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They are back [Ethios]

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Even in that time (2006-9) there was suicide bombings and missions, but still these people were against Ethiopian invasion, as you mentioned Al Shabaab never changed, they used to do what they do now.


Al Shabab ha la jebiyo, lakin cadawga duullaanka ah dhibaatada uu ka tegi doono ma ka fekerteen?. 2007-dii Ethiopianku min Galgaduud illaa Kulbiyow ayay qabsadeen, Shabaabna waxay soo laabteen iyagoo intii ka xoog badan. Eesh Faa'idah?.

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Maaddeey;769903 wrote:
Even in that time (2006-9) there was suicide bombings and missions, but still these people were against Ethiopian invasion, as you mentioned Al Shabaab never changed, they used to do what they do now.


Al Shabab ha la jebiyo, lakin cadawga duullaanka ah dhibaatada uu ka tegi doono ma ka fekerteen?. 2007-dii Ethiopianku min Galgaduud illaa Kulbiyow ayay qabsadeen, Shabaabna waxay soo laabteen iyagoo intii ka xoog badan. Eesh Faa'idah?.

The 'faaidah' is in the shift in the way of thinking of most people. It's all about trends, Maaddeey. Back then, people were still of the belief that Courts were hard done by and that Al Shabab were fighting a just fight. Therefore the sympathy vote was with Al Shabab. However, today and after watching the madness of Al Shabab unfolding over a number of sorry years, the trend is changing and the 'xabash' don't sound too bad. In addition, with the clever invention of states such as Azania, the xabash (and others) can arm, aid and assist such states whenever the time for leaving comes. The days of invading in force and then leaving are long gone.


I don't hide my hatred of Al Shabab and neither do I (nor ever did) profess my love for the TFG. Having said that, I have always believed (and still do) that Somalis problems will improve every time we eliminate one of the obstacles to peace. Today, Al Shabab is the MAJOR obstacle. I have no worries about Ethiopians, Kenyans or AMISOM remaining for an indifinate period, because, I can see that there are Somalis (such as yourself) who will never accept such an eventuality. Furthermore, I believe it easier to dislodge an invading neighbour than the massive task of disinfecting the Shabab infestation. Saaxiibo war ii ma haysid, if it were in my hands I'd even ban the mosque-collecting wadaado from Universal TV and the like. The war cry today should be; Qabiil is good, Shabab is bad.



Dhibaatada aad sheegayso ma mid cusub ba? Regardless of who is fighting when, the people are going to suffer and die. Hadaba, while they're dying we must ensure that their children don't by getting rid of the reasons for such needless deaths. Every day is not a new day, saaxib. Taarikh iyo dhibaatada aad sheegayso ayaa ka horiisay. Therefore, whilst worrying about the problems that may (will) come, bear in mind that today's plans may go along way into changing tomorrow's landscape. Aqool qowli hada......

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If this drags long enough and Ethiopia complicates and compounds the problem as I think it would , those supporting Ethiopia today will inevitably support a new group or dissipate into whatever group they support leaving the TFG as is or not even weaker. Nothing good could come out of this.

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^ Exactly!.


NGONGE, I thought you were a reasonable person until I saw you blame Shabaab for things they never did (banning bras, forcing women in their period to wear red 'I think thats from your pocket', etc), unless you were trying to be funny!.


Waryaa, meelaha ay Shabaab ka taliyaan waa the most peaceful places in the world, if you mean Maamul UN-ku aqoonsanyahay, waa runtaa, lakin maxay TFG u tartay aqoonsi UN?, waa kuwaa baarlamaanka & madaxdoodu mar walba isku haysta waxyaabo taafih ah. Sxb, Soomaalida wax Shabaab uga roon maleh hadda. Mucjiso oo dhacda mooyee, nabadda aad sheegeyso inta cirku kuu jiro ayay Soomaalida u jirtaa.. wa astaghfirullaaha lee wa lak!.

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^^ Dee ma been ban isku sheegayna, saaxib? I have never agreed with or spread the rubbish about Al Shabab banning bras and the other nonsense. I know what Al Shabab stand for and also know what they believe (or at least what the majority do).


My oppostion to Al Shabab is a matter of principle, saaxib. Isku diin ma nihin (according to them). If their areas are peaceful it is only so because they'll blow the hell out of any oppostion (fair or otherwise).


Again, I am not sure why you are telling me about the TFG. I already told you that I don't support that lot either. But, with the TFG, I know that they'll go one day because of their obsession with waxyaabaha 'taafiha' ah aad ka hadlayso, I don't think Al Shabab will go unless totally defeated and destroyed. I don't see a future for Somali while the Shabab are in control, saaxib. These guys don't want to talk to anyone, don't get on with anyone and only know how to blow whoever disagrees with them up. When one weighs all their 'good' against their bad, they're found wanting.



Whatever group comes after Al Shabab is not likely to be one using the faith as their driving force. At most they'll be a clan group. We understand clan, we don't understand Afghani clans though. Wax fahan.

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^^ Nothing wrong with collecting funds for Mosques. None at all. But, in a fight against Al Shabab, one must remove all reasons that may garner wrong sympathy. Marka, the collecting wadaads should take a break from the airwaves until such a time that the mad ones are off the air too.... xata la yakhtalit zaytuna bi daqiiqina, ya basha.

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Just like before Ethiopia will withdraw and alshabaab will emerge stronger , with the Garowe political outcome there is no reason to think current interventions are for supporting Somalia.


Ethiopia is the enemy, the Youth however misguided remain ours and will one day come back to fold in the greater Somalia

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^^ Xamaasad waalan! :D


Kan kaa sariyaa waa nooca "يعطيك من طرف اللسان حلاوة.."...bal inoo waydii his opinion on AMISOM this week. :D


Worse still, if you agree with the rubbish about Al Shabab being 'ours' who 'will come back into the fold' , ninka aan ku mooday ma tihid ya Maaddeey.

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AMISOM was an appealing security arrangement couple years ago. Not anymore. Ethiopia is an old enemy , and still is.


NGONGE is confused as ever. He fails to distinguish sovereign armies fighting for national interests (Ethiopia, Kenya) from a mere security arrangement (AMISOM) drawn from different and distant countries...

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^^ An appealing security arrangement? Then you go and tell me that I am the confused one! :D

The same people that asked for AMISOM's help are those that are giving their blessings to the Kenyan & Ethiopian invasions, adeer. What was that story that A&T was telling about the short man and tall woman again? :D

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^^Who are the people you are talking about?


Waad rafanaysaa sidaadii...


Stick to your slogans (Clan is everything, Anything but Alshabaab) :D

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