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What is the Berbera free zone?

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Originally posted by Northerner:

Skimmed through the thread. Nothing new and no back-up/rationale for statements made.

I didn't expect you to admit my stance makes sense sxb, thats for the SOL readers to decide. The points I made are clear and any logical being will understnad what I am saying.


JB, the Xafun deal is shady and illegal, its and a ridiculous deal Jacaylbaro. The people of Puntland know their present situation and that they are under occupation and that they can't choose who rules them without Xabash consent. The ruling people delude themselves that the xabash is their friend and that they are 'using' the xabash while they are the ones being used. The secessionist ruling clique tells the same BS to the people as the PL ruling cliqie, they also say that teh Xabash is their freind and that they are willing to do business with whoever etc etc.


So in my book todays PL and secessionists are two Xabash pawns, that are used to divide the Somali people.


I am from waqooyi galbeed and thats why I concerm myself with issues regarding waqooyi galbeed. The land is as much mine as its yours and I will raise my voice against what I don't disagree with in my home region.

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So in essense your using a free zone port development to drive home your point of Ethios influencing things in the horn?


Saxib, when a person states 'my stance makes sense' and 'any logical being would understand it' smacks of defeatism! In other words 'I am right all the time in everything I say' even though you are yet to put forward anything meaningful apart from the usual.


How can a port free zone not benefit the locals or the authorities?? Any logical person would say it would!

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You posted this on the other thread.




Ethiopian delegation wraps up visit to Somaliland


By Moha Dahir Farah Jire


HARGEISA, Somaliland- The Ethiopian delegation led by Juneydi Sado, minister for transport and communication ended its week long mission that including evaluating the 12 months the Berbera Corridor Project.

Mr. Juneydi Sado in an exclusive interview with SSI before leaving somaliland at Mansour Hotel mentioned that the aim of the delegation’s trip to Somaliland was to evaluate and monitor the progress made on the Berbera corridor project.


“First of all Somaliland and Ethiopia have very good relations and have many things to work on together not only this project Berbera corridor, and I myself like the kindness and warm welcomes I received from the people of Somaliland. Secondly there was a plan in which the Ethiopian government was working of how the link the road from Harar to Jijiga up to Tog-Wajale at the border of Somaliland and Ethiopia can rebuild and join them smoothly.

Things are going smoothly we will finish in about a year”, said the minister.

The minister also stated that talks are taking place with the Eu in the road construction project from Tog-wajale to Berbera and is currently awaiting feed back from the EU. Upon completion of these projects Ethiopia would be able to use Berbera to import and export 20 % of goods going in and out of the country. Ethiopia started using the Berbera port in 2005 to act as an optional port to Djibouti.


Mr. Juneydi Sado added Ethiopia considers somaliland ‘s port in Berbera because it is secure and cheaper than other ports in Africa and its proximity to the various regional states in Ethiopia.

Where does it say Ethios will patrol the route?


My only concern is whether SL is being paid enough and whether it will actually benefit the state instead of going into Riyaale's back pocket.

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^ My question is also how will the secessionist entity be paid? and how will the region benefit from it? Maybe you should read what I write, then you will know we are actually saying the same thing.

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This is what the author of the initial article wrote and his list of why the Berbera Free Trade zone will benefit the North West region was simplistic and thats what made me question this deal, and whether the locals were being cheated. The case is being presented by the secessionist leadership and their xabash masters is being pushed with lies like it will benefit teh locals, while the real beneficiary is the xabash at the cost of Somalis everywhere.


One , a free zone is typically labor intensive activities. Therefore employment gains are significant.


Secondly , a free zone brings new technology, for example, in terms of production methods. That can contribute in the way we produce things even inside Somaliland.


Thirdly , this introduction of technology and different know-how in production actually develop human resource, which enters there as employees. It educates them; it is like on the job training. The unskilled can become skilled, and the skilled one can become more professional.


Fourthly , it is the way of connecting the Somaliland economy with international markets, with international companies and with the economies of other countries. The chance to export to all over the world is all of a sudden open with out much restriction, through the various industries in the free zone.


Fifthly , by having a free zone you also have a chance of availability of resources and raw materials, finished products, technological equipments and so on in your own country. That has a big impact on expediting economic development inside Somaliland.


Last but not least , the ability is created for Somaliland to sell its raw materials and its resources to the world through the free zone. We have had problems in trying to export many of our products, but in this one as long as you have companies who are processing that need these resources, you have an instant foreign market and you sell this in foreign currency. Therefore, the revenues gained would enable us to get the necessary reserves in terms of foreign currency.

