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General Duke

President Yusuf meets with elders religious leaders of Bay..

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Madaxweyne Cabdulaahi Yuusuf iyo Ra'iisul Wasaare Geedi oo maanta kulan la qaatay Culuma'udiinka Gobolka Bay






Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Federaalka kmg ee Soomaaliya Md. Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed, Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Xfkmg ee Somalia Prof. Cali Maxamed Geedi, Kuxigeenka Ra'iisul Wasaaraha ahna Wasiirka Xanaanada Xoolaha Prof. Saalim Caliyow Ibrow iyo Qaar ka tirsan labada gole ayaa maanta kulan la qaatay Culuma'udiinka Gobolka Bay oo soo bandhigay sida ay diyaar ugu yihiin inay la shaqeeynayaan dowlada Federaalka isla markaana soo bandhigay rabitaankooda ku aadan sida ay uga go'an tahay inay dorkooda soo bandhigaan.




Shariif Xuseen Shiikh Xasan oo ka mid ahaa horjoogayaasha culumada ayaa halkaasi kasoo jeediyey in dadweynaha Reer Baydhabo ay u baahan yihiin Dowlad, Nabad iyo Nidaam, Shariifka ayaa ku nuux nuuxsaday in aysan Fowdo ku jirin oo aysan u baahnayn wuxuuna ku duceeyey in uu Ilaah siiyo Qeyr Shartana Ilaah hanaga nabad galiyo buu yiri Shariifka.




Ahlu Suna Wal Jamaaca diyaar uma aha inay dowlada burburiyaan, marabno inaan shacabka dhib ku abuurno ab iyo isirna uma lihin, hadaad na taageertaan Inshaa Allah idinkana Ilaah waa idiin taageerayaa hadaad tihiin dowlada federaalka ayuu yiri Shiikh Cabdulaahi Shiikh Cali Shiikh Eedan oo ahaa Culumadii halkaasi ka hadashay.


Shiikh Aadan Towfiiq oo isna ah Culumada ugu waaweyn ee Gobolka Bay oo kaalintii kaga aadanayd halkaasi ka jeediyey ayaa yiri waxaan la hadlayaa Madaxda Dowlada waxaana ka codsanayaa inaad ilaah ka baqdaan oo Ilaah ku xernaataan wuxuu kaloo Shiikha ka codsaday in Dowlada ay soo saarto sharciga ah in qofkii qof dila in la dilo waayo buu yiri waxaa magaalada ka dhacay dilal kala duwan oo loo geystay Rag iyo Dumar taasoo soo da dajinayso buu yiri ammaan iyo dhiiga Islaamka oo aan lagu deg degin.


Shiikh Towfiiq ayaa ka codsaday madaxda dowlada inay magaalada ku naadiyaan cidii cid disho in isagana la dilayo taasoo uu ku tilmaamay in lagu heli karo amaan iyo Cabsi inaan qofna lagu deg degin.


Ugu danbeeyntii Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya ayaa laga codsaday inuu halkaasi ka duceeyo iyadoo markaasi qudbooyinkii loogu talo galay aysan suura galin waayo waxaa durbadiiba yimi Roob ma hiigaan ah oo lagu soo afjaray ducada Madaxweyne Yuusuf wuxuuna ku duceeyey:


(Qeyr Allaha Nasiiyo, Iimaanka Allaha inagu soo celsho Cadowga Balaayada ah oo Bidcada ah oo wadanka fara baas ku haaya Allaha naga Qabto, Guul Allaha nagaarsiiyo, dhibaatada Allaha inaga dhameeyo, Soomaali oo mid ah oo Qaranimadeedii iyo Sharafkeedii la soo noqoto Allaha ina gaarsiiyo, aan u howl galno, Sida Daadka Socda Nimanka inta Cagaha Dhulka uga qaadno aan Dabada u Foorarino ayuu kusoo afjaray Ducada Madaxweyne Cabdulaahi Yuusuf.


