) are easilly identifible.

True. Along with two of the ministers I actually know the injured man lying on the ground and looking towards the camera. He is a health professional, Dr Weheliye must have been one of the lecturers I guess. I think I last saw him in London around 2002. Then again in dadka Soomaaliyeed la tusaa sida ay wuxuushtaan u laynayaan waxgaradkeennii waa loo baahan yahay oo dadku baraarugaa.

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Originally posted by Castro:

The people who did this are neither Muslims nor humans.

If we can all agree on that than the logical conclusion would be to have no mercy on such extremist warlords and their brainwashed militia. Their defeat will be rejoiced by the Somali masses.

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Illahay ah u naxaristo kuligood and may allah punish those behind it.




The students who were to graduate.

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Since the Americans and Nato have recently agreed to further increase their fight against Al-Qaida in the Afghanistan/Pakistan border area, Al-Qaida has been increasingly looking to relocate their top brass to a different location. Unfortunately for us, Al-Qaida finds Somalia's lack of strong government very inviting and they have instructed their Shabab deviant slaves to speed up the spread of anarchy and chaos in our country. Thus making conditions in Somalia conducive enough for Al-Qaida to gain a foothold and sanctuary in our country.


Therefore, it is of utmost importance that we Somalis, for once and all, set our local political squabbles aside for once and unite to defend ourselves and our country against this evil group, whose only objective is to collectively unnerve us into submission by killing and maiming as many of us as possible.


Somali people MUST unite, or else, not only our country but our very own survival as a people will be jeopardized.

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Maamulka Jaamacadda Banaadir ee Magaalada Muqdisho oo soo bandhigay qasaarihii ka soo gaaray qaraxii ka dhacay Muqdisho(Aqri Warsaxaafadeed).


Shabelle: MUQDISHO

Maamulka Jaamacadda Banaadir ee Magaalada MUqdisho ayaa warsaxaafadeed ay soo saareen waxaa ay ku soo bandhigeen qasaarihii ka soo gaaray qaraxii ka dhacay Hoteelka Shaamow ee Magaalada Muqdisho.




Shir degdeg ah oo ay maanta 05/12/2009 yeesheen Maamulka & Macalimiinta Jaamacada kana dhacay Xarunta Jaamacada uuna gudoominayey Dr. Maxamed Macalim Muuse Gudoomiyaha Jaamacada, laguna falanqeeyey qaabkii dib-loogu bilaabi lahaa waxbarashada Jaamacada & khasaarihii kadhashay Qaraxii ka dhacay Xafladii Qalinjabinta ardayda Jaamacada 03/12/2009 & Saameynta weyna ku yeeshay Bahda Waxbarashada & Umada Soomaaliyeed guud ahaan, gaar ahaana Jaamacada Benadir: Maamul, Macalimiin, Shaqaale, Arday iyo waalidiinba, dhimasho ama dhaawac.




Xog wareysi & qiimeyn khasaaraha soo gaaray Jaamacada


kadib waxaa la godoonsaday qodobadan:




1- Jaamacadu waxey Tacsi tiiraanyo leh u diraysaa Qaraabadii, Eheladii, Asxaabtii & dhamaan Ummadda Somaaliyeed Geeridii Naxdinta laheed ee ku timid Mas’uuliyiintii Jaamacada, Macalimiintii, Ardaydii, waalidiintii, & dhammaan Marti sharaftii ka qeyb gashay Xafladii qalin-jabinta Ardayda Jaamacada. Waxeyna Alle uga baryeysaa in uu janadii firdawsa ka waraabiyo.




2- Jaamacadu waxey u duceynaysaa intii dhaawaca ama waxyeelada qalbiyeed & hantiyeed kasoo gaartay qaraxii in uu Alle caafiyo Bedelna kasiiyo wixii ku lumay.




3- Jaamacadu waxey hakisay waxbarashada mudo hal Asbuuc ah laga bilaabo 05/12/09 – 11/12/09 si Maamulka, Macalimiinta, waalidiin & Ardayduba u booqdaan una Taakuleeyaan dadkii ku dhaawacmay kuna waxyeeloobay Qaraxa dibna loogu diyaariyo Barnaamijkii waxbarasho mudadaas Asbuuca ah.




