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Eritrea blames Washington for Somalia war

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...Interesting article: ews-1


........."There is a misrepresentation in the media. This war is between the Americans and the Somali people," Eritrean Information Minister Ali Abdu told Reuters by true

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Why would they blame them ?

Myabe they lost and thus one has to blame a stronger power.

Your definition of losing or winning a war is flawed. As I have stated before, losing or winning a war occurs when two forces of equal or comparable strengths fight. In the sport of boxing, there are clearly defined weight classes. A fight between a heavyweight class and a featherweight class isn't a fight; there cannot be a win or loss in such a fight. Clearly, the war between the ICU and the TFG with its allies (Ethiopia, the US, EU, AU, iwm) isn't a war where losing or winning it is applicable. In such a war, a setback occurs.

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