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^^ My slogans make sense, adeer. You are a shining proof of that dee! :D

The people I speak about (apart from your earlier positions of course) are the TFG and your former hero, Sharif. Nothing changed and, in the eyes of your new boys, AMISOM is no different to the Kenyans or Ethiopians. Still, it's no surprise that you finally found your level. Al Shabab waxba isma dhaantan saaxib; they hide behind their cumaamado and you hide behind your (ever evolving) nationalism. War soo baxa ha la idin wada arki dee. :D

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Adeer we've been there before . Ethiopia and Kenya have no solutions for Somalia. To think so is almost ****** wallaahi


As for the weak points you keep raising with respect to my level or positions, that has become quite the norm with you awoowe. I only hope I could clear your confusion.

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^^ You couldn't because it is you who is confused, saaxib. Marna karvanka'ad saarantahay marna dhagaxan baad ku jiidaysa. Xadid mowqifak yaa saaxibi.


As for Ethiopia & Kenya not having a solution for Somalia, I never for once suggested that they do. They are simply a means to an end. Once they destroy Al Shabab; your qabiil, MMA's qabiil, A&T's qabiil, Maaddeey's qabiil and every other qabiil can stop the nonsense and sort themselves out to find a way to fix Somalia.


Somali ma tihid, saaxib. Ina hebel baad tahay. You can't help it, it's in your culture and upbringing and you really really don't need a caseer-drinking carab like me to remind you of this ailment that you all suffer from (I exclude myself and the sijui crew from such a handicap, though I fully sympathise of course). Now listen to me, iskala bixi oo khashaafka jooji adeer, you'll feel all the better for it. :D

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The ignorance at work,


The definition of Jahil Murakab in the fiqh schools waa midka aan waxba garaney, ogeynna inuusan waxba garanynin

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^^In your attempt to explain the Somali azmah with your 'Clan is Everything' nonsense, you are resorting to incoherence. There are two political constructs with solid clan orientation (Somaliland, and Puntland) and they are doing just fine. In the south Alshabaab and Ahlusunnah dominate militarily and they are anything but clannish. TFG has a H president, a D Prime Minister, a Baydhabo Speaker, and even Hargeysa Defense Minister, and they are at times act harmoniously. Farmaajo got wild support from Mogadishu, an H strong hold. Those are the facts.


There was a time when Somalis fought and kill each other because of clan lineage. Not anymore. Clan is part of Somalia social fabric but it is not everything...very elementary but we shall repeat it to NGONGE :D.


So much for destroy clans to unite them

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^^ The president, prime minster, speaker and defence minister were not/are not there for the blackness of their eyes, adeer. Doesn't 4.5 mean anything to you anymore? :D


Eeg, Xiin, beenta aan iska joojino saaxib. Somali is built on clans and EVERYTHING revolvs around this concept. Don't let the fact that this site has banned the mention of clans blind you to what takes place out there in the real world. It has always been about clans and the solution to the Somali problem will never come from any place other than the clans themselves.


Now, as a Somali who grew up in Somali to deny such an obvious fact would mean two things; either you're lying or you fell and hit your head as a child (I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and go with number two here). Hadaba maqal, beentaan aad ko nooshiheen in SOL joojiya and tell it as it is. Look over on that thread where A&T and Zack are singing the ONLF praises and the coming deal with Ethiopia; are A&T and Zack just Somali? NOPE, they are from the clan that put the O in front of the NLF. So that's three (in addtion to PL & SL), wada?


War I'm going home. Bal think of a new and original argument for when I come back. Salaam.

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^^You ignored the original argument...Clan is not everything


I said clan is part of the Somali no denying of its role. Clan is everything assertion ignores why Alshabaab is rising, and Ahlusunnah has a table on the seat...why Xaabsade is a minister in Hargeysa, and Ina Carab is on the TFG cabinet.



Professor Abtigis may give you a hand here, but I am sure he does not oppose Ethiopia because of his clan. Abdi Iley and the good Professor belong to the same clan; one is an Ethiopian governor, presiding ten thousand militia while the other is a supporter of ONLF, vanquishing in exile life away from family and friends. And you say CLAN IS EVERYTHING...allow ku hanuuni


PS; 4.5 is a political construct. It has no clannish resonance in the traditional sense. It is universally agreed to be unfair system. You can tell by who is preserving it ...

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^^ Al Shabab are a one-off, saaxib (I'm not sure about Ahlu el sunta though). For the rest, is yeelyeelka jooji warya. You really can't keep speaking with both sides of your mouth in such a way, saaxib. Here you tell me that clans are not everything but on threads about Azania you argue that this is a clannish project, on threads about SSC you praise the SSC clans for finally sitting down and talking, on threads about SL you moan about the "SNM's" clannish project, etc, etc, etc..


Adeer khashaafka jooji and come out in the open. Only such 'liberation' will free you to express your opinions more openly and they may (just may) begin to make sense.



The examples you give are neither here nor there really. Splitting hairs over clans or sub-clans being everything only goes on to prove the point, saaxib.

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Alshabaab is one off kulahaa


So much for 'Clan is everything'. Waa kaa haray waryaa, laakiin baro sida arguments ka loo sameeyo :D

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^^ My argument is water tight, saaxib. Bal taada mar uun ha hagaagto (trust me, if you come clean you'll have some powerful arguments to fall back on, not to mention clarity). ;)

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^^I understand you are emotionally invested in this 'Clan is Everything' nonsense. One may be best advised however to moderate his swagger in pushing it as far as you did. You are not, good NGONGE, a college kid. Absolutism, you see, is only acceptable in theological realms awoowe---casting it on the ever evolving Somali conflict is [waryaa meelaha banaan buuxi] :D


I gave examples , facts that clearly contradict your assertions. Yet you are unable to even acknowledge the palpable anomalies in it , war wax isku fal waryaa

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^^ :D...the examples you give are of sub-clans breaking from the main block and going it alone. SUB-CLANS! You clutch at straws when the reality of the Somali situation is staring you right in the face. When Faroole talks about 'bililiqsi', when SSC are sitting together right now to see how they can salvage their clan's future, when Horn is posting threads talking about his clans areas being free of Al Shabab, etc, etc, etc..


Nothing to do with absolutism and all to do with reality. Khashaafka jooji saaxib, you too are not a college kid. ;)

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