4- Jaamacadu waxey Bulshada Somaaliyeed u balan qaadeysaa in ay halkii kasii wadi doonto waxbarashadii Tayeysneed ee Jaamacada, ayna dib u celin doonin dhib kasta oo ku dhacay, dadaalkeedana laba laabi doonto ayada oo la kaashaneysa Alle kadibna Bulshadeeda Somaaliyeed.




5- Jaamacadu waxey magacaawday laba guddi oo wax ka qabta hawlaha degdega ah ee Jaamacada sida:




A. Guddiga arimaha waxbarashada, hawshiisuna tahay; dib u habeynta barnaamijka waxbarashada, buuxinta kaalinta Macalimiinta dhintay ama dhaawacmay & dhiiri gelinta Macalimiinta, Ardayda & waalidiinta.




B. Guddiga xog ururinta & Taakuleynta oo hawshiisu tahay; soo ururinta xogta dhabta ah ee khasaarihii kasoo gaaray Jaamacada Qaraxii khamiista 03/12/09, ka warqabka & Taakuleynta dhaawacii Qaraxa, isku xirka Jaamacada & Bulshada iyo qiimeynta Xajmiga khasaaraha soo gaaray Jaamacada.




6- Jaamacadu waxey cadeynaysaa in ujeedada xafladu aheed Qalin jabin loo qabtay (52) Arday oo ka qalin jibisay sedex kuliyadood oo ka mid ah Shanta kuliyadood ee jaamacadu ka koobantahay sanad waxbarashadeedka 2008-2009, kuliyada Waxbarashada (16) Arday, Caafimaadka (23), Computer Science & IT (13), kana soo qeyb galeen Maamulka, Macalimiinta, Ardayda, Waalidiinta Jaamacada iyo Marti sharaf kala duwan oo ay casuumtay Jaamacadu.




7- Jaamacadu waxey ugu baaqeysaa Bulsha weynta Somaliyeed meel kasta oo ay joogaan iyo dhamaan inta jecel Samafalka iyo horumarinta Waxbarashada; in ay garab istaagaan, kana kaalmeeyaan Daaweynta inta dhaawacantay iyo horumarinta waxbarashada Mustaqbalka.







Tirakoobka khasaaraha: dhimasho/ dhaawac ee Jaamacada:




No Qeybaha Jaamacada Dhimasho dhaawac


1- Maamul/ Macalin/ Shaqaale 2 10


2- Arday 6 22


3- Waalid 2 3


4- Total 10 35






Faahfaahinta khasaaraha Dhimasho & Dhaawac ee Jaamacadda:




Prof. Maxamed Aadan Warsame (Shahiid) Dhimasho Gudoomiyaha Hay’ada Benadir ee Tacliinta Sare Caafimaadka