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^^Avoiding the hard hitting questions as usual.


The main issue you have raised is that of Ethiopia influencing things in the horn (taa wa laisga ogaa) by using the Berbera Free Zone to put forward your point. This is where we have a problem. Your trying to use your small finger to try and lift an articulated lorry.


SL will obviously be paid (no I have no proof). Will that money be used wisely? I dont know. But your main concern (some would say desire) was an Ethiopian occupation right?


ps still wanna know where you got the 'Ethio troops will protect their investment' stuff.

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Northerner, the secessionist entity is already a satellite of Ethiopia and its influence is for all of us to see.


The creation of BFTZ benefits Ethiopia. The locals will not benefit from this deal and the list of benifits that the author of the initial article put forward is lets say simplistic.


On the issue of Ethiopian troops patrolling the highway and occupying Berbera (maybe even with consent of the ruling clique in the secessionist entity) is not a far fetched idea. The reason why I brought this forward is that the Ethio's have to protect their supply line and will use any means necessary to do that. Resistance fighters trying to disrubt those supplies lines to choke The Xabash is also not a far fetched idea.

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^^In other words your ‘concerns’ have no basis what-so-ever :D and what did I tell you about repeating things? They wont make your stance any more favourable mate ;)


Now if you talked about the SL govnt's misuse of the port then we might get somewhere but you chose to jump in at the deep end without a rubber dingy :D

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Those smileys are the first sings that your about to crack under the pressure sxb.



Analysis means literally to break a complex problem down into smaller, more manageable "independent" parts for the purposes of examination; with the hope that solving these smaller parts will lead to a solution of the more complex problem as well.

In predicting what the situation will be in lets say 2 years we do not have to base everything on facts, because we are predicting what the future will bring. We can use the situation on the ground today as our starting point and other historical precedents to predict how the situation will evolve.


We are reasoning here.


Deductive arguments are intended to have reasoning that is valid. Reasoning in an argument is valid if the argument's conclusion must be true when the premises (the reasons given to support that conclusion) are true. One classic example of deductive reasoning is that found in syllogisms like the following:


Premise 1: All humans are mortal.

Premise 2: Socrates is a human.

Conclusion: Socrates is mortal.

So the arguments I have used in previous posts are valid.

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I am from waqooyi galbeed and thats why I concerm myself with issues regarding waqooyi galbeed. The land is as much mine as its yours and I will raise my voice against what I don't disagree with in my home region.

The 3% ......... No wonder. Still i've to make sure. :D

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I see we are getting technical :D


In predicting what the situation will be in lets say 2 years we do not have to base everything on facts, because we are predicting what the future will bring. We can use the situation on the ground today as our starting point and other historical precedents to predict how the situation will evolve.

When the weatherman says it will rain tomorrow its probabaly because he has what he thinks is a tool which indicates exactly that. I know only Allah knows if it will rain tomorrow for sure but at least the weatherman has his instruments to play with :D



Deductive arguments are intended to have reasoning that is valid. Reasoning in an argument is valid if the argument's conclusion must be true when the premises (the reasons given to support that conclusion) are true. One classic example of deductive reasoning is that found in syllogisms like the following:


Premise 1: All humans are mortal.

Premise 2: Socrates is a human.

Conclusion: Socrates is mortal.

So the arguments I have used in previous posts are valid.
Do you seriously think what is said in the above correlates with your previous posts?


Stating the Ethios will occupy/patrol SL is not akin to stating Socrates is human!



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Yes we are getting technical if getting technical is the only mean of making you understand the point I am making.


I have come to the conclusion that the Ethio's will move into the region (are already there*) and will enhance their presence through deductive reasoning sxb and my argument is a valid one.


*(The Ethio's are alreday present their, with an oversized consulate, their largest in terms of workers, with a full and experienced ambassador and a large intelligence presence)


ps. Allah knows best Northerner but that shouldn't stop us predicting the road ahead, with the tools we have.

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That’s a sleepy analysis saxib which doesn’t relate (not much anyway) to Berbera Free Zone Port and how it’s a bad idea for SL. As I have already said, your using a sledge hammer to crack a nut. But hey maybe SL should abort these plans and wait to see if a not too well founded 'occupation' becomes true soomaha?

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^ time doesn't permit a full analysis at the moment, so this sleepy one will have to do it, put it seems like it has done its job and made my point clear to you. So far you haven't said anything to refute my argument.

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