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Marka, Baidoa demo's against President Sharif

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Marka, Feb 03 - Mudaaharaad looga soo horjeedo dawlada cusub ee M/weyne Sh. Shariif, laguna taageeray ururka Al-Shabaab oo ka dhacay Marka, Sh. Hoose.


Dadweyne aad u fara badan oo ka soo horjeeda dawlada cusub ee uu madaxda ka yahay M/weyne Shariif ayaa isugu soo baxay wadooyinka magaalada Marka ee gobolka Sh. Hoose.


Mudaaharaadka ayaa waxaa soo abaabulay maamulka gobolka ee Islaamiga ah, waxaana ka hadlay madaxda gobolka Sh. Hoose iyo kuwa magaalada Marka.


M/weyne Shariif ayaa lagu eedeeyey in uu yahay calooshiisa u shaqayste u adeegaya cadowga Somaliya, ahna fure loo adeegsanayo sidii loo wiiqi lahaa awooda Islaamiyiinta.


Magaalada Marka ayaa waxaa ka arimiya xoogaga Al-Shabaab oo gacanta ku haya badi gobollada Koonfureed ee Somaliya.


Mudaharaad kan la mid ah ayaa shalay ka dhacay magaalada Baydhabo ee gobolka Bay, oo uu ka arrimiyo urur diineedka Al-Shabaab.


Tani waxaa ay adkaynaysaa fursada uu M/weyne Shariif ku xallili karo mashaqada gaamuray ee Koonfurta Somaliya.


Hoggaanka M/weyne Shariif ayaa taageero ka helay wadamada caalamka, Somalida qurbejoogta ah, balse aan weli kasban shucuubka gobollada Somaliya ee ay tahay in uu hogaamiyo.


Diiwaanka Wararka,

Idaacada Daljir.

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^Alshabaab do control large segments of Mogadishu too, this is a bad start for Sheikh Shariif but I hope things will get better

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Sh.Shariif' government has Hiiraan, quarter of Muqdisho and perhaps cities in shabeele dhexe like Jowhar. They're almost in the same position as failed entity of abdul-tigree.

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^^^The clown speaks, adeer Yusuf had 40% of Somalia known as Puntland thus Sharif is at a disadvantage if he does not placate Puntland. Also we had Baidoa and most of Mogadishu..


Anyhow keep talking secessionist.

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