Xuseen Macalin Xasan Dhimasho Shaqaale Caawiye

Dr. Max’ed Max’ud Xasan (Bidey) Dhaawac Hormuudka kuliyada Caafimaadka

Dr. C/lahi Sheikh Xuseen (Bushkaleeti) Dhaawac Macalin Caafimaadka

Dr. C/lahi Xuseen Maalin Dhaawac Macalin Caafimaadka

Dr. Tahliil Cabdi Afrax Dhaawac Macalin Caafimaadka

Dr. Maxamed Axmed Weheliye Dhaawac Macalin Caafimaadka

Maxamed C/qadir Nur Dhaawac Hormud kuliyadda Waxbarshada

Aadan Maxamed Macalin (Maato) Dhaawac Macalin Waxbarshada

Jaylaani Qaasim Sayid Dhaawac Diiwaan-geliyaha Maamulka

Ismaciil C/raxman Max’ed Dhaawac Shaqaale Xafiiska diiwaan gelinta

Axmed Cali Aadan Dhaawac Shaqaale Computer Lap

Max’ed C/qadir Max’ed Dhimasho Arday/ 5aad Caafimaadka

Axmed Xasan Xuseen Dhimasho Arday /5aad Caafimaadka

Muxyadin Aweys Axmed Dhimasho Arday /4aad Caafimaadka

Maxamed C/lahi Cali (Dayax) Dhimasho Arday/ 6aad Caafimaadka

Jamaal Luqmaan Ismaciil Dhimasho Arday / 2aad Engneeriya

Aadan Mukhtaar Xasan (Korneele) Dhimasho Arday/ 3aad Waxbarashada

Dr. Axmed Shiikhdoon Diini Dhaawac Arday/ qalin jabiyey Caafimaadka

Dr. Xuseen Cusman Cabdulle Dhaawac Arday/qalin-jebiyey Caafimaadka

Dr. Max’ed Qaasim Xasan Dhaawac Arday/qalin-jebiyey Caafimaadka

Dr. Ilyas C/ladif Sh. Yusuf Dhaawac Arday/qalin-jebiyey Caafimaadka

Dr. C/lahi Maxamed sh. Max’ed Dhaawac Arday/qalin-jebiyey Caafimaadka

Dr. Xuseen Mahad Axmed Dhaawac Arday/qalin-jebiyey Caafimaadka

Dr.Bashiir Xuseen Cusmaan Dhaawac Arday/ qalijabiyey Caafimaadka

Dr. Yonis Ali Afrah Dhaawac Arday/ qalinjabiyey Caafimaadka

C/kariin Max’ud Kaahiye Dhaawac Arday/ 3aad Caafimaadka

Cusmaan C/lle Faarax Dhaawac Arday/ 2aad Caafimaadka

Cabdirahman Abdikarim Ahmed Dhaawac Arday/ 6aad Caafimaadka

Dr. Sakhawadin Ahmed Sh. Dhaawac Arday/ qalinjabiyey Caafimaadka

C/qadir Cali Cabdi Dhaawac Arday/ qalinjebiyey Comp. Sci.& IT

C/xakiin Faarax Kaarshe Dhaawac Arday/ qalinjabiye Comp. Sci.& IT

C/qadir C/lahi Axmed Dhaawac Arday/ 3aad Comp. Sci.& IT

Cqadir Maxamed Siyaad Dhaawac Arday/ 4aad Comp. Sci.& IT

Maxamed Macalin Cusman Dhaawac Arday/ Qalinjabiye Education

Cusman Axmed Xared Dhaawac Arday/ Qalinjabiye Education

Caydaruus Maxamud Maxmed Dhaawac Arday/ Qalinjabiye Education

Axmed Cabdi Xusen Dhaawac Arday/ Qalinjabiye Education

Cabdullahi Max’ud Xasan Dhaawac Arday/ Qalinjabiye Education

Cabdirahman Aden Buule Dhaawac Arday/ 3aad Education

Maxamed Cabdirahman Khaliif Dhaawac Arday/ 3aad Education

Abubakar Xuseen Faarax (Qoorey) Dhimasho Waalid

Abubakar Ibrahim Xasan Dhimasho Waalid

Eng. Cumar Cabdi Maxamed Dhaawac Waalid

Prof. Xusen Tooxow Faarax Dhaawac waalid

Xasan Maxamed Cabdi Dhaawac waalid



Ugu danbeyn Jaamacadu waxey u mahad-naqeysaa dhammaan intii kala qeybqashay Farxaddii Xafladda Qalin-jabinta & Murugadii ka danbeysay & dhammaan inta ka qeyb-qaadatay badbaadinta & Taakuleynta dadka ku waxyeeloobay Qaraxaas.




Guddiga Xog-ururinta &Taakuleynta kala soo xiriira Cinwaanadaan;




Tel; + 252-1- 225363/ +252-1-859958 +252-1-859958 +252-5-920287 +252-5-920287 .




Mobile: + 252-1-5546122/ +252-1-5557614/ +252-5-770050 +252-5-770050














A. Salama Bank: 30001979


B. Amal Bank: 44860


C. Qaran Bank: 1359


D. Dahabshiil Bank: 5151

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