Kulankani ayaa Culumada waxa ay kusoo bandhigeen inay maalmahaanba ku jireen Quraan Aqris ay Allah ku baryayaan in Colaada jirta Ilaah uu ka kor qaado dalka Soomaaliya, iyagoo maantana Quraan Aqriskaasi lasoo gabagabeeyey halkaasina lagu cunay Alla Bari.


Ma jirin sida looga bartay Madaxda Dowlada Federaalka Qudbooyin waayo waxa isla markiiba isa soo xiray Daruuro, markii la gaaray Guntii iyo Gabagabadiina waxaa si weyn u hoortay daruurtii (Roob aad u weyn) waana la soo afjaray dhamaan Xafladii loogu talo galay in madaxda ka qudbayso.


Isu imaatinkaan ayaa waxaa soo diyaariyey maamulka Gobolka Bay oo uu horkacayey Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Bay Xaaji Maxamuud Maxamed Barbaar iyo Xildhibaanda beesha Digil iyo Mirifle, iyadoo waliba Shariif Xasan Shiikh Aadan uu haatan kusugan yahay magaalada Muqdisho wax war ahna uusan Madaxweynaha wali kasoo bixin.



Bidix Wasiirka Amniga, Dhexda Gud. Gobolka Bay, Midig Wasiiru Dow Qorsheynta

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Abdi2005, stop the insults Yusuf fought two major wars for Somalia. He was a hero and still is a hero...

What insult? evry one knows about his treachery in 82, he lead the ethiopian forces against somalia capturing balanbal where they raised the ethiopian flag. The man was a national-traitor and he is still a national traitor collaborating with ethiopians.

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True he fought two wars but he cowardly capitulated and ran like a chicken- once Abdi Bile, Always Abdi Bile


Instead Sheikh Colonel Hassan Dahir Aweys heroic exploits are against the enemies of Somalia are well-recorded in the military annals and archives of Somalia.


Sheikh Hassan made a mistake when he caught Caasho yuusuf in Puntland by sparing his pathetic life. Such mistake backfired and untested clannish allegiance destroyed the Al-Itihad group. The Puntlanders put clan loyalty ahead of principles.

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^^^Everyone knows the lies you spew every other day. Every faction against Barre was based in Ethiopia. However it was not Yusuf or his faction that detroyed the Somali institutions in Mogadishu and then went about ethnic cleansing clans from parts of the country.


Yusuf is a war hero and fought for Somalia in 1964 & 1978. He refused to let the Ethiopians put their flag in Somalia soil losing men and serving 6 years in jail.


He was a high serving officer from 1960 on wards and a well repected strategist of war, even President Barre respected his millitary abilities though he was his bitteres rival.


Yusuf led the Somali brigades to their initial victory in the ****** war.


Saxib dont try it, I am too old for such lame slurs. My own relatives were in the SSDF battles and gave first hand accounts. Yours is no more than clan hearsay told by old women who have far too much time on their hands..



Prison warden Xasan Dahir is not mentioned in the annals of both 1964 & 1978, a certain General Galaal has left a foot note, but nothing of Captain Xasan Dahir fighting anyone outside Somali's in the civil war period, no mention of Yusuf IndaCade either, or Seeraar, Goobanle, later day warlords who attack unarmed villages..Cayrow was a mere child..

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Its good that you atleast admit that he was in collabaration with them in 82, his refusal to raise the ethiopian flag (if its true which i doubt) dousent dissolve him from his treachery. Onse a traitor always a traitor.

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^^^lol. Everyone is traitor then saxib..The SSDF was fighting Barre just like the USC, SNM and all the other rebel groups. The Tigray were in Somalia fighting the dictator Menghesto... So traitors all round huh. Melez and Aferwarki with their Somali passports must be traitors to their countries as well..

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Abdi2005, stop the insults Yusuf fought two major wars for Somalia. He was a hero and still is a hero...

To you he is a hero, but to the rest of Somaliweyn he a is warlord/traitor/criminal/selfish/maquuste, who sold his soul.

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