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Sana'a to open consulate in Garowe+Saleh welcomes Farole+Farole meets with Yusuf

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M/weyne Faroole & waftigiisa oo la kulmay M/weynaha dalka Yemen Cali Cabdalla Saaalax.


Sanca, Oct 08 - Waxaa maalmihii la soo dhaafay safar hawleed ku joogay dalka Yemen wafti uu hogaaminayo M/weynaha Puntland C/raxamaan Maxamed Faroole. Waftiga M/weyne Faroole iyo waftigiisa ayaa maanta la kulmay M/weynaha dalka Yemen Cali Cabdalla Saalax oo martiqaad u fidiyey waftiga.


Kulanka labada mas'uul ayaa lagy gorfeeyey iskaashi dhinacyada amniga, dhaqaalaha oo dhex mara labada ummadood, iyada sidoo kalena lagu gorfeeyey siyaasada murugsan ee Somaliya.


Yemen ayaa ka mid ah wadamada daneeya arrimaha Somaliya, taageerana u fidisa shacabka Somaliya.


Waxaa ku nool dalka Yemen qaxooti tira badan oo Somali ah, xaaladooda nololeedna ay liidato.


M/weyne Faroole ayaa waxaa safarka ku weheliya xubno uu ka mid yahay wasiirka amniga ee Puntland Gen. C/llahi Axmed Jaamac 'Ilkajiir'.


Waftiga M/weynaha ayaa hore ula kulmay wasiirada arrimaha gudaha & warfaafinta ee dalka Yemen.


Mudadaii uu waftiga M/weyne Faroole ku sugnaa magaalada Sanca ee dalka Yemen waxaa uu la kulmay C/llahi Yusuf Axmed, M/weynihii hore ee dawlada federaalka ah ee Somaliya, ahaana M/weynihii hore ee dawlada Puntland.


Labada mas'uul ayaa kulamadooda ku gorfeeyey adkaynta amniga ee gobolka, midnimada shacabka Puntland, iyo horumarka bulsheed ee Puntland.


Waftiga M/weyne Faroole oo hore safar hawleed ugu maray dalalka Ethiopia & Jabuuti ayaa lagu wadaa in uu dalka dib ugu soo laabto maalmaha soo socda.


Diiwaanka Wararka,

Idaacada Daljir.

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Originally posted by August 1st:

Puntland and Yemen to brotherly States


are you drunk or somthing :confused:

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the first think faroole must do is to retake lascaanod befor summer


but before that Puntland need more modern army!!

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there is nothing in the article that you posted that says yemen will open a consulate in garowe, :D:D


the headline of this topic should be,




walahi, that is exactly what he did, nothing about consulate saxib, the only reason why you want to make people think that is because they have a consulate in Hargaisa and you dont want to be second fiddle.


but you are not second, maybe third or fourth, after alshabab and ahlul sunnah wal jamaca who have a larger army then you. :D


But understand in the this naibourhood, the red white and green and the shahada rein suppreme even in your little village of the east, with buhoodle on the way.


so dream on dreamers. :D:D:D:D

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Originally posted by Secessionist:

blah blah blah ... khat driven babble ... blah blah blah

What does it matter to you what the relationship between Yemen and Puntland is? Puntland is a respected community member that is invited to neighboring states, meanwhile Khatland is out pretending to be a real state and the whole world is tired of it. I bet your leader gets a kick out of meeting with tribal princes and travel ministers from UK and Djibouti